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  1. 译者,作为一个带有其主观特质的现实存在,在翻译过程中必然要体现出他的主体性。他从来就不是,也不应是一个不带任何个人特点与色彩的语言转换机器。

    The translator , as a subjective being , never is and should not be a neutral machine of transmitter without any individual characteristics and flavor .

  2. 称谓语是一种具有浓厚民族文化色彩的语言现象,它和民族文化互相渗透、互相作用,显示了一个民族特有的民族心理和思维方式。

    An appellation is a language phenomenon which is dense with cultural color and context . It interacts and interpenetrates with its related national culture and shows the nation 's specific national psychology and modes of thinking .

  3. 《歧路灯》是李绿园(1707&1790)用带有河南地方色彩的语言写清初的河南社会生活的一部长篇白话小说。

    A Lantern by the Forked Road ( Qilu Deng ) is a colloquial novel about the social life in Henan province in the early Qing Dynasty , written by Li Luyuan ( 1707-1790 ) in Henan dialect .

  4. 用不带性别歧视色彩的中性语言来替代性歧视语言是研究和解决这一问题的主要方法。

    An important approach to solve the problem is to replace sexist language with neutral language .

  5. 具有文学色彩的广告语言被称为文学性广告语言,它不仅具有文学价值、经济价值、文化价值,还具有社会价值,所对它探讨、研究是非常有意义的,也是可以取得一定成果的。

    Literariness advertising language , as a kind of advertising language with literariness , not only has literary value , economic value , and cultural value , but also has social value . Thus , probing and studying literariness advertising language does make a lot of senses .

  6. 他的钢琴音乐具有异常新颖,细腻的织体,独具魅力的旋律和色彩丰富的和声语言。

    His piano music has exceptionally novel , exquisite weaves the body , alone charm melody and color rich and sound language .

  7. 随后逐渐扩展到西欧。法国作曲家德彪西将全音音阶运用到各个时期的作品当中,并将其成为构成印象主义音乐丰富色彩的主要音乐语言。

    Then it extended to the West Europe . Debussy , who was the famous French composer applied the whole-tone scale in his all kinds of periods ' works and made it to be the main language of the colorful impressionist music .

  8. 色彩:服装的特殊语言

    Color : the Special Language of Clothing

  9. 通过与雕塑形体的结合,传统色彩获得了独特的语言特性和表现形式。

    The conventional color gained its unique language property and expression mode through integrating with sculpture figures .

  10. 这种力度与色彩相统一的和声语言,是使其九首钢琴奏鸣曲调性中心清晰、功能独特鲜明、色彩丰富多变的关键之所在。

    The unity of strength and colorful harmonic language is the key to clear tonality , precise function , and rich color in his nine piano sonatas .

  11. 分析了唐宋服饰色彩文化的历史渊源,阐述了唐宋服饰色彩的个性语言,指出了唐宋服饰色彩对现代服饰的影响。

    This paper deals with the historic origins of dress color in Tang and Song dynasties as well as its unique expression . At the same time , it points out its influence on modern dress .

  12. 文章通过对现代绘画色彩表现与音乐在专业理论和具体作品两方面的分析,来说明音乐对于释放艺术的想象力,激发感觉和情感,丰富绘画色彩的表现语言方面有着重要的作用。

    This paper analyses the expression of modern painting colors and music in professional theory and specific works so as to state that music plays an important role in releasing art imagination , inspiring feelings and emotions and enriching the expression language of painting colors .