
  • 网络network brand;internet brand;net brand
  1. BOC是一个网络品牌宣传公司,我们将为您的公司提供完整的定制解决方案,包括以下内容。

    BOC is a Network brand awareness company , we make it simple for your company by providing complete customized solutions including the following .

  2. 品牌忠诚虽然有很多学者进行深入研究和探讨,但对于网络品牌忠诚的研究仍处于初步的阶段,对于B2C电子商务平台如何形成品牌忠诚更是在雾里看花。

    Brand loyalty while there are many scholars further research and discussion , but for network brand loyalty research is still in the initial stage , for B2C e-commerce platform on how to form a brand loyalty is in mystifying .

  3. 旅游企业需要树立网络品牌意识

    Tourist Enterprises Need to Establish the Consciousness of Network Brand

  4. 同时分析了塑造网络品牌的现实意义以及方法。

    It also analyzes the significance and the method in figure brand .

  5. 主持人:是一个网络品牌。

    Compere : It is brand of a network .

  6. 具备名牌产品的企业应引入网络品牌营销计划。

    Enterprises with famous brand product are supposed to introduce online brand product marketing plans .

  7. 网络品牌构建及管理研究

    The Construction and Management of Internet Brand

  8. 通过对网络品牌概念和特点的描述,得出网络品牌的特点。

    Through the brand concept and characteristics of the network description of the characteristics of brand .

  9. 企业网络品牌建设研究

    Research on Building a Network Brand

  10. 最后,本文对网络品牌体验设计的未来发展作了简要的探讨。

    Finally , the discussion is extended to the future development of digital brand experience design .

  11. 在具有个性的同时,网络品牌与传统品牌的塑造也有共同点。

    In fact , the Internet brand figuring and the traditional brand figuring still have common ground .

  12. 此外,本文从网络品牌的构成、命名和视觉形象上揭示了网络品牌创立的一般原则。

    This paper also open out commonly policy on Internet brand founding from composing 、 naming and seeing .

  13. 在系统的实证研究基础上,构建并修正了网络品牌忠诚的影响因素模型。

    In the system based on empirical research , build and fix the model of network brand loyalty factors .

  14. 这些趋势使得网络品牌在塑造策略上必然具有不同于传统方式品牌塑造的新特点。

    These new currents bring some new characteristic with Internet brand figuring policy compare Internet brand with traditional brand .

  15. 对比品牌和网络品牌,可以看出品牌和网络品牌之间既有相似之处,又存在明显的区别。

    Contrast brands and Internet brands , we can see the similarities between brands , but also obvious differences .

  16. 作为知名的企业商家,在传统的媒体宣传之外,怎么能没有自己的网络品牌营销方案?

    As a famous enterprise the business , in the traditional media , how can there outside their own network brand marketing plan ?

  17. 国际互联网公司一向难以取代本土网络品牌,而阿里巴巴所瞄准的特定市场的规模目前尚不清楚。

    International Internet companies have poor track records of unseating homegrown Internet brands and the size of the niche Alibaba is targeting remains unclear .

  18. 所以我国企业为了增强自己的国际竞争优势,在塑造网络品牌方面我们还有很长的路要走。

    In order to enhance the international competitive advantage of Chinese enterprises , we have a long way to go in shaping the network brand .

  19. 随着新媒体、新技术的不断涌现,网络品牌店正在经历着从视听传达到多感官全面体验的升级。

    With the continual emergence of new media and technologies , online brand stores are upgrading from visual and audio communication to more comprehensive sensory experience .

  20. 网络品牌是网络经济时代企业竞争的关键,是企业核心竞争力的体现。

    Network brand , which is the key of competitions among enterprises in cyber economy era , is an externalization of the core competitive power of enterprises .

  21. 许多企业已经意识到了因特网的巨大优势,将其运用到了品牌建设当中,发展网络品牌。

    Many business enterprises have already been aware of the huge advantage of Internet , making use of it into the brand construction to develop network brand .

  22. 网络品牌形象设计包括理念识别系统、行为识别系统、视觉识别系统、听觉识别系统、文本识别系统等等。

    Network brand image design including the mind identity system , behavior identity system , visual identification system , auditory recognition , text recognition systems and so on .

  23. 随着互联网应用迅速发展,企业开始重视网络品牌形象,纷纷利用网络进行品牌传播,品牌网站应运而生。

    With the rapid development of internet applications , companies are paying attention to brand image in virtual world . On one hand , Brand website has strong spread utility .

  24. 研究主要并通过对品牌理念、互联网特性以及虚拟体验的研究来探讨如何在设计中符合网络品牌的品牌理念,从而达到更好的设计效果。

    Through research and brand concept , as well as the characteristics of the Internet virtual experience of research to explore how to design Web brand with the brand concept , so as to achieve better effects design .

  25. 然后将网络品牌感性体验的战略实施分为三个步骤:从感性诉求进行定位,通过感性体验进行设计,通过评估开展品牌战略。

    Followed will be the implementation of the strategy of Internet brand emotional experience is based on three steps : positioning from the emotional demands , designing through the emotional experience , carring out brand strategy through the assessment .

  26. 本文还对快速消费品进行网络品牌推广存在的误区及发展方向进行了探讨,着重于理论与实际相结合,期冀对我国快速消费品行业的品牌发展具有较强的指导意义。

    With the combination of theory and practice , this article also discusses the misunderstandings and out-ways of the brand promotion of the FMCG , excepting that it can be generated a profound guide for brand development of the FMCG in China .

  27. 文章分析了网络品牌的特征,在总结了旅游企业树立网络品牌的必要性的基础上,提出了我国旅游企业进行网络品牌建设的若干建议。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of the network brand , and on the basis of generalizing the necessity for tourist enterprises to establish the network brand , and puts forward several suggestions on how to establishing the network brand of tourist enterprises .

  28. 本文研究了基于消费者感知的电子服务质量与品牌认知、品牌转换之间的关系,意在验证并发现网络品牌的电子服务质量及其各因素是如何影响消费者的品牌认知以及品牌转换行为的。

    In this paper , the relationship among e-service quality , brand awareness and brand switching based on consumer perception is verified , which intends to find that how e-service quality factors of online brands affect consumers ' brand awareness and brand switching behavior .

  29. 在实践方面,可以使企业更好地明晰驱动80后消费者形成网络品牌忠诚的因素:同时,依据研究结论提出企业培育和提升80后消费者的网络品牌忠诚的营销策略。

    In practice , it can enable enterprises to better clarify driven " post 80s " a network of consumer brand loyalty factor ; the same time , according to the research enterprise training and upgrading of conclusions , " post 80s " brand loyal consumers of network marketing strategy .

  30. 随着电视广告市场的内爆(implodes),市场营销官们转而投向网络进行品牌推广活动。

    As television implodes , marketing chiefs are turning to the Net to create branding initiatives .