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huā qián
  • spend money;cost money
花钱 [huā qián]
  • [expense;spend money] 花费钱财的原因或事情

  • 乡下的房地产是很花钱的

  1. 但是现在这些产品的增长曲线已经减缓一或者在某些情况下市场份额已经缩水因为消费者没有那么想要花钱买一些新的玩意儿了。

    But now these segments are looking at slower growth curves -- or shrinking markets in some cases -- as consumers are not as eager to spend money on new gadgets .

  2. 最好计划花钱买有用的东西。

    It 's best to plan to spend money buying useful things .

  3. 他让孩子们接受花钱能买到的最好的教育。

    He gave his children the best education that money can buy .

  4. 他们花钱让子女上贵族学校。

    They pay for their children to go to a posh school .

  5. 她花钱一直大手大脚。

    She 's been spending money like it 's going out of fashion .

  6. 他要乱花钱,那是他自己的事。

    If he wants to waste his money , that 's his lookout .

  7. 别用任何大手大脚花钱的想法回敬我了。

    Don 't come back with any fancy ideas .

  8. 她拼命花钱,就像过了今天没有明天似的。

    She spends money like there 's no tomorrow .

  9. 我不是花钱雇你整天闲坐着的!

    I don 't pay you to sit around all day doing nothing !

  10. 有好一些的服务,人们是愿意多花钱的。

    People would willingly pay more for better services .

  11. 一般来说,花钱多,买的东西就多。

    Generally speaking , the more you pay , the more you get .

  12. 我买它差不多没花钱。

    I got it for a silly price .

  13. 我们没花钱就进去了。

    It cost us nothing to go in .

  14. 她在花钱方面总是非常吝啬。

    She 's always been mean with money .

  15. 他们花钱雇人打扫。

    They pay someone to do the cleaning .

  16. 他花钱总是大手大脚。

    He had always been reckless with money .

  17. 购买新家具可能会花钱太多。

    Buying new furniture may prove too costly .

  18. 我不在乎花钱——是你一直在拿钱大做文章。

    I 'm not bothered about the cost ─ you 're the one who 's making an issue of it .

  19. 要想花钱少些,就选择基本的型号。

    To keep the cost down , opt for a basic model

  20. 没有什么比花钱买点东西能让自己高兴起来了。

    There 's nothing better than a bit of retail therapy .

  21. 她以前常常责备加雷思花钱如何如何厉害。

    She used to lay into Gareth about how much he spent .

  22. 他们正大把大把地花钱。

    They 're spending a heck of a lot of money

  23. 当我有了第一个孩子时,朋友们提醒我说养孩子是很花钱的。

    When I had my first baby friends warned me that children were expensive

  24. 卡林最终还是花钱提前退役了。

    Carling eventually bought himself out of the army .

  25. 预订晚了的话你可能要额外多花钱。

    A late booking may involve you in extra cost

  26. 花钱修理不合算。

    It would be uneconomic to try and repair it

  27. 他花钱雇我兄弟去杀了诺顿并给了他封口费。

    He paid my brother to kill Norton and keep his mouth shut .

  28. 我们已经花钱对办公室进行了翻新。

    We have spent money on refurbishing the offices

  29. 有些当妈妈的花钱有点随意。

    Some mothers were a bit careless with money

  30. 银行不得不花钱买下过去200名合伙人手中的大部分股权。

    The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners