
  1. 他对这个城市的市长胡志强说,华西村打算台中市建造一座100米高的镀金宝塔。

    He told the city 's mayor , Jason Hu , that Huaxi intends to build a100-meter gilded pagoda in Taichung .

  2. “通过科技部与地方政府的合作协议,科技部能够直接为地方科研项目提供科研经费,这有利于提高地方科学家的科学研究能力。”胡志强说。

    " With the ministry-province partnership agreements , MOST can directly supply some research funding for regionally relevant research projects to help improve local scientists'capacities ," Hu says .

  3. 朱又说,如果江丙坤被提名为行政院院长,胡志强在总统府的职务,就不会有问题,但是,胡志强跟刘兆玄处得并不好。

    Chu added that if P.K.Chiang had been named premier , Jason Hu would have been okay in the presidential office . However , Jason Hu does not get along with Liu Chao-shiuan .