
  • 网络nhs
  1. 因此,英国国家医疗服务体系英格兰分部先开始采用一项由丹麦开发的体制,引入了十个专科快速诊断和评估中心。

    So NHS England is now adopting an approach first developed in Denmark by introducing ten specialist rapid diagnostic and assessment2 centres .

  2. 根据英国国家医疗服务体系指引,低风险孕妇敦促避免住院分娩

    Low-risk pregnancy cases are being urged to avoid hospital birth under new NHS guidelines Photograph : Katie Collins / PA

  3. 英国国家医疗服务体系中有110名第一线的医护人员是HIV病毒感染者,他们将因禁令取消而受益。

    There are 110 frontline workers in the NHS with HIV who would be affected by the rule change .

  4. 英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)就金枪鱼罐头提出了建议,但没有对寿司提出建议。

    Britain 's NHS has advice about canned tuna but not about sushi .

  5. 在英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)的病人中,存在这一严重病情的病人比例高达六分之一。

    a serious condition affecting up to one in six National Health Service patients .

  6. 英国国家医疗服务体系建议,65岁以上的人如没有晒足够的太阳,每个人应每天摄取一小片。

    NHS Choices recommends that everyone over 65 and people who don 't get much sun take a small daily supplement .

  7. 他在几个小时内就终止了病毒——到那个时候,这种病毒已经在英国国家医疗服务体系造成了骚乱,给成千上万的受害者带来了麻烦。

    He stopped the virus in just a few hours - by which point , it had brought chaos to the NHS and thousands of other victims .

  8. 提出这一建议的是英国国家医疗服务体系在线平台的常驻生活教练杰恩•莫里斯,她表示,如果只是把乱糟糟的东西挪个位置没有任何用处。

    The advice comes from Jayne Morris , the resident life coach for NHS Online , who said it is no good just moving the mess around .

  9. 如果你真的想使用一个健康应用程序,选一些知名的健康品牌(比如英国国家医疗服务体系、红十字会等组织)。

    If you do want to use a health app , go for well-known health brands ( eg organisations such as the NHS , Red Cross , etc ) .

  10. 英国国家医疗服务体系出人意料的排名第五,拥有170万名雇员,比印度铁路或印度军队的人还多。

    Englands National Health Service ( NHS ) makes a surprising appearance in fifth place with a 1.7 million strong workforce more than Indian Railways or the Indian armed forces .

  11. 然而,部长们也做好了迎接批评的准备,因为这一决定可能会引发健康旅游业,在医院被迫寻求削减开支的办法时,给英国国家医疗服务体系带来财政压力。

    However , ministers are braced for criticism that the decision may prompt so-called health tourism and put the NHS under financial pressure at a time when hospitals are being forced to find cuts .

  12. 然而,部长们也做好了迎接批评的准备,因为这一决定可能会引发“健康旅游业”,在医院被迫寻求削减开支的办法时,给英国国家医疗服务体系带来财政压力。

    However , ministers are braced for criticism that the decision may prompt so-called " health tourism " and put the NHS under financial pressure at a time when hospitals are being forced to find cuts .

  13. 英国国家医疗服务体系和社会保健工作者可能构成了在今年圣诞节最大的工作人群,但是两年前,超过14000人圣诞节那天还在酒店、酒吧和餐馆工作,在当地商店和车库工作的也是相似的人数。

    NHS and social care workers are likely to make up the largest group of people working this Christmas , but two years ago more than 14000 people also worked in hotels , pubs and restaurants on Christmas Day , and a similar number worked in local shops and garages .

  14. 补充疗法与英国国家医疗卫生服务体系不应因成本效益证据不确定而排除补充医学于综述和指南之外

    Complementary therapies and the NHS Uncertain evidence of cost effectiveness should not exclude complementary medicine from reviews ane guidelines

  15. 英国政府将国家医疗卫生服务体系的重心转向社区卫生服务

    UK government to shift NHS power to community health care

  16. 共有1200名英国医务工作者志愿参加了英国国家医疗服务体系的场景演出,其中包括600名护士。

    The NHS scene used 1,200 volunteers from UK hospitals , including 600 nurses .

  17. 英国政府一位健康顾问近日承认,英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)已经“抛弃了”老年人,毫无必要地把他们送到养老院,但老年人在养老院中所受到的医疗保健服务“可能比在监狱还糟糕”。

    Older people are being " written off " by the NHS and unnecessarily sent to nursing homes where they receive health care that is " probably worse than in prison , " a leading government health adviser has admitted .

  18. 霍金批评英国卫生大臣杰里米?亨特(JeremyHunt)在英国国家医疗服务体系(NationalHealthService)的问题上有倾向性地挑选证据,霍金还公开反对英国退欧。

    He criticised the UK health secretary Jeremy Hunt for cherry-picking evidence on the National Health Service and spoke out against Brexit .

  19. 根据英国多位部长支持的一项争议性方案,英国国家医疗服务体系将首度向外来人口免费提供艾滋病病毒治疗服务。

    Foreigners are to be offered free treatment for HIV on the NHS for the first time under controversial plans backed by ministers .