
  • 网络Automatic target recognition;ATR;SAR ATR
  1. 双色红外目标仿真与自动目标识别方法研究

    A Research on Dual-band IR Object Simulation and Its ATR Method

  2. 特定目标的检测与识别是自动目标识别的关键技术之一。

    The detection and recognition of specific targets is one of key techniques of ATR .

  3. 雷达自动目标识别系统中目标检测模块的DSP实现

    The Implementation of Radar Target Detecting Using DSP in ATR System

  4. 红外图像增强是ART(自动目标识别)及红外成像目标跟踪系统中极其重要的预处理技术。

    Infrared image enhancement is an important and basic technique in ART and Infrared Image Target Tracking System .

  5. 基于形态学理论的自动目标识别技术&自适应BP学习算法

    Automatic Target Recognition Technique Based on Morphological Theory : Adaptive BP Learning Algorithm

  6. 方位角估计是合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像自动目标识别研究中的一个重要问题。

    Target azimuth estimation is very important for SAR ATR .

  7. SAR图像自动目标识别系统研究与设计

    Research and Design of SAR Image Automatic Target Recognition System

  8. 最后给出了SAR图像自动目标识别系统的主要评价原则。

    The main evaluating principles of SAR ATR system are given finally .

  9. 一种应用峰值特征匹配的SAR图象自动目标识别方法

    An Automatic Target Recognition Method in SAR Imagery Using Peak Feature Matching

  10. 基于雷达散射特性的高分辨率SAR图像自动目标识别

    Automatic target recognition in high resolution SAR image based on backscatter characteristics

  11. 基于投影特征的SAR自动目标识别技术研究

    Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition Based on Projection Features

  12. 一种有效的SAR图像自动目标识别方法

    Effective approach for automatic target recognition in SAR images

  13. 自动目标识别(automatictargetrecognition,ATR)系统已成为许多先进武器系统的一个重要组成部分。

    Automatic target recognition ( ATR ) has become an important part of many advanced weapon systems .

  14. 我们将该方法用于回归估计和SAR自动目标识别,实验结果表明了本章算法的有效性。

    Experiments on regression estimation and SAR target recognition show the efficiency and generalization .

  15. 研究了SAR图像自动目标识别系统。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) image automatic target recognition system is studied .

  16. SAR自动目标识别及相关技术研究

    SAR Automatic Target Recognition and Related Techniques

  17. 自动目标识别(automatictargetrecognition,ATR)技术,是遥感图像处理领域的核心技术之一。

    Automatic Target Recognition ( ATR ) is a core technology in the field of remote sensing image processing .

  18. 自动目标识别(automatictargetrecognition,简称ATR)是机器视觉智能化领域的一个重要研究课题。

    Automatic Target Recognition ( Abbreviated ATR ) is an important research topic in the field of intelligent machine vision .

  19. 在合成孔径雷达(SAR)图象中,需要对其中的人工和自然目标进行识别和分类,目标的特征提取是自动目标识别系统中的关键部分。

    In synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) imaging , man-made and natural object recognition and classification is necessary .

  20. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)在各个领域特别是在自动目标识别系统中得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    Synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) has been used widely in more and more fields , especially in automatic target recognition systems .

  21. 基于Hausdorff距离的自动目标识别算法的研究

    An Automatic Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Hausdorff Distance

  22. 自动目标识别(ATR)是自动或半自动SAR图象解译研究的一个重要方面。

    Automatic target recognition ( ATR ) is an important aspect of automatic or semi-automatic SAR imagery interpretation .

  23. 提出了一种基于极化相似度的全极化SAR自动目标识别算法,并利用仿真得到的全极化SAR数据进行了识别实验。

    In this paper , a full polarimetry SAR ATR algorithm based on polarimetry similarity is proposed and validated by the simulated SAR data .

  24. 基于TOPSIS方法的自动目标识别作战能力评估

    Combat Capability Evaluation of ATR based on TOPSIS

  25. 目标检测是自动目标识别(ATR)的第一个阶段。

    Target detection is the first stage of automatic target recognition ( ATR ) .

  26. 自动目标识别技术(ATR)是当前精确制导技术中应重点研究的一个关键问题。

    Automatic target recognition ( ATR ) is a key technology for the precise missile guiding .

  27. 利用Dempster-Shafer信息融合进行自动目标识别

    Automatic Target Recognition by Dempster - Shafer Combination Rule

  28. 给出了一种用于自动目标识别(ATR)的神经网络集成算法,并结合算法设计了基于多CPU并行结构的多目标识别神经网络系统。

    A neural network ensemble algorithm used in automatic target recognition ( ATR ) was designed based on many CPU parallel structure .

  29. 敌我识别(IFF)是自动目标识别(ATR)技术的重要应用之一。

    IFF is one of important application of automatical target recognizing ( ATR ) technology .

  30. 目前,许多研究机构都致力于研发SAR图像自动目标识别系统(ATR),SAR图像目标检测技术在整个目标识别系统中是一个重要的环节。

    Target detection techniques based on SAR images is one of the most important techniques in the whole Auto Target Recognition ( ATR ) system .