
  • 网络University of Zürich;the University of Zurich
  1. BelaBan在瑞士的苏黎世大学完成了他的哲学博士学位。

    Bela Ban completed his PhD at the University of Zurich , Switzerland .

  2. 法国电信商学院(TélécomBusinessSchool)的教师性别比例最为均衡,女教师占到了50%,而瑞士苏黎世大学(UniversityofZurich)的女教师比例仅为9%。

    France 's T é l é com Business School has the most gender-balanced faculty at 50 per cent female , while Switzerland 's University of Zurich has 9 per cent of women in its faculty .

  3. 这样的假设就使苏黎世大学的研究员们明白,集中精力研究GABA接收器是关键所在。

    So it made sense for the Zurich researchers to focus on GABA receptors .

  4. 法国电信商学院(TélécomBusinessSchool)和布拉格经济大学(UniversityofEconomics)的教师性别比例最为均衡,女教师占50%,瑞士苏黎世大学(UniversityofZurich)的教师性别比例最不均衡,女教师仅为9%。

    T é l é com Business School in France and Prague 's University of Economics have the most gender-balanced faculty , with exactly 50 per cent women , while Switzerland 's University of Zurich is the least balanced , with only 9 per cent .

  5. 据来自苏黎世大学的SabineRohrmann教授指导的研究者估计,如果一个人一天食用不超过20克的加工肉——大约一薄片熏肉、小香肠盘菜或火腿薄片,其中就有3%的人可以避免过早死亡。

    If everyone ate no more than 20g a day of processed meat - about one rasher of bacon , chipolata sausage or thin slice of ham - then 3 % of all premature deaths could be avoided , according to an estimate by the authors , led by Professor Sabine Rohrmann from the University of Zurich .

  6. 苏黎世大学礼堂,瑞士

    Auditorium , University of Zurich , switzerland , 2002

  7. 第二年,他成为了苏黎世大学的物理学教授。

    The following year , he became Professor of Physics at the University of Zurich .

  8. 来自苏黎世大学的研究团队带领来自世界许多国家的93名研究人员一起寻找答案。

    A team from the University of Zurich led ninety-three researchers from many countries in search of answers .

  9. 还得感谢瑞士苏黎世大学的研究员们最近做的实验,这一困惑才得以解开。

    That 's changed thanks to recent experiments performed by researchers at the University of Zurich , in Switzerland .

  10. 结果,在1911年,他在苏黎世大学被给予了一个全职科学家的位置。

    As a result , in 1911 , he 's offered a position as a full time scientist at the university of Zurich .

  11. 研究报告的作者苏黎世大学医院心脏科医生伊莲娜·加德里博士说,医生应该在诊断心脏问题的时候,除了询问难过的事件,也要询问开心的事件。

    Study author Dr Jelena Ghadri , resident cardiologist from University Hospital Zurich said doctorsshould enquire about happy events as well as sad , when diagnosing heart problems .

  12. 发起这项研究的苏黎世大学心理学教授亚历山大弗洛恩德说71%的人表示知道有人遭遇此危机。

    And71 % said they knew someone who had one , says the study led by Alexandra Freund , a psychology professor at the University of Zurich , Switzerland .

  13. 瑞士苏黎世大学经济学家亚娜·加卢斯认为,人们颁发这些奖项的一大原因在于留下遗产。

    According to Jana Gallus , an economist from the University of Zurich , Switzerland , one of the reasons that people give out awards is to establish a legacy .

  14. 这使得苏黎世大学多米尼克教授希望了解携带不同基因型的两类人在情感记忆上有无优劣之分。

    That led Dominique de Quervain , of the University of Zurich , to wonder if people with one variant would have better emotional memories than those with the other .

  15. 自从‘心碎症”在1990年被首次发现,瑞士苏黎世大学医院的医生们从世界各地收集了一份目前拥有1750个病人信息的数据。

    Since " broken heart syndrome " was first identified in 1990 , doctors at the University HospitalZurich in Switzerland have been compiling a database of worldwide attacks which currently holds1750 patients .

  16. 苏黎世大学医院首席研究员克里斯汀娜·滕普林博士说,还需要作进一步研究,以了解导致‘心碎’和‘快乐’两种不同心病的确切机制。

    Dr Christian Templin , principle investigator from University Hospital Zurich , said further researchwas needed to understand the exact mechanisms underlying both the " broken " and " happy " heart variants .

  17. 尽管苏黎世大学做的实验只解决了一小部分困惑,但是这对于了解这些神奇的药物如何工作的,以及怎样让它们发挥更好的效果是重要的一步。

    While the Zurich experiment fills in only one piece of the puzzle , it is an important step towards learning how these amazing drugs work , and how to make them even better .

  18. 苏黎世大学的弗拉德塔•阿吉达西克-格罗斯博士说:“生日成忌日的情况比预想的更多。”他补充说,随着人们年龄增大,生日死亡的风险也会增大。

    Dr Vladeta Ajdacic-Gross of the University of Zurich , said : " Birthdays end lethally more frequently than might be expected . " He added that risk of birthday death rose as people got older .

  19. 比如,在郊区买一幢大房子也许是个不错的想法,但是据《华尔街日报》报道,2004年瑞士苏黎世大学研究人员进行的一项研究显示,在同等条件下,通勤时间较长的人整体生活幸福感较弱。

    For example , that big house in the suburbs may seem like a good idea , but according to The Wall Street Journal , a 2004 study by researchers from University of Zurich in Switzerland found that people with longer commutes reported lower overall life satisfaction , all other things being equal . Try giving it away .

  20. 在苏黎世上大学期间,爱因斯坦和物理系学姐——米列娃·玛丽克坠入爱河,米列娃·玛丽克最终成为他的第一任妻子。

    While attending university in Zurich , Einstein fell in love with an older physics student , Mileva Maric , who would eventually become his first wife .

  21. 除了英国之外,排名领先的欧洲大学还有排名13的苏黎世联邦工业大学。

    The top European university outside Britain was the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich , in 13th place .

  22. 从苏黎世联邦工业大学毕业后,他供职于瑞士联邦专利局,并在业余时间撰写科学论文。

    After graduating from the Polytechnic School in Zurich he wrote scientific papers in his spare time while working as a Swiss patent officer .

  23. 爱因斯坦在瑞士读完高中后进入苏黎世的一所大学。

    Einstein finished high school in Switzerland and entered a university in Zurich .

  24. 地球与海洋科学:苏黎世联邦理工大学,瑞士

    Earth and Marine Sciences : ETH Zurich , Switzerland 15 .