
  1. 冲击铁路群体性治安事件的概念与性质

    The Concept and Character of Group Cases of Attacking the Railway

  2. 关于预防和处置群体性治安事件的几点反思

    Some considerations on Preventing and Treating Public Order Incidents of Group

  3. 湖南省群体性治安事件综合研究

    Comprehensive Research on the Community Security Events in Hunan Province

  4. 江西省群体性治安事件现状跟踪分析

    Tracking Analysis for Present State of Public Order Incident in Jiangxi Province

  5. 论新时期群体性治安事件的原因与对策

    On the Reasons and Social Countermeasure of New Period Group Public Security Cases

  6. 论群体性治安事件的生成与消解

    On the Generation And Elimination of the Public Order Incident with the Group Nature

  7. 群体性治安事件处置的组织指挥亟待完善

    Organization and command need improving in dealing with public security cases done by groups

  8. 社会稳定问题中的群体性治安事件研究

    A Research on Group Public Order Case

  9. 群体性治安事件处置过程中的战术运用

    A Discussion about the Tactics Application While Handling the Peace Order Incident with Group Character

  10. 当前的群体性治安事件,已经成为影响和制约社会稳定和经济发展的重要因素。

    At present group public order cases have a bad influence on the stability and economic development of the society .

  11. 消除与化解群体性治安事件应从揭示其萌生、发展的机理着手。

    Eliminating the public order incident with the group nature should originate from revealing the mechanism of its germination and development .

  12. 群体性治安事件的发生近年呈上升之势,本世纪初期也不会下降。

    The occurance of group public security incident is increasing in recent years and will not decrease in the early century .

  13. 群体性治安事件的主体结构具有明显的层次性,即核心层次、围观层次和缓流层次。

    The main part structures of the groups order cases have four gradations , namely , key gradation , echo gradation , watching gradation ;

  14. 海西山区农村群体性治安事件成因分析&以福建省三明市为例

    Cause Analysis of Community Security Events in Mountainous Villages in the West Side of Taiwan Strait & Take Sanming of Fujian Province as An Example

  15. 新时期,群体性治安事件的发生是社会各方面矛盾的集中体现;

    During the new period , the occurrence of the group public security cases is the focusing embodiment of contradiction from all aspects of the society .

  16. 当前,群体性治安事件是新时期我国社会主义内部矛盾的一种突出表现,也是人民内部矛盾变化的一种新动向。

    At present , mass public security events are an outstanding reflection of socialist internal antennary in the new period , and also a new trend of the people 's internal antinomy changes .

  17. 群体性治安事件的生成离不开社会矛盾的积聚、违规群体的形成和情境因素的催化这三个要件。

    The formation of the public order incident with the group character can 't be separated from the three main elements of the accumulation of social contradiction , formation of violating group and the situation catalytic agent .