
  • 网络DIC;secondary increased fibrinolytic activity
  1. 结果9例急性再障患者血浆TM含量显著高于对照组,有8例伴发DIC及继发性纤溶亢进;

    Results The plasma concentration of TM in the 9 acute AA patients was higher than that in the normal control group , and 8 of them had DIC and hyperfibrinolysis .

  2. APL患者血浆三指标明显高于其它类型AL,说明APL易发生凝血障碍和继发性纤溶亢进与高水平的TF、TFPI和D-聚体密切相关;

    The three index were much higher in APL that in other AL , which showed that there were relationship between disorder of coagulation and high level of TF , TFPI and D-D.

  3. 高脂血症患者体内处于PGI2/TXA2平衡失调、高凝状态和继发性纤溶亢进,对高脂血症患者定期监测体内凝血和纤溶功能有助于防治动脉粥样硬化。

    It is concluded that the hyperlipidemic patients have shown an imbalance of PGI 2 / TXA 2 ratio , the hypercoagulable state and secondary hyperfibrinolysis . Regular detection of the coagulation and fibrinolysis in hyperlipidemic patients can usefulness in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis ( AS ) .

  4. 胆固醇结石病人胆囊胆汁凝血和继发性纤溶亢进的研究

    Increased coagulation and fibrinolytic activities in the bile of gallstone patients

  5. 结论:轻度出血主要由高凝、继发性纤溶亢进等引起,而原发性纤溶亢进则是重度出血最主要的原因;

    Conclusion : Hyperfibrinolysis might be the main reason of bleeding in patients with sever hemorrhage , While hemostatic disorder in patients with mild hemorrhage was hypercoagulability ;

  6. 结论:PCI术后短时间内即有大量的氧自由基生成,凝血系统的激活和继发性纤溶功能亢进。

    Conclusion : There are a large amount OFR generation , platelet activation and the fibrinolytic accentuation in a short time after PCI .