
lián hé ɡuó dà xué
  • UNU;United Nations University
  1. 但联合国大学(UnitedNationsUniversity)教授安东尼•夏洛克斯(AnthonyShorrocks)认为,按中国目前的发展速度,跻身这一群体的中国人数量将很快超越日本。

    But such is the pace of Chinese development , argues Professor Anthony Shorrocks of the United Nations University ( UNU ), the country will soon have more people in this group than Japan .

  2. 联合国大学国际远距离教育中心

    United Nations University International Centre for Distance Learning

  3. 联合国大学世界发展经济学研究院(WorldInstituteforDevelopmentEconomicsResearch)进行的调查表明,全球财富分配极不均衡。

    The study by the UNU 's World Institute for Development Economics Research ( Wider ) showed that global wealth is extremely unequally distributed .

  4. 一份联合国大学(UNU)报告说,确保各个发展中国家的安全的供水和足够的卫生设施是减少贫困和改善卫生的最有效措施。

    Ensuring safe water supplies and adequate sanitation throughout the developing world are the most effective measures for curbing poverty and improving health , a report claims .

  5. RadhikaPerrot是联合国大学马斯特里赫特创新与技术经济研究院(UNU-MERIT)的博士生、南非约翰内斯堡WITS商学院的创新与可持续能源研究员。

    Radhika Perrot is a PhD candidate at UNU-MERIT , Netherlands , and Innovation and Sustainable Energy Researcher at the WITS Business School , Johannesburg , South Africa .

  6. 联合国大学捐赠基金;

    United Nations University Endowment fund ;

  7. 介绍澳门的中央图书馆、澳门大学国际图书馆、澳门教科文中心、澳门联合国大学国际软件技术研究所及澳门的文化旅游业。

    Provides information about the Central Library of Macau , the UNESCO Centre of Macau , the United Nations University , etc.

  8. 联合国大学新近出版了一份土地荒漠化的报告,报告敦促各国政府采取更加协调一致的措施应对日益严重的土地荒漠化问题。

    A new policy report from the United Nations University ( UNU ) urges governments to adopt a more coordinated approach to desertification .

  9. 阿迪尔是联合国大学水资源、环境和健康所的所长,该所总部位于加拿大的哈密尔顿,是该报告的主要撰写机构。

    Adeel heads the UN University 's Institute for Water , Environment and Health , based in the Canadian city of Hamilton , which prepared the report .

  10. 联合国大学本周(10月20日)发布的一份报告《安全的水对全球卫生至关重要》敦促科学家填补这些领域的关键知识鸿沟。

    The UN University ( UNU ) analysis , 'Safe Water as the Key to Global Health ' , released this week ( 20 October ), urges researchers to fill crucial knowledge gaps in these areas .

  11. 联合国大学可持续循环项目人员鲁迪格·库尔向法新社透露,减少电子垃圾的最可行的方法是构建一个系统,在这个系统中消费者不再购买设备,而只享受其带来的服务。

    Perhaps the most promising approach to reducing e-waste is a system where consumers no longer purchase devices , but instead only the services they provide , Ruediger Kuehr of UNU 's Sustainable Cycles Programme told AFP .

  12. 这张地图基于联合国大学环境和人类安全研究所(UNU-EHS)制定的《2015年世界风险报告》,显示了最有可能遭受地震、风暴、洪水和旱灾的国家。

    This map shows which countries are most at risk from earthquakes , storms , floods or droughts , according to the 2015 World Risk Report , compiled by the United Nations University for Environment and Human Security ( UNU-EHS ) .

  13. 教科文组织和联合国大学的一份联合出版物促使世人认识到这一巨大潜力,包括政府间气候变化专家组将其视为一种适应气候变化的重要资源。

    A joint publication of UNESCO and the United Nations University ( UNU ) has helped to accelerate the recognition of this immense potential , including by the IPCC , which sees in it a major resource for adaptation to climate change .

  14. 解放日报对我前不久赶赴纽约联合国与哥伦比亚大学进行“传奇二胡&二胡与世界握手”的主题系列讲座及音乐会做的相关报道!

    This Jiefang Daily newspaper story was based on my lecture and the concerts in New York City at the UN and at Columbia University in mid November !

  15. 联合国下属的国际电信联盟、联合国大学以及国际固体废物协会发布的一份报告称,2016年,全球共产生4470万吨电子垃圾,较两年前增加8%,相当于4500座艾菲尔铁塔。

    A full 44.7 million tons of e-waste was generated around the world in 2016 , up 8 % from two years earlier , and that 's the equivalent of 4500 Eiffel Towers , according to a report from the UN 's International Telecommunication Union , the UN University ( UNU ) and the International Solid Waste Association .

  16. 应联合国教科文组织、亚太发展中心和联合国大学的要求,中国多次承担了关于中国妇女问题的研究项目,提交的报告受到普遍好评。

    At the request of unesco , the Asia-Pacific Development Center and United Nations university , China has undertaken research projects on Chinese women and submitted many reports which have all been well received .

  17. 国际天主教大学联合会(天主教学联)联合国和日本关于联合国大学总部的协定

    Agreement between the United Nations and Japan regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations University

  18. 联合国启动了一个新的培训项目,用于帮助亚洲国家管理洪水和为洪水做准备。这个洪水风险评估项目是由联合国大学于10月15日在泰国的亚洲技术研究院启动的。

    The UN University launched their flood risk assessment programme yesterday ( 15 October ) at the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand .