
zì rán fǎ
  • natural law;law of nature;natural law/approach/method
  1. 阿奎那自然法对神圣与世俗的有机共构

    Aquinas 's Law of Nature and Integration of the Sacred and the Secular

  2. 自然法对于废除农奴制和奴隶制起了很大的作用。

    The law of nature contributed to the abolishment of villeinage and serfdom .

  3. 基于微孔滤膜近自然法,分析SUFR脱氮除磷系统中微生物可培养性;

    Based on the near-native pure culture method , analyzing the culturability of microorganism in the SUFR system ;

  4. 正义观念往往同自然法概念联系在一起。

    The thoughts of justice often connect with the natural law .

  5. 古典自然法学派的民法思想概观

    Outline of Classical Natural Law School 's Idea of Civil Law

  6. 经济法的本质解说&一个自然法的视角

    The Essence of Economic Law from a View of Natural Law

  7. 论哈特最低限度内容的自然法的思想

    On Hart 's Thoughts About the Minimum Contents of Natural Law

  8. 当代西方自然法理论与法律实证主义的融合趋势

    Tendency of the Harmonious Combination of Natural Law Theory and Legal Positivism

  9. 论罗马法的自然法精神与实践理性

    Roman Law : The Spirit of Natural Law and Rationality of Practicality

  10. 论自然法和西方法律思想的发展

    On the Development of Natural Law and Western Legal Ideology

  11. 自然法之概念来源于西方,它所蕴涵的正义、等与自由等观念造就了西方的法治思想和法治传统。

    The Concept of natural law comes from the west .

  12. 哲学的对象是作为“宇宙万物最高统治力量”的“最高的法”或自然法;

    The object of philosophy is the supreme law or natural law .

  13. 对古代自然法的再认识

    A Re-understanding of the Ancient Conception of Natural Law

  14. 其三,源始自然法和法律现代性危机的超越。

    Third , primordial natural law and transcendence over crises of legal modernity .

  15. 论自然法学说在美国宪法解释中的作用

    Explain the Function of Natural Jurisprudence in American Constitution

  16. 到古罗马时期,斯多葛学派的自然法观念得到了继受和发展。

    The Stoics ' idea of natural law is accepted in ancient Roman .

  17. 论西塞罗理性主义自然法思想

    On the Thought of Cicero on Rationalistic Natural Law

  18. 关于近代国家的自然法理论在当时颇为盛行。

    The natural law theory about modern state prevailed considerably in this period .

  19. 古典自然法基本上是一种革命的理论。

    The classic law-of-nature is an essentially revolutionary doctrine .

  20. 在自然法的学说之中,财产权是一种神圣不可侵犯的权利。

    In the words of natural law , property right is exempted from infringing .

  21. 卢梭的人性论与情感主义自然法思想解读

    The Human Nature Thought and Natural Law Thought Understanding of Rousseau 's Emotion Principle

  22. 法律思想是托马斯·阿奎那自然法理论的重要方面。

    Law thought is an important part of Thomas Aquinas ' natural law theory .

  23. 自然法:充满歧义的文化理念

    Natural Law : the Ambiguous Cultural Idea

  24. 自然法复兴与纽伦堡审判

    Revival of Natural Law & Nuremberg Trial

  25. 自然法为实在法提供鉴别、评判和衡量的标准。

    Natural law provides criteria of identity , justification , and evaluation for positive law .

  26. 这就是他对自然法的重构。

    Thus the natural law was reconstructed .

  27. 什么是自然法?

    What is the natural law ?

  28. 霍布斯与洛克是古典自然法学派最具代表性的两位人物。

    Hobbes and Locke are the most representative figures in the school of classical natural law .

  29. 论自然法精神及其对现代法治的意义

    On the Spirit of Natural Law and it 's Meaning for the Modern Ruling by Law

  30. 自然法率先产生于古希腊,有其历史、地理、经济及社会背景。

    Its originating in ancient Athens has its historical , geographic , economic and social context .