
  • 网络Molybdenum deficiency;Mo deficient
  1. 缺钼大豆的光合作用和固氮酶活性降低。

    The photosynthesis and the azotaseactivity were decreased in Mo deficient soybean .

  2. 缺钼条件下与此类似,但NO-3N浓度变化不大,NH+4N、NO-3N浓度之和最高;

    The treatment of Mo deficient was similar to the adequate , but nitrate N was no great change and the sum of ammonium and nitrate N concentrations was higher .

  3. 结果表明,34个冬小麦品种叶绿素SPAD值缺钼处理显著低于施钼处理,说明冬小麦黄化的原因是缺钼引起冬小麦叶绿素含量下降;

    SPAD values of relative chlorophyll in CK ( without Mo application ) were significantly lower than in Mo application in 34 winter wheat cultivars .

  4. 钼和硒在土壤中有很多相似的化学特性,二者对植物的有效性均随着土壤pH值的下降而降低,缺钼土壤也多伴随着缺硒。

    There are many similar chemical properties of Mo and Se in the soil . In low soil pH , bioavailability of Mo and Se both trend to decrease . Large areas of soil are Mo deficiency , and most of those areas go with Se deficiency .

  5. 加入ALA转化抑制剂LA后,ALA含量逆转为不施钼小于施钼,表明缺钼条件下ALA向UroⅢ的转化受阻。

    The content of ALA reversed after addition of LA , it was higher in Mo treatment than in CK , thus disclosed that the transformation from ALA to Uro ⅲ was blocked under Mo deficiency .

  6. 甘蓝缺钼:硝酸盐种植的植物缺钼症非常严重。

    Symptoms of very severe molybdenum deficiency in nitrate grown plants .

  7. 大豆抗缺钼缺硼胁迫的基因型筛选

    The screening of soybean genotypes with tolerance to Mo and B deficiency

  8. 在酸性土壤上种植豆科作物时常发现缺钼。

    Molybdenum deficiency is found when legumes are grown on acid soils .

  9. 冬小麦缺钼反应的基因型筛选

    Response of Different Winter Wheat Cultivars to Mo Deficiency

  10. 缺钼处理还明显降低叶片硝酸还原酶活性。

    The deficiency of Mo also decreased nitrate reductase activity of the leaf .

  11. 缺钼的酸性黄棕壤上施用钼肥能增加小麦全生育期植株的含钼量,大幅度提高冬小麦产量。

    Molybdenum deficiency seriously affected the growth and development of winter wheat on yellow brown soils in Hubei .

  12. 缺钼对冬小麦不同品种叶绿素含量和叶绿体超微结构的影响

    Effect of Mo Deficiency on the Content of Chlorophyll and the Ultrastructure of Chloroplast in Winter Wheat Cultivars

  13. 甘蓝缺钼鞭尾症:在田间试验和酸性土壤上有严重的鞭尾症状,中脉突出,狭小的叶片残留。

    Severe whiptail condition in field specimen from and acid soil . Bare midribs or very narrow residual lamina .

  14. 甘蓝缺钼的“鞭尾症”:老叶完全展开,保持深绿,中叶缺乏薄层或带有狭小扭曲的薄层残留。

    Older leaves fully expanded , dark-green and persistent ; young leaves lacking lamina or with distorted narrow residual lamina .

  15. 缺钼时,冬小麦硝态氮含量在拔节期前不断提高,而在适宜供钼水平下则相反;

    Before jointing stage , the nitrate content of molybdenum deficient wheat increased gradually , but that of the molybdenum sufficient wheat was not .

  16. 土壤不缺钼时,施铝对植物生长的促进作用就不是太明显,那么此时钼对硒的拮抗作用就会占主导地位。

    Application of Mo had no obvious effect in promoting plant growth in Mo rich soil , and the antagonism between Mo and Se will be dominate .

  17. 缺钼酸性紫色土上施钼+接种菌的效果最好,接种次之,施钼最差。

    In acid purple soil because of available molybdenum deficient , effect of applying Mo + inoculation was better than inoculation , and inoculation was better than applying Mo.

  18. 盆栽试验结果表明,当土壤严重缺钼时,冬小麦籽粒中积累的钼很少,大部分钼分布在营养器官中;

    Under pot culture experiment conditions , when the soil available molybdenum content was very low , only a little molybdenum was accumulated by the wheat grains and most of it was distributed in the vegetative organ of the wheat ;

  19. 缺钼降低了油菜越冬期的抗寒性和花期的抗旱性,三种微肥配施对提高越冬期抗寒性最为有利。

    Chill resistance during winter season and drought resistance in flowering period were decreased under the condition of Mo deficiency , while the chill resistance during winter season was increased under the condition of applying B , Mo and Zn fertilizers .

  20. 97003冬小麦品种缺钼植株根系生长速度和侧根数的增加量明显大于施钼的处理,而97014品种不同处理根系生长速度和侧根增长趋势基本一致。不同肥料种类对烤烟根系侧根输导能力的影响

    For 97003 , Molybdenum deficiency accelerated the growth of root and the number of seminal root , but did not affect those of cultivar 97014 . Effects of Different Kinds of Fertilizer on Hydraulic Conductance of Lateral Roots in Flue-cured Tobacco Plants

  21. 分布特征是钙质紫色土水稻、玉米缺锌,酸性砂质土小麦缺钼,砾质黄壤油菜、柑桔缺硼,潜育化潮土小麦缺锰。

    The distribution feature is that in calico purple soil rice and corn are short of zinc , in acid arenaceous soil wheat is short of molybdenum , in gravel yellow soil cole and orange are short of boron , in gles tide soil wheat is short of manganese .

  22. 叶菜组织内游离氨基酸的积累较少,在缺磷、缺钼的情况下或NO2-N用量过大的情况下会导致叶菜组织内游离氨基酸的异常积累,使蛋白质的合成受阻。

    The results showed that the accumulation rate of free amino acids in leaf vegetable tissue was relatively low under the normal circumstances , but became abnormal in case of P and Mo deficits or excess NO_2-N application so that the synthesis of protein was inhibited .