
  • 网络british india;British Raj
  1. 在过去的英属印度,地区长官有审判权。

    In British india , district commissioners had judicial powers .

  2. 英属印度的缔造者克莱夫于1774年自杀身亡。

    The founder of British india , clive , committed suicide in1774 .

  3. 在英国殖民的那段时间,普什图族(pashtun)的领土被杜兰德线(durandline)分割,并且导致了阿富汗和英属印度以及后来出现的巴基斯坦的紧张关系。

    During period of British intervention , ethnic Pashtun territories were divided by the Durand line ; such a division led to strained relations between Afghanistan and British India and later , Pakistan .

  4. 关于英属印度的或在印度的英国人的。

    Relating to British India or the English in India .

  5. 您知道吧,加尔各答曾经是英属印度的首都。

    You know , once Calcutta was the capital of British India .

  6. 第二章主要分析在英属印度和后殖民伦敦这两个不同时期和地点里权力和身体的运作。

    Chapter Two analyzes power and the body in the colonial India and postcolonial London .

  7. 之后对德里城的洗劫留下的政治真空,最后被英属印度填补。

    The ensuing sacking of Delhi left a political vacuum only filled by the British Raj .

  8. 还有很多罗兴亚人在始于1825年的英国殖民时期来到若开,那时若开和孟加拉都是英属印度的一部分。

    Many others arrived in the British colonial period from 1825 when both Rakhine and Bengal were part of British India .

  9. 这是一个典型的英属印度家庭,这些孩子的童年,成为了英国扩张的牺牲品之一。

    It was a pattern familiar to British India , whose children 's loveless lives were part of the price of the Empire .

  10. 法官最低限度也会判他坐五年牢。在过去的英属印度,地区长官有审判权。

    The Judge will put him behind bars for at least five years . In British India , district commissioners had judicial powers .

  11. 第二、三、四部分是根据英属印度文官制度成长过程中体现出的不同特征来进行划分的。

    The second , third and fourth parts are divided according to different features in the developing process of the civil service system of British India .

  12. 1839年,英帝国为了扩大英属印度殖民地的版图,发起了对邻国普什图的征战。

    In1839 , the British Empire sought to expand the borders of its colony of British India , by launching a war of conquest against the neighboring Pashtuns .

  13. 当然,克什米尔不是英属印度的一部分,它不是英国赐予印度或者巴基斯坦的礼物。

    Kashmir , of course was not part of British ruled India and it was never in Britain 's gift to pass it on to either India or Pakistan .

  14. 艾亚尔表示,过去60年来,印度东北部已从英属印度第二富裕的地区,变成如今的落后地区。

    Over the past six decades , he said , the north-east had been transformed from the second richest part of British India to the laggard region it is today .

  15. 重新思考和审视这些问题,有助于加深对英属印度殖民教育历史的了解,并对我国教育发展有所启发。

    To rethink and look at these issues should be a help to deepen understanding of the history of colonial education in India , and inspire the development of education in China .

  16. 但是,真正名副其实的所谓英属印度,只有七十万平方英里的面积和一亿到一亿一千万的人口。

    But British India , properly so called , only embraces seven hundred thousand square miles , and a population of from one hundred to one hundred and ten millions of inhabitants .

  17. 他对印度各项法律、塔米尔语及英属印度史颇有造诣,在1896年的复试中,他又考了第七名。

    His studies of the various branches of Indian law , the Tamil language and the history of British India then won him seventh place again in the Final IC Sexamination of 1896 .

  18. 事实上,如果我去做一个苦行僧,就是一个行乞的圣人,在英属印度的宽阔道路上拿着碗乞讨,也不会遇到那么多嘲笑,反而还会赢得更多尊敬。

    Indeed , if I had become a sadhu , a mendicant holy man , wandering the great trunk roads of British India , begging bowl in hand , I would have met with less derision and won more respect .

  19. 在剑桥,那些觉得自己富有责任感的、级长阶级的成员,也许很认同苏联统治者,他们正想把英属印度改造成那样,为了自己的利益把农民集体化。

    Those at Cambridge who perceived themselves as members of a responsible British prefect class might well identify with the Russian rulers as with a sort of better British India , collectivising and rationalising the peasants for their own good .

  20. 东印度公司统治后期,英属印度的经济、文化以及社会阶级力量等方面都发生了有利于近代文官制度形成的重大改变。

    In the late period under the rule of East India Company , the economy , culture and forces of the social classes of British India were subject to great changes , which was favorable to the formation of the modern civil service system .

  21. 要做到这点,辛格需要带头努力,逆转邻国的不稳定和经济疲弱,并重新修复英属印度所属区域丧失的统一,这一区域曾经从科伦坡延伸到喀布尔再到仰光。

    To do that , Mr Singh will need to lead efforts to reverse the instability and economic weakness beyond his borders , and restitch the unity lost among the constituent parts of British India that once stretched from Colombo to Kabul to Rangoon .

  22. 每天晚上在格林威治时间午夜前后,开曼群岛上空的太阳就会落下,而太阳要在凌晨1点以后才会在英属印度洋领地升起。在这段时间内,南太平洋上小小的皮特凯恩群岛是唯一能够看到太阳的英国领地。

    Every night , around midnight GMT , the Sun sets on the Cayman Islands , and doesn 't rise over the British Indian Ocean Territory until after 1:00 A.M. For that hour , the little Pitcairn Islands in the South Pacific are the only British territory in the Sun .

  23. 与此同时,大英帝国的生命血液&银币,便开始被吸取到英属东印度了。

    At the same time the silver coin of the Empire , its life-blood , began to be drained away to the British East Indies .

  24. 1773年的今天,英国国会通过了茶叶法,以达到垄断北美茶叶贸易从而拯救英属东印度公司的目的。

    1773-The British Parliament passes the Tea Act , designed to save the British East India Company by granting it a monopoly on the North American tea trade .

  25. 英属北美殖民地和英属印度殖民地一起,构成了第二英帝国的核心。

    British North American Colonial and India together constituted the core of the Second of British Empire .