
  • the Vikings;Minnesota Vikings
  1. 这一地区曾沦为维京人的殖民地。

    The area was colonized by the Vikings .

  2. 明尼苏达维京人队签下了来自达拉斯牛仔队的赫舍尔·沃克。

    The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys

  3. 许多维京人还有绰号。

    Many Viking men also had nicknames .

  4. 另一方面,维京人又加上了一个人的父亲或母亲的名字。

    The Vikings , on the other hand , added the name of a person 's father or mother .

  5. 许多现代英国人的姓氏可以追溯到统治了英格兰300年的维京人和盎格鲁-撒克逊人,这一统治直至公元1066年。

    Many modern British surnames go back to the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons who ruled England for 300 years , until 1066 AD.

  6. 维京人C:没有人会想念那个讨厌鬼。

    Viking C : No one will miss that old nuisance .

  7. 维京人B:旧的不去,新的不来,是吧?

    Viking B : Out with the old , and in with the new , right ?

  8. DNA分析表明,赫德威克绵羊确实是一千多年前由维京人船运带来的。

    DNA analysis suggests that Herdwick sheep really did come by boat with the Vikings a thousand or more years ago .

  9. 当特·卡皮普1999年进入NFL,当时他在首轮选秀的第11顺位被明尼苏达维京人选中。

    Culpepper was originally selected in the first round ( 11th overall ) of the1999 NFL Draft by Minnesota .

  10. 一群北欧维京人的大船在可怕的暴风雨中损坏了,于是他们搁浅在位于Alba的敌人领地的海岸上。

    A band of Vikings are stranded behind enemy lines on the coast of Alba as their longboat goes down in a dreadful storm .

  11. 故事发生在神秘的维京人世界,一个名叫Hiccup的年轻维京男孩为继承父亲衣钵要成为一名屠龙者。

    The story takes place in a mythical Viking world where a young Viking teenager named Hiccup aspires to follow his tribe 's tradition of becoming a dragon slayer .

  12. 随后维京人继续向南航行,他们登上了第二个岛屿。

    The Vikings then sailed south and made their second landing .

  13. 问题19:关于维京人,我们了解些什么?

    Question 19 . What do we learn about the Vikings ?

  14. 它们为了解斯堪的纳维亚的维京人的历史提供了重要的视角。

    These buildings offer vital insight into Scandinavia 's Viking past .

  15. 他说那群维京人很是担忧

    and he says the ... gang at Viking sounds worried .

  16. 维京人的第一个重大发现产生于9世纪。

    The Vikings ' first major discovery occurred in the 9th century .

  17. 生活在这一带的苏格兰人,会觉得自己是维京人吗?

    Did people in this part of Scotland feel Viking ?

  18. 我们都知道维京人的生活十分艰苦。

    It 's no surprise that Viking life was hard .

  19. 维京人D:村子里正开派对在庆祝呢。

    Viking D : The village is throwing a party to celebrate .

  20. 下面,就让我们一起探索关于维京人的10个惊人事实吧!

    Explore 10 surprising facts about the Vikings below .

  21. 你知道过去的维京人在什么地方玩耍吗?

    You know where the Vikings used to play ?

  22. 维京人号和火星探路者号传回的火星地表影像,与地球出奇类似。

    The Viking and Mars Pathfinder images from the surface look eerily Earth-like .

  23. 之后,在1001年,维京人有了最重要的发现。

    Then , in 1001 , the Vikings made their most important discovery .

  24. 后来,维京人将它命名为冰岛。

    Later , Viking travelers named it Iceland .

  25. 许多维京人通过贩卖人口致富。

    Many Vikings got rich off human trafficking .

  26. 你听说过维京人吗?

    Have you ever heard of the Vikings ?

  27. 在维京人月亮上捕捉而且处理,它是日本等级质量。

    Caught and processed on the Viking moon , it is Japanese grade quality .

  28. 这不意味维京人不会当佣兵。

    This does not mean the vikings still cannot have their glory as mercenaries .

  29. 以前维京人处死基督徒的方法就是将其肋骨折断,身体后弯

    Vikings used to execute Christians by breaking their ribs , bending them back ,

  30. 一千多年前,北欧海盗维京人沿着塞纳河入侵了法国。

    More than a thousand years ago , Vikings sailed into France along this river .