
  • 网络free personality
  1. 自由个性原则、完整性原则、可持续发展原则为高校课程体系构建的三原则。

    Free personality , entire fulfilment , and sustainable development are its constructing principles .

  2. “交往型”人格为“单子式”人格向“自由个性”人格的过渡铺搭起桥梁和中介。

    " Communicative personality " is the bridge and medium for the transformation from " monadological " personality to " free personality " .

  3. 自由个性的人创造出了具有统一性的现实世界。

    The man of free individuality creates the real oneness world .

  4. 马克思自由个性思想的历史生成

    The Historical Generation of Marx 's " Free Individuality " Thought

  5. 他是一个富有浪漫气质和自由个性的的人物。

    He is a rich romantic makings and the free individuality character .

  6. 休闲是人的自我实现的需要,塑造自由个性。

    Leisure is the need of human self-fulfilment , and it can mold human individuality .

  7. 要从人本身发展的需求,运用人的方式来实现性别观的现代转向,构建自由个性型性别观。

    Based on people 's requirements , establish new gender view accord to mankind 's free Individuality .

  8. 类的发展和自由个性的发展是统一的,个人能在集体中得到自由充分的发挥。

    Class development and free development of personality is unified , individual freedom in the collective full play .

  9. 人生成自由个性的过程就是美的规律现实化、历史化与理想化。

    The process of realization of free individuality is the law of beauty becomes realization , history and idealism .

  10. 市场经济的充分发展培育了人的独立性或个性,并为实现人的自由个性奠定基础。

    The sufficient development of market economy fosters independence and individuality in man and lays a solid foundation for the realization of free individuality .

  11. 对人的依赖,以对物的依赖为基础的独立性,全面发展基础上的自由个性,是人的发展的三大历史形态。

    Dependence on human beings , human independence based on materials and free individuality based on comprehensive development constitute 3 historical forms of human development .

  12. 人在占有普遍性的意义上获得自由个性,并以美的方式在历史与逻辑的统一中生成自由个性。

    Human obtains the free individuality with occupying the universality , and generates the free individuality in unity of history and logics as method of beauty .

  13. 作为一种生活实践,休闲可以满足人们的自我实现的需要,塑造人的自由个性,促进人的全面发展。

    As a life practice , leisure can meet the need of human 's self-fulfilment , it can mold human individuality and promote human full-scale development .

  14. 劳动者对他的生产资料的私有权是小生产的基础,而小生产又是发展社会生产和劳动者本人的自由个性的必要条件。

    The private property of the laborer in his means of production is the foundation of petty industry , whether agricultural , manufacturing , or both ;

  15. 人的全面发展经由对人的依赖到对物的依赖,再到人的自由个性三个不同又相联的阶段,是一个动态的发展过程;

    The process of all-round development of human being is a dynamic process including three phases depending on man , on goods and man 's free individuality .

  16. 本文认为,美的规律真实地呈现了人自由个性的活动性特质,是自由个性的生成逻辑。

    This paper thinks that the law of beauty is logic of generating the free individuality . It is the presentation of the essential activity in free individuality .

  17. 自由个性在现代的这种矛盾处境是现代性的一个悖论,而这也成为时尚的个性与大众性相同一的现代性背景。

    Free personality conflicts in the modern situation that is a paradox of modernity , which has become fashionable and popular personality for a modernity of the same background .

  18. 人的发展的第三大形态自由个性的形成,离不开发达生产力、丰富的文化精神生活和大量闲暇时间;

    Without advanced productivity , plentiful cultural and spiritual lives , and abundant free time , it can 't realize the third form & the liberal personality of man 's development .

  19. 本部分立足马克思主义哲学角度从自立自强取向、践履社会责任取向、自由个性取向及其自我完善取向分析了现代性尊严合法形态的基本内容。

    This part analysis modernity reasonable dignity based on the view of Marxist philosophy , from free-standing self-improvement orientation , the social responsibilities orientation , and free individuality and self-improvement orientation .

  20. 在此前提下,蔡元培提出了教育要独立于政党、教派之外,以五育并举的方法培养健全的人格,发展人的自由个性。

    On this prerequisite , Cai puts forward that education must be independent from political parties or sects , cultivate healthy personality with " wu yu " approach , and develop free individuality .

  21. 人的全面发展是人的本质特征的发展,即人的类特性、社会特性和自由个性在每个人那里的发展。

    The man 's full development is the development of man 's essential characteristics , namely , everybody 's development in dimensions of man 's type specific property , social specific property and free individuality .

  22. 布莱克认为真正的宗教体验并非如传统基督教所规定的抑欲而是建立在人的自由个性和个人与上帝之间的直接联系基础上的。

    Blake believes that true religious experience is obtained not by curbing the natural desires as in traditional Christianity , but by emancipating the human beings and establishing the indirect connection between the individual and God .

  23. 马克思把人的发展分为三个阶段,并把人的自由个性归结为人的发展的最高形态,整个社会的发展史就是一部人类发展史。

    Marx put people in three stages of development and put " free personality of the people ," the highest human development patterns , the whole history of the development of society is a history of human development .

  24. 对劳动时间的关心程度与人的自由个性发展状况的内在关联,恰恰构成了马克思三大社会形态之本质区别和理论生成的内在逻辑。

    The internal relevancy between the degree of concerned labor hour and the states of human-being 's full liberty is not only essential differences among the Marx three social orders , but internal logic of Marx three social orders .

  25. 在《1857-1858年经济学手稿》中,马克思从人的发展的角度把人类社会划分为人的依赖关系、物的依赖关系、自由个性三种社会形态。

    From the angle of man 's development , Marx divided the human society into three social patterns in the Economics Manuscript in 1857-1858 . They include : man 's dependent relationship , material dependent relationship , free personality .

  26. 伴随这一过程,自由个性在时尚中的悖论不断加深,对于这一现象的批判与反思,个体对时尚的抉择问题就显得尤为重要,并具有现实意义。

    With this process , freedom of individuality in the fashion of the paradox has deepened , for criticism and reflection of this phenomenon , the question of individual choice in fashion is particularly important and has practical significance .

  27. 主张“以人为本”,“精神文明第一,精神文明决定并创造物质文明”,使人类的“自由个性”全面发展、充分显扬、无限丰富。

    It advocates " human beings come first , spiritual civilization is in the first place and it decides and creates material civilization ", which promotes and enriches the development of human 's " freedom and individuality " to the full .

  28. 这就要求当代马克思主义政治学必须关注和研究国家的公共性及其实现问题,以使国家管理公共事务的活动既有效率而又不失去其本真的公共性,进而促进人类自由个性的全面发展。

    That demands contemporary Marxism politics pays attention to the problem of realization of the publicity of nation so that the activity of administration of public affair can both be efficient and completely public and the human being'free character can develop full .

  29. 通过对调查数据的分析,得出80后员工自我中心、实现本位及重工作感受三方面的基本特征,面对80后员工追求自由个性的特点,强调对其要采取灵活有针对性的方式进行管理。

    Through analysis of survey data , obtained after 80 employees self-centered , and re-based work experience to achieve three basic characteristics of the face 80 employees to pursue free personality characteristics , emphasizing its flexibility to take a targeted approach to management .

  30. 他的道德思想与其制度伦理思想相辅相成,兼具实践指向与个人本位的特征,以自由个性与自由人联合体作为对未来美好社会状况的憧憬。

    His moral thought and its institutional ethics thoughts is complement each other , and the former has the characteristics of refering to practice and individual standard . Free individuality and free the consortium are looked as a vision of the future better social conditions .