
  • 网络Thrace;thracian;Thracia
  1. 色雷斯其他地方的奶牛饲养方式与Balabancik村的情况大致相同,几天之内,其他村庄的管区兽医也报告了同样的问题。

    Dairy farming in the rest of Thrace is conducted in much the same way as it is in Balabancik , and within a couple of days district vets in other villages were reporting problems too .

  2. 你想让我去营救色雷斯上尉?

    You want me to rescue captain thrace ?

  3. 一些机智色雷斯婢女据说是在Thales公司的费用是一个笑话-在他急于知道什么地方在天空的,他是在他面前的东西不知道,在他的脚下。

    Some witty Thracian servant girl is said to have made a joke at Thales'expense & that in his eagerness to know what went on in the sky he was unaware of the things in front of him and at his feet .

  4. 别指望我对你手下留情,色雷斯人。

    Don 't expect mercy from me out there , thracian .

  5. 这座公元前3世纪的色雷斯人古墓体现了色雷斯人宗教建筑的基本结构特点。

    Thracian tomb reflects the fundamental structural principles of Thracian cult buildings .

  6. 把这些卡片按颜色归类。卡赞利克的色雷斯人墓

    Sort these cards according to their colours . Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak

  7. 原先城市的色雷斯人统治者不久后被罗马人替代。

    Later it was conquered by the Romans .

  8. 保加利亚由色雷斯,摩西亚以及马其顿帝国这三个区域构成。

    Bulgaria is comprised of the regions of Thrace , Moesia , and Macedonia .

  9. 他们在色雷斯生活了许多年,并且生了一个儿子,名叫意大拉斯。

    For years they lived in Thrace and had one son , Itylus by name .

  10. 你一定是新来的色雷斯人。

    You must be the new thracians .

  11. 色雷斯上尉报告有大规模爆炸。

    Captain Thrace is reporting massive detonations .

  12. 分布于巴尔干东部的色雷斯人,是古代欧洲一个富于影响力的民族集团,在史册中有其无可忽视的一席之地。

    The Thracians who inhabited the East Balkans was an influential ethnic group in ancient Europe .

  13. 西色雷斯的局势紧张,因为希腊和土耳其几十年来一直是敌人。

    The situation there often tense , for Greece and Turkey have been enemies for decades .

  14. 我从来没有杀过一个色雷斯人。

    I never killed any thracians .

  15. 卡赞利克的色雷斯人墓

    Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak

  16. 当雅典受到蛮人的威胁时,色雷斯国王泰诺斯伸出了援助之手。

    When Athens was threatened by the wild men , King Tereus of Thrace came to its help .

  17. 土耳其西北部一城市;原是一座色雷斯的小城,为罗马皇帝哈德里安重建并重新命名。

    A city in northwestern turkey ; a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman Emperor hadrian .

  18. 考古学家表示,此次发现的具有很高艺术价值的珍品以及墓穴的建筑风格使色雷斯文明变得比想像的更加深奥。

    Scientists said the highly advanced artistry of the finds and architecture of the tombs made the Thracians more sophisticated than was thought .

  19. 这是一个我从未期待自己会出现的地方:在色雷斯首都&古城菲利普波利斯,一个保存完好的剧场,在清晨的金色阳光下静谧地矗立着。

    A place where I had never expected to find myself : the ancient city of Philippopolis , capital of Thrace . A well preserved amphitheatre , golden in the morning sun .

  20. 最初是色雷斯人的一个定居点,在几个世纪之间,先后属于罗马、拜占庭、两个保加利亚王国、奥斯曼土耳其和俄国。

    Originally a Thracian settlement , it passed over the centuries to Rome , Byzantium , two Bulgarian kingdoms , Ottoman Turkey , and Russia.In1879 it became the capital of independent Bulgaria .

  21. 苏格拉底强调,色雷斯人的表现,做了很好的展示,显现出他的观点,并不只是受缚于城邦。

    Socrates remarks that the Thracians , the display of the Thracians , put on a good show , showing that his own perspective is not simply bound by that of a city .

  22. 它建于公元125年,创建者为罗马皇帝哈德里安,该城创建之前原是一座色雷斯的小城,在不同时期曾被西哥特人、保加利亚人、十字军、土耳其人和俄国人占领。

    It was founded c.ad125 by the Roman emperor Hadrian on the site of an earlier Thracian town and was conquered at various times by Visigoths , Bulgarians , Crusaders , Turks , and Russians .

  23. 南非有色人雷霍博斯人和纳马人事务部因此,毫不奇怪,西色雷斯的希腊人对土耳其人起疑心,而土耳其人猜疑希腊人。

    South African Department of Coloured , Rehoboth and Nama Affairs It is not surprising , therefore , to find the Greeks of Western Thrace suspicious of the Turks , and the Turks of the Greeks .

  24. 他们人口比西色雷斯土耳其人多,但没什么权利地位,因为他们背后没有一个强大祖国的支持,也没有经济来源保证他们在一个地方长期生活。

    Though more numerous than the Thracian turks , the Albanians in Greece have less power , for they lack the support of a strong mother country and the economic resources available to those who have lived in the same place for a long time .

  25. 我们借助古代作家的记载,得悉色雷斯人不仅拥有自己独立的语言和传统,而且也保持着极富特色的风俗习惯,从中映现了他们的民族个性与伦理价值观,具有鲜明的时代特征。

    Thanks to the records of some ancient writers , we can recognize that the Thracians not only had their own independent language and tradition , but also kept their special customs , which revealed evident features of the time and embodied characteristics and ethical values of the people .