
  • 网络Beautiful Park;Pretty Park
  1. 它狭窄的巷道会引领你到一座像这样的美丽公园。

    It'snarrow lanes leading you to a glorious park like this .

  2. 希望在不久的将来,我能再次来到这个能让人心旷神怡的美丽公园。

    I hope in the future , I would be able to go at this beautiful park again !

  3. 他最大的愿望一定是希望人们成群结队地到这个美丽的公园参观。

    His greatest wish must be that huge crowds flock into the beautiful park .

  4. 芝加哥有许多美丽的公园。

    Chicago has many beautiful parks .

  5. 市中心地区噪音很大,有数百辆汽车、公共汽车和出租车,但也有许多美丽的公园和免费的音乐会。

    The downtown area is very noisy with hundreds of cars , buses , and taxis , but there are also a lot of beautiful parks with free music concerts .

  6. 有开阔的空地和美丽的公园真好。

    It 's nice to have open space and pretty gardens .

  7. 会有许多人在这个美丽的公园里。

    There will be many people in this beautiful park .

  8. 我从来未看见过这样美丽的公园。

    Comp : I have never seen such a wonderful park before .

  9. 这城市中有许多美丽的公园和现代化建筑。

    The city was set with handsome parks and buildings of modern construction .

  10. 这座城市里坐落着许多美丽的公园和现代化的建筑。

    The city was set with handsome parks and buildings of modem construction .

  11. 你能放松自己,沉醉在这美丽的公园里。

    You will relax yourself easily and lost yourself in this beautiful garden .

  12. 城里有一个美丽的公园。

    The city has got a beautiful park .

  13. 1那所学校面对着一个美丽的公园。

    The school is facing a beautiful garden .

  14. 这些集合是采取了对世界美丽的公园之一。

    These collection is taken in one of the beautiful park on the world .

  15. 这位市长很有眼光要把这个地区改建成一座美丽的公园。

    The mayor had a vision of changing this area into a lovely park .

  16. 母亲安息在匹兹堡郊外一座宁静而美丽的公园里。

    Mother is resting peacefully at this beautiful and quiet park outside of Pittsburgh .

  17. 我们的学校毗邻一个美丽的公园。

    Our school adjoins a beautiful park .

  18. 我看到了一个美丽的公园。

    I see a beautiful park .

  19. 那是一个多么美丽的公园呀!

    How beautiful the park is !

  20. 但现在这里是一个美丽的公园,而且成为了这座城市的新公园。

    But now it 's a beautiful park and it becomes a new park for the city .

  21. 这个城市有许多剧院、博物馆,许多历史名胜,还有美丽的公园。

    There are many theaters , museums , a lot of places of historic interest , and beautiful parks in the city .

  22. 晚上你可以先到夏天的中央,是北京最美丽的公园。

    In the morning you can first go to the Summer Place , which is one of the most beautiful parks in Beingjing .

  23. 每一位游客都能在首尔找到自己想要的——在高耸入云的摩天大楼、老茶馆和美丽的公园间还能看到传统的佛教寺庙。

    There 's something for every traveler in Seoul - traditional Buddhist temples are found among towering skyscrapers , old teahouses , and beautiful parks .

  24. 顾村,天赋一方美丽的生态公园;

    Gucun , is a picturesque ecological park created by God ;

  25. 一个美丽的奥林匹克公园正处在计划阶段。

    A beautiful Olympic Park is in the planning stage .

  26. 有美丽的自然公园。

    We have a beautiful natural park .

  27. 这里有许多美丽无比的公园,探险旅游,充满乐趣。

    There are a multitude of very good parks here , and plenty of opportunities for fine adventure travel .

  28. 小镇的四周是美丽的国家公园,有很多机会远足和滑雪。

    The town is surrounded by a beautiful national park and there are lots of opportunities for hiking and skiing .

  29. 我们决定从一个美丽的海边公园开始发动进攻,讽刺的是,这座公园是为了纪念加拿大和美国之间的和平而建设的。

    We decided to launch the invasion from a pleasant Seaside Park , ironically dedicated to peace between Canada and the US .

  30. 这一重要法律将确保美丽的历史公园会继续为后世子孙讲述金博士的故事。

    This important legislation will ensure that the beautiful historic park continues to tell Dr. King 's story for generations to come .