
lǎo zī ge
  • veteran;senior;old-timer;old-line;people of experiences
老资格 [lǎo zī gé]
  • [old-timer;veteran;old-line; people of experiences] 具有基于年长的声誉或权威

  • 老资格的外交家

老资格[lǎo zī ge]
  1. 这个计划宣布的前几天,经过民众数月抗议要求下台,也门老资格总统AliAbdullahSaleh最终签署辞职协议。

    The announcement comes just days after Yemen 's veteran President Ali Abdullah Saleh finally signed a deal to stand down after many months of mass protests demanding he leave .

  2. 对现代的音乐有杰出贡献的老资格美国作曲家中包括哈里斯、汉森、科普兰、汤姆森,皮斯顿、塞欣斯和里格等多人。

    Veteran American composers making important contributions to serious music include Roy harris , Howard hanson , Aaron copland , Virgil thomson , Walter piston , Roger sessions , and Wallingford riegger .

  3. 他召集老资格的统一派政客参加唐宁街10号的会议。

    He called senior Unionist politicians to a meeting at Number Ten

  4. 忠诚度是由那些办公室里的老资格们衡量的;这位员工是否会拒绝更高报酬的offer;这位员工是否会坚持和公司在一起。

    Loyalty was measured by workplace seniority ; whether the employee would turn down an offer of slightly more money to change jobs ; and whether the employee was committed to and engaged with the company .

  5. Trott女士今年29岁,但看上去更年轻。目前她正在练习戴着新牙箍清楚地讲话,而且她还引起了一些老资格议员的注意。

    Ms Trott is29 but appears even younger ; she is currently practising how to speak clearly with new braces in her mouth .

  6. 一些观察人士,如奥斯顿与伯德(alston&bird)律师事务所合伙人及早期论战的老资格人士维拉布鲁克纳(willabruckner),就希望这次会有所不同。

    Some observers , such as Willa Bruckner , a partner at Alston & Bird law firm and veteran of earlier battles , hope this time will be different .

  7. 美方表示,其他在空袭中丧生的ISIS成员包括阿卜杜勒愠迪尔哈基姆(AbdelKaderHakim),他是一名老资格作战人员和伪造专家,也与巴黎袭击的组织网络有关。

    Among the other Isis members killed in airstrikes was Abdel Kader Hakim , a veteran fighter and forgery specialist who also had links to the Paris attack network , the US said .

  8. 你要尊重他,他在这里是个老资格呢。

    You must respect him . He is an old timer here .

  9. 这是题外话,一位老资格的将军说。但那是另外一个问题,那是题外的话。

    " That 's beside the point ," the senior admiral said .

  10. 索马里老资格议员中那些军阀利益维护者对努尔.侯赛因有很多不满。

    There is a lot of disaffection with Nur Adde among the old MP-warlord interests .

  11. 据说老资格的军官还克扣士兵的军饷。

    There were charges that the old-line officers had cheated soldiers out of their pay .

  12. 他教我冥思,这不,我现在可是一个老资格闭门一千天的冥思者

    He taught me to meditate , now I 'm an old veteran of the thousand

  13. 她是一位老资格的捐血者。

    She 's a veteran blood donor .

  14. 老资格的是女神的树,不要燃烧它,否则你会受诅咒。

    Elder is the Lady 's tree burn it not or cursed you 'll be .

  15. 飞机以危险而著称,连老资格的旅行者也怕飞机。

    Aeroplanes have the reputationof being dangerous and even hardened travelers are intimidated by them .

  16. 我们这些老资格,讲话是有人听的,是有分量的。

    As we enjoy seniority , our words will be listened to and will carry weight .

  17. 别在我面前摆老资格,我才不吃这一套呢!

    Don 't come the old soldier over me , because I 'll not have it .

  18. 这一点他自己说了,说是有点摆老资格。

    He himself has admitted this , saying that he has to some extent flaunted his seniority .

  19. 剧团中老资格的演员赚了钱,开始买地置产。

    and the older actors in the company were making money , and buying houses and land .

  20. 我是观澜湖老资格的会员,也是老资格的自愿者。

    I 'm a senior member of mission hills golf club , as well as a senior volunteer .

  21. 他们不喜欢和汤姆一起工作,他总在他们跟前摆老资格。

    They don 't like to work together with Tom who 's always trying to come the old soldier over them .

  22. 我们的同志应当注意,不要靠官,不要靠职位高,不要靠老资格吃饭。

    Our comrades should take note : Don 't live on the power of your office , your high position or seniority .

  23. 济宁市农村留守老年人生存质量现况及影响因素分析[美]老资格,老手,守旧的人

    A study on status and influence factors of quality of life of suburban left-behind old people in Jining city of Shandong province

  24. 他的表现也让人们拿他去和曼联一些老资格的后卫作比较,比如费迪南德和维迪奇。

    His performances have even drawn the odd comparison to the senior members of the Reds'rearguard , Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic .

  25. 目前他是全州最大一家广告公司的老板,是老资格的银行懂事,在全体懂事中是个举足轻重的人物。

    Now he owned the state 's largest advertising agency and was a veteran director of the bank with strong influence on the board .

  26. 作为一名老资格的电视节目主持人,李湘就如何在镜头前做一名专业电视节目主持人发表了自己的见解。

    As a veteran TV hostess , Li Xiang gave advice on how to be a professional TV host in front of the camera .

  27. 另外一名老资格的反对党领导人是“因卡塔自由党”的曼戈苏图.布特莱齐,他敦促支持者让他的党在东部夸祖卢-纳塔尔省重新主政。

    Another veteran opposition leader , Mangosuthu Buthelezi , urged supporters to return his Inkatha Freedom Party to power in eastern Kwa Zulu-Natal province .

  28. 古德杨森是除特里以外队中最老资格的非门将球员,在上赛季他的出场次数为近五季的最低点。

    Eidur Gudjohnsen , Chelsea 's longest-serving outfield player after John Terry , made his fewest appearances for five seasons in the campaign just gone .

  29. 而且,他才刚从医学院毕业,所以他不会像其他老资格的同行那样收取过高的费用。

    Plus he 's fresh out of medical school , so he won 't charge you an arm and a leg like others ususlly do .

  30. 不然如何解释象阿提密斯·恩崔立那样的战士所取得的成就呢?他可以打败许多年龄是他十倍的老资格卓尔精灵战士。

    How else to explain the accomplishments of a warrior such as Artemis Entreri , who could outfight many drow veterans ten times his age ?