
  • 网络United States Census Bureau;The U.S. Census Bureau;Census Bureau
  1. 美国人口调查局近日做出预测,到2050年底,少数族裔社区居民数量将占到该国人口总量的一半以上。

    The United States Census Bureau has predicted that ethnic minority communities will make up more than half of america 's national population by2050 .

  2. 美国人口调查局(TheCensusBureau)最近报告,有15%或4650万美国人生活贫困。

    The Census Bureau recently reported that 15 % of Americans , or 46.5 million people , live in poverty .

  3. 最近美国人口调查局研究显示,280万人有所谓极端上下班往返经历,时间长达90分钟。

    In the most recent U.S. Census Bureau study , 2.8 million people have so-called extreme commutes , topping 90 minutes .

  4. 底特律近来的颓败形势严峻,美国人口调查局的数据显示,现在在此居住的人口只有其鼎盛时期的三分之一。

    Detroit 's declining fortunes have been precipitous , with an exodus has that left its population about a third of what it used to be in its heyday , according to the U.S. Census Bureau .