
  • Englander;the English;Sassenach
  1. 直到她开口说话我才知道她不是英格兰人。

    Until she spoke I hadn 't realized she wasn 't English .

  2. 他们的态度是十足的英格兰人的态度。

    Their attitude is so very English .

  3. 苏格兰人在与英格兰人的比赛中获胜。

    The Scots won their match against England .

  4. 假设他赢了——不过这还是个很大的疑问——他将成为五十年以来第一个获胜的英格兰人。

    If he wins ─ and it 's a big if ─ he 'll be the first Englishman to win for fifty years .

  5. 他像英格兰人那样将它读成Per-sha。

    He pronounced it Per-sha , the way the English do .

  6. 所有国家都有代表出席——但是英格兰人占大多数。

    All nationalities were represented — but the English predominated .

  7. 英格兰人对亨利亲王权势日增感到不安,便派突袭队到苏格兰除掉他。

    The English , worried by the growing power of Prince Henry , sent a raiding party to Scotland to kill him

  8. 恺酸溜溜他说:“可你哪,与其说是意大利人,还不如说是新英格兰人

    Kay said tartly , " And you 're more Yankee than Italian .

  9. 新英格兰人最初曾被称作Yankee,这一名称后来渐渐指所有的美国人。

    New Englanders were originally knows as Yankees , which came to stand for all American .

  10. 英格兰人常常被认为冷淡且矜持的。

    The English are often regarded as being cold and reserved .

  11. 我们当中,约翰是英格兰人,其余的都是威尔斯人。

    John is English and the rest of us are welsh .

  12. 苏格兰人和威尔士人不是英格兰人,反过来也一样。

    The Scots and Welsh are not English and vice versa .

  13. 投降者比英格兰人更过分?

    More of a surrender than what the British are doing ?

  14. 根据口音判断,你准是英格兰人。

    Judging from your accent , you must be from England .

  15. 他将目标放在英格兰和英格兰人身上。

    His sights were set on England and the english .

  16. 她的母亲是英格兰人,父亲是美国人。

    Her mother is English and her father is american .

  17. 他是英格兰人,而你现在需要更多英格兰球员出现在你的球队。

    He is English and you need English players at your club now .

  18. 诺尔曼人在1066年征服了英格兰人。

    The English were conquered by the Normans in1066 .

  19. 她的小说把英格兰人的拘谨和威尔士人的情感外露很独特地结合在一起。

    Her novels are an odd synthesis of English reserve and Welsh emotionalism .

  20. (尽管他的名字听上去有点像是威尔士名字,但他的父母都是英格兰人。)

    ( Although his surname sounds Welsh , his parents were English . )

  21. 全是些在滑铁卢见了普鲁士人和英格兰人便连忙逃命的胆小鬼!瞧!

    All cowards who fled before the Prussians and the English at Waterloo !

  22. 他返回苏格兰,率领另一支军队攻打英格兰人。

    He went back to Scotland and led another army against the English .

  23. 我有机会杀英格兰人吗?

    will I get a chance to kill Englishmen ?

  24. 从一开始,英格兰人的入侵就注定了失败。

    The English incursion was doomed from the outset .

  25. 我们这里提到的几个新英格兰人,严格地说并不是波士顿人。

    We are concerned with some New Englanders who were not strictly speaking Bostonians .

  26. 所有英格兰人似乎都很愤怒

    Everyone in England seems to be cross .

  27. 感谢观看“怎样做英格兰人”,下次再见啦。

    Thank you for watching how to be english , see you next time .

  28. 她五官端正,具有鲜明的新英格兰人特点。

    Her face was finely modeled , with a good sharp New England profile .

  29. 在全体英格兰人当中这种对自己语言的十分自信的态度是相当普遍的。

    Such self-assurance about one 's own language is fairly common among the English .

  30. 她是英格兰人,但因为长期定居爱丁堡,所以有资格投票。

    She is English but as a longtime Edinburgh resident is eligible to vote .