
  • 网络Yates;yeats;David Yates
  1. 去年9月,司法部副部长莎莉·Q·耶茨(SallyQ.Yates)表示这种印象削弱了公众对司法部的信任,并发誓要予以扭转。

    In September , Deputy Attorney General Sally Q. Yates said that impression had weakened public confidence and vowed to change it .

  2. 耶茨小姐在和谁一起出去玩的问题上很挑剔。

    Miss Yates if very choosy about who she goes out with .

  3. 正如伟大的爱尔兰诗人耶茨说过的那样。

    As Yeats , a great Irish poet once put it .

  4. 不过,(导演)耶茨和他的团队制造了充分的视觉奇效,使书中的内容在银幕上获得生动再现。

    Yet Yates and his team offer enough visual epiphanies to bring the pages alive onscreen .

  5. 以上是凯文•耶茨选择的窍门

    Tips chosen by Kevin Yates

  6. 导演他的第三部哈利波特,大卫•耶茨展示了他迄今最具创造性,想法的作品。

    Directing his third Harry Potter episode , David Yates offers his most creative , thoughtful work to date .

  7. 耶茨表示:令我吃惊的是该公司的不正规性和做事的灵活性。

    It was the informality and the ease of getting things done that surprised me , Mr Yates says .

  8. 耶茨在餐厅里大喊大叫。我叫她离开,结果她冲我大喊大叫。

    Yates is storming away in the dining room . I told her to push off and she shouted at me .

  9. “他是块难啃的硬骨头,”耶茨中士说。“的确是块硬骨头,”弗林特说。

    ' he 's a hard nut to crack , 'said sergeant yates . 'nut being the operative word , 'said flint .

  10. 耶茨先生认为只不过是晚上的排练给打断了,罗什渥兹先生认为这或许是个福音。

    Mr. Yates might consider it only as a veracious interruption for the evening , and Mr. Rushworth might imagine it a blessing .

  11. 在缝纫联谊会上,谁也不想坐在耶茨小姐身边;她整天喋喋不休。

    No one wants to sit next to Miss Yates at the Sewing Meeting ; she chatters like a magpie , all the time .

  12. 巴特勒-斯洛斯原本也坚持不公开戴妃案初步听证会的过程,但也因老法耶茨的反对而妥协。

    She had also originally sought to hold preliminary pre-inquest hearings in private but backed down on that in December after Mr Fayed threatened to challenge .

  13. 可是耶茨先生过去交往的人中,没有一个把听父母的话或家人之间要赤诚当做一回事,因而也就看不出有溜之大吉的必要。

    Yates , having never been with those who thought much of parental claims , or family confidence , could not perceive that anything of the kind was necessary ;

  14. 耶茨先生热切地请求参加他们合家的快乐聚会,托马斯爵士免为其难地冷冷说了几句表示同意。

    Sir Thomas exerted himself so far as to speak a few words of calm approbation in reply to an eager appeal of Mr Yates , as to the happiness of the arrangement .

  15. 耶茨博士表示:“总的来说,包括‘久坐锻炼者’在内的成年人每周至少进行150分钟中高等强度的运动,就能拥有比‘沙发土豆’更加理想的健康状况。”

    Dr Yates said : " Overall , adults who engaged in at least 150 min of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week , including ' Sedentary Exercisers ' , had more favourable health profiles compared to ' Couch Potatoes ' .