
néng yuán
  • energy;energy source;energy resources;the sources of energy
能源 [néng yuán]
  • [energy sources] 能够转换成电能、热能、机械能等的自然资源

能源[néng yuán]
  1. ESCO(EnergyServiceCompany)是能源服务公司的简称,这类新型的节能服务公司在世界各地的建筑节能领域取得了相当巨大的成果。

    ESCO ( Energy Service Company ) is that the sources of energy service company shorter form . This kind of late-model energy conservation service company has got pretty gigantic achievement in world everywhere building energy conservation field .

  2. 能源数值模拟计算方法的理论和应用

    Theory and application of numerical simulation in the sources of energy

  3. 他已经对再生能源进行了广泛研究。

    He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources .

  4. 对房屋做隔热处理来帮助节约能源。

    Help to conserve energy by insulating your home .

  5. 当局鼓励房主给住房加隔热装置以节约能源。

    Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy .

  6. 他们正寻求在国家能源政策方面起中心指导作用。

    They are seeking a central , directive role in national energy policy .

  7. 他告诉美国人解决能源问题非常重要。

    He told Americans that solving the energy problem was very important

  8. 几项颇受争议的能源措施定于几天后提交参议院讨论。

    Controversial energy measures are slated for Senate debate within days .

  9. 巴西称其宪法禁止个人占有能源资产。

    Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets .

  10. 该法律将鼓励企业转而使用比煤更加清洁的能源。

    The law would encourage companies to switch from coal to cleaner fuels

  11. 我们进口原材料和能源,主要出口工业产品。

    We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products .

  12. 随着时间的推移,可再生能源将变得愈发重要。

    Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on .

  13. 她将暗示能源政策会有重大变化。

    She will be signalling massive changes in energy policy

  14. 风能作为动力的成功是对可再生能源一次立见分晓的检验。

    The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy .

  15. 必须在可行的地方使用可再生能源。

    Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical

  16. 能源消耗、交通堵塞以及污染状况愈加严重。

    Energy consumption , congestion and pollution have increased .

  17. 为了节约能源,该共和国的工厂周末不开工。

    The republic 's factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy .

  18. 我们应该通过充分利用其他能源来节省石油和天然气。

    We should conserve oil and gas by making full use of other energy sources

  19. 能源大臣希望能投产一座更安全的新型产氚反应堆。

    The Energy Secretary hopes to bring on line a safer new tritium production reactor

  20. 能源节约的理念产生于1973年的石油危机。

    Energy conservation as a philosophy was born out of the 1973 oil crisis .

  21. 石油短缺已经造成了能源危机。

    Oil shortages have brought on an energy crisis

  22. 不管从哪个角度来看,核能都是未来的能源。

    Whichever way you look at it , nuclear power is the energy of the future

  23. 能源部计划在造价几十亿美元的高科技工厂里将那些致命的废料固态化。

    The Energy Department plans to solidify the deadly waste in a high-tech billion-dollar factory .

  24. 随着各国实现工业化,能源消费增加了。

    Energy consumption rises as countries industrialise

  25. 全球变暖的威胁将最终迫使美国减缓能源消耗。

    The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption .

  26. 能源部长回应说,反对派对环境问题的关切是政治上的机会主义。

    The Energy Minister responded by saying that the opposition 's concern for the environment was political opportunism .

  27. 他们可以预见到要是给极具争议性的能源法案投赞成票,可能会陷入孤立。

    They can see themselves going out on a limb , voting for a very controversial energy bill .

  28. 天然气逐渐取代煤成为主要能源。

    Gradually , natural gas has displaced coal as a major source of energy .

  29. 太阳能是一种新型能源。

    Solar energy is a new kind / sort / type of source of energy .

  30. 是哪些关键性事件影响了1979年的能源状况?

    What key events influenced the energy situation in 1979 ?