
  1. 此举可能导致美团在未来与阿里影业(AliPictures)发生冲突。

    Such a step could lead to a face-off against Alibaba 's Ali Pictures in the future .

  2. 主打中国餐馆点评和团购服务的美团和大众点评,以及在线零售商当当网,都已经为iPhone用户推出了兼容ApplePay的最新版APP。

    Chinese restaurant review and group buying services Meituan and Dazhongdianping and online retailer Dangdang.com have also made Apple Pay-compatible versions of their apps available to iPhone users .

  3. Craigslist风格的58同城(58.com)以及送餐应用美团点评(Meituan-Dianping)。

    the Craigslist-style 58.Com ; and food delivery app Meituan-Dianping .

  4. 互联网集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)既是美团(主要是一家团购网站)的第三大股东,如今也是美团最大的竞争对手之一。

    Internet group Alibaba is both the third-biggest investor in Meituan , which is primarily a group buying site , and one of its biggest rivals now .

  5. 红杉资本(SequoiaCapitalManagement)在美团和大众点评两家公司的几乎所有融资回合中都有投资,该公司以及包括阿里巴巴和腾讯在内的其他股东将成为重大受益者。

    Sequoia Capital Management , which has been an investor both in Meituan and Dianping in almost all of their financing rounds , will be a big beneficiary , along with other stakeholders including Alibaba and Tencent .

  6. 来自中国农村及小城镇的务工人员一直推动中国一些最大的互联网公司的商业模式,包括阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、美团点评(Meituan-Dianping)以及滴滴出行。

    Migrants from rural China have fuelled the business models of some of the country 's largest internet companies including Alibaba , Meituan-Dianping , as well as Didi Chuxing .

  7. 腾讯旗下新闻门户网站腾讯科技(QQTech)周二发布了一系列PPT幻灯片,据说是美团-大众点评的路演资料。

    QQ Tech , a news portal owned by shareholder Tencent , posted a series of PowerPoint slides on Tuesday that were said to be from the company 's roadshow .

  8. 当类似twitter的“饭否”网站创始人王兴(音译)建立起内地首家团购网站美团网后,中国团购网在2010年开始迅速发展。

    China ` s group purchasing websites experienced rapid development in2010 when Wang Xing , founder of twitter-like " fanfou . com ," established meituan . com , the mainland ` s first group purchasing website .

  9. 中国的社交媒体和游戏公司腾讯(Tencent)去年收购了美团20%的股份,此前据信该公司有意增持股份。

    Tencent , the Chinese social media and gaming company , took a 20 per cent stake in Meituan last year and was understood to be aiming to increase it .

  10. 2017年全球最大的5笔风险投资交易中,有3家都是投的中国公司:滴滴(共享出行app)、美团点评(电商平台)以及头条(新闻资讯阅读器)。

    Of the top five global VC deals in 2017 , three were Chinese companies : Didi ( a ride-sharing app ) , Meituan-Dianping ( an e-commerce platform ) , and Toutiao ( a news feed reader ) .

  11. 美团的背后是电商巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba),大众点评的背后是社交媒体和游戏集团腾讯(Tencent),此次合并标志着两家公司决定放弃代价高昂的价格与补贴战并关注于打造规模。

    With Meituan backed by ecommerce giant Alibaba and Dianping by social media and gaming group Tencent , the merger marks a decision to forgo a expensive price and subsidy war and focus on creating scale .

  12. 中国优步(UberChina)在今年1月的一轮融资中估值为70亿美元。去年11月,中国最大的两家美食外卖和团购网站——美团(Meituan)和大众点评(Dianping)合并,估值为150亿-170亿美元。

    Uber China was valued at $ 7bn in a January funding round , while the merger of Meituan and Dianping , the two largest food delivery and group discount sites , was valued at $ 15bn - $ 17bn in November .

  13. 美团-大众点评的功能相当于结合中国版的Yelp与Groupon,此前该公司曾受到阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的支持,但去年11月这家中国电商集团宣布计划出售所持股份。

    The group , which functions as China 's equivalent of Yelp and Groupon combined , has previously been backed by Alibaba , but the Chinese ecommerce group said in November it planned to sell its stake in the company .

  14. 中国最大的送餐和团购公司美团-大众点评(MeituanDianping)周二宣布融资逾33亿美元,完成中国金额最大的互联网融资回合之一。

    China 's largest food delivery and group buying company announced on Tuesday it has raised more than $ 3.3bn in one of the country 's largest internet funding rounds .

  15. 美团-大众点评于去年10月合并后成立,此轮融资是最新的迹象,表明资金仍在涌入中国的“线上到线下”(O2O)领域,尽管该领域还未产生实在的利润。

    The fundraising by Meituan Dianping , created in October by a merger , is the latest sign that money is still pouring into China 's " online to offline " sector despite the lack of concrete profits .

  16. 中国两大互联网公司美团网(Meituan)和大众点评网(Dianping)同意合并。这宗合并将成为中国规模最大的非公开上市企业合并交易——知情人士称,潜在估值最高可达200亿美元。

    Two of China 's largest online companies have agreed to combine in what will be the country 's largest private market merger , with a potential valuation of as much as $ 20bn according to people familiar with the matter .

  17. 美团-大众点评的发言人拒绝对这些幻灯片置评。

    A Meituan Dianping spokesperson declined to comment on the slides .

  18. 通过在线申请,她在美团网得到了一份朝九晚五的工作。

    Chen applied online and landed a 9-to-5 part-time job at Meituan.com .

  19. 美团计划从销售电影票拓展到影片发行。

    Meituan plans to go from selling film tickets to the film distribution business .

  20. 美团点评在去年进行的最新一轮融资中估值达到300亿美元。

    Meituan-Dianping was valued at $ 30bn in its latest funding round last year .

  21. 美团称他们从未收集用户语音数据来推荐服务。

    Meituan said that they never collected users ' voice data to recommend services .

  22. 中国监管机构已就外卖服务“美团”涉嫌违反反垄断规定展开调查。

    Chinese regulators have launched an investigation into food delivery service Meituan over allegations of anti-monopoly violations .

  23. 只有用户频繁搜索某些食物或餐馆时,美团才会做出相关推荐。

    Only when users are actively searching for food or restaurants , will they make relevant recommendations .

  24. 张涛将与美团首席执行官王兴出任联席主席兼联席首席执行官。

    Mr. Tao will be co-chairman and co-chief executive with Meituan 's chief executive , Wang Xing .

  25. 但是,当阿里巴巴入股美团时,两者并未处于直接竞争之中。

    But the two were not in direct competition at the time the larger group made its investment .

  26. 美团-大众点评的一位发言人证实了融资金额,但没有说这意味着公司的估值达到了多少。

    A Meituan Dianping spokesman confirmed the amount of the fundraising but would not say what valuation it represented .

  27. 诺顿曾说过,60%的美团大公司使用某种财务或非财务计量方法的平衡记分卡。

    Norton has said that 60 % of large American companies use some sort of scorecard combining financial and non-financial measures .

  28. 自2010年成立以来,美团已经拓展了包括外卖和观影订座在内的多种业务。

    Since setting up in 2010 , Meituan has expanded into businesses that include food delivery and seat bookings at movie theaters .

  29. 许可证颁发给了电子商务巨头京东、在线服务公司美团以及自动驾驶汽车生产商新石器。

    The permits were issued to e-commerce giant JD . com , online service company Meituan , and autonomous driving vehicle producer Neolix .

  30. 全球排名前30的技术巨头中有7家都在中国,包括阿里巴巴、腾讯、美团点评、百度、网易等。

    The country is home to seven of the world 's top 30 tech giants , including Alibaba , Tencent , Meituan-Dianping , Baidu and NetEase .