
  1. 机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命!(《红楼梦》)

    All your clever calculations and intrigues brought nothing but your doom .

  2. 机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命。

    The fox knew too much , that 's how he lost his tail .

  3. 约翰桑希尔:我读到这句据称是你说过的话&成功是一位差劲的老师,它让聪明的人误以为自己不能失败。

    I read a quote attributed to you , in which you said success is a lousy teacher . It seduces smart people into thinking that they cannot lose .

  4. 不过,学生们聪明反被聪明误,格拉纳达最终还是决定要转播这个节目。

    The students were hoist by their own petards , however , as Granada decided to transmit the programme anyway .

  5. 不过米农人有时也会聪明反被聪明误。

    But the Minoans sometimes were too clever for their own good .

  6. 聪明常被聪明误。

    Clever people often miss their mark .

  7. 风险在于,聪明反被聪明误,到头来投资者不过只是算计了自己。

    The risk is that , in trying to be too clever , investors merely outwit themselves .

  8. 用一些心理语言学家的话说,成年的语言学习者聪明反被聪明误。

    Adult language learners are , to borrow a phrase used by some psycholinguists , too smart for our own good .

  9. 人皆养子望聪明,我被聪明误一生。

    People expect their kids wise ; wisdom spoils me in my whole life .

  10. 我们在自我防卫方面变得如此聪明,最终聪明反被聪明误。

    We have become so smart about self-protection that , in the end , we have all outsmarted ourselves .

  11. 这个学生很聪明,然而他却经常犯错误,常言道,聪明反被聪明误。

    This student is very clever , but he often makes mistakes , As the saying goes , Clever people my be victims of their cleverness .