
  • 网络highland;Scottish Highlands;Highlands of Scotland;Scotland Highlands
  1. 麦卡伦,珍品(TheMacallanRare),来自苏格兰高地的甜味苏格兰威士忌,只在美国发售

    The Macallan Rare : Sweet States-only Scotch from the Scottish Highlands

  2. 没有多少mba课程会在课程开始时,邀请所有学员从位于苏格兰高地的酒仓大木桶中,随机选取一瓶25年的单一麦芽威士忌。

    Not many MBA programmes start with all the participants being invited to draw their own sample bottle of 25-year-old single-malt whisky from a large wooden cask in a warehouse in the Scottish Highlands .

  3. 该军团是专门为在印度作战而从苏格兰高地征募来的。

    The regiment was recruited from the Highlands specifically for service in India .

  4. 我被苏格兰高地人民深深地吸引。

    I felt a great affinity with the people of the Highlands .

  5. 去年10月,福布斯家族通过其投资公司苏格兰高地管理有限责任公司(HighlandManagementL.L.C.)在特拉华州的衡平法院提起诉讼。

    Last October the Forbes family , through its investment vehicle Highland Management L.L.C. , sued in Chancery Court in Delaware .

  6. 文章写道,这些女管家可以在苏格兰高地(ScottishHighlands)帮雇主购买、装修和装潢房子,也可以在地中海的伊维萨岛(Ibiza)为20位宾客准备早中餐,如果雇主的私人厨师烂醉如泥的话。

    The Concierge femmes might help'buy , renovate and decorate a home in the Scottish Highlands or cook brunch for20 in Ibiza when the private chef shows up drunk , 'the article says .

  7. 今年夏天,格拉斯哥将举办2014公益运动会,这场奥林匹克式的赛事只限不列颠及过去英国殖民地的运动员参加。9月,苏格兰高地的格伦伊格尔斯(Gleneagles)度假胜地举办莱德杯高尔夫对抗赛。

    This summer , Glasgow will stage the 2014 Commonwealth Games , Olympic-style competitions for Britain and the former British colonies , and in September Gleneagles resort in the Highlands will host the Ryder Cup golf competition .

  8. 苏格兰高地游戏是苏格兰文化遗产的一部分。

    The highland game be part of scotland 's cultural heritage .

  9. 他周末在苏格兰高地追踪鹿的行踪。

    He spent the weekend stalking deer in the Scottish highlands .

  10. 苏格兰高地部分地区说盖尔语。

    Gaelic is spoken in some parts of Highlands in Scotland .

  11. 假设苏格兰政府只接受以苏格兰高地牛作为支付方式。

    Suppose the Scottish government would only accept payment in Highland cows .

  12. 苏格兰高地各社区能够承受这些变化。

    The societies of the Highlands were able to absorb these changes .

  13. 打,跑,藏,苏格兰高地人的战法。

    Hit , run , hide , the Highland way .

  14. 苏格兰高地首领的年轻的男性随从。

    A young male attendant on a Scottish Highland chief .

  15. 苏格兰皇家银行的天才们,将很快发明出可交易的苏格兰高地牛凭证。

    The ingenious folk at RBS would quickly create tradeable highland cattle certificates .

  16. 高地斧兵是来自苏格兰高地剽悍骁勇的战士。

    Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands .

  17. 在瓦尔特-司各脱的小说中,我们可以看到关于苏格兰高地的这种克兰的生动描写。

    In Walter Scott 's novels the Highland clan lives before our eyes .

  18. 就算没有去过苏格兰高地,我们也能穿出地道的苏格兰风情。

    Go full-on Scottish , even if you have never been to the Highlands .

  19. 原来苏格兰高地的人使用的战斧。

    A battle-ax formerly used by Scottish Highlanders .

  20. 很多苏格兰高地人为了寻找工作而搬到了城镇。

    Many highlanders have moved to the towns and cities in search of work .

  21. 一种苏格兰高地的活泼的舞蹈;具有圆圈式转动和流畅的舞步的特征。

    A lively dance of Scottish highlanders ; marked by circular moves and gliding steps .

  22. 高地贵族剑士为苏格兰高地或岛屿上部落首领及亲族组成。

    These are the clan leaders and their kinsfolk from the highlands and isles of Scotland .

  23. 他们用苏格兰高地舞展示了分子生物学中一项复杂但重要的突破。

    They did Scottish Highland dancing to illustrate a complex but important breakthrough in molecular biology .

  24. 高地风笛与利尔舞揭开了苏格兰高地运动盛会的序幕。

    Bagpipes and dancing open the competitions of local sporting events , which are called Highland Gatherings .

  25. 一杯苏格兰热棕榈酒由蜂蜜,柠檬以及威士忌调制而成,它可以使苏格兰高地的人们保持体温。

    A Scottish hot toddy is made with honey , lemon and whisky and keeps the highlanders warm .

  26. 但当我听到艾伦被描绘成一个品德不错的人和一个诚实的苏格兰高地人时我最喜欢。

    But I liked it best when I heard Alan described as a fine man and an honest Highlander .

  27. 我住的地方离巴尔莫拉城堡不远,那里是女王在苏格兰高地的私人府邸。

    I live not far from Balmoral Castle , which is the Queen 's private residence in the Scottish Highlands .

  28. 心惊胆战的修士们时常在编年史中提起这些北方强盗,他们一路奸淫掳掠,杀向苏格兰高地。

    monks " chronicles make frequent , terrified references to northerly marauders who raped and pillaged their way through the Highlands .

  29. 高地斧兵是来自苏格兰高地,尽管自身盔甲简陋,依然挥动战斧盾牌奋勇搏杀。

    Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands fight with little to no armour and are equipped with an axe .

  30. 我们定居在一个距大路约两英里远的苏格兰高地的一个美丽的小村舍中。

    We live in a small beautiful cottage , two miles from a paved road in the highlands of Scotland . '