
  1. 论诗文学派对草创期浪漫主义的超越&朝鲜现代文学流派研究

    On the Poem School Surmounting the Romanticism in Its Starting Period

  2. 锥画漆器经过了战国时期的草创期,主要流行于西汉中期以前。

    Cone painting passed the threshold during the Warring States period , and populated in the middle of Western Han Dynasty .

  3. 二十多年来我国法律语言研究可分三个阶段:酝酿期、草创期、深化期。

    Of more than twenty years , the research of China Legal language can be divided into three stages : brewing , initial and the deeping .

  4. 理论研究经历了空白期、草创期、发展期、繁盛期、成熟期五个时期;

    Theoretical research goes through five stages , namely the blank stage , the initial stage , the development stage , the prosperity stage and the maturity stage .

  5. 徐志摩的译诗实践发生于新诗草创期和建设期,研究其诗歌翻译对于新诗规范建立所起的作用,具有重大意义。

    It is of great significance to investigate into Xu Zhimo 's poetry translating practice to find out how Xu 's poetry translation had contributed to the construction of new verse .

  6. 第一阶段即它的幼稚期(或称草创期),约在1985年前后,以马原、洪峰等为代表,是先锋小说初现端倪并进行初步形式探索的时期。

    The first stage was born about 1985 , Ma yuan , Hong feng was the representative . In the stage , pioneer novel came into being just now and made initial form exploration .

  7. 草创期白话新诗只重白话,不重“诗”,并由此带来了严重的“非诗化”倾向,语言、音韵、结构方式、创作手法上都有明显的表现。

    The new free verse focused only on free language but not " verse " on its initial stage , which caused serious " depoeticization " in such aspects as language , rhyme , structure and techniques .

  8. 由于草创期没有确定的文体规范,诗人就在诗感、诗观与诗运三个层面进行探索,寻找最佳的艺术表现样式。

    As in the initial stage , there is no specific literary form , poets probe in three levels of poetry sense , poetry view and poetry rhyme , so as to seek the best artistic expressional pattern .

  9. 20世纪中国文学史的书写大体经过了两个历史阶段,即50年代的草创期和新时期以来的探索期。

    The writing of Chinese literary history of the twentieth century has roughly undergone two historical phases , one is the initiative phase of the fifties , and the other , the probing phase since " the New Period " .

  10. 民国时期小学数学教学法以传统的注入式教学法为最先改造对象,在适应新的形势要求下经历了草创期、探索期和成熟期三个发展阶段。

    Republican Primary Mathematics Teaching in the traditional teaching method for the first transformation into the object , in adapting to the new situation , the request went through the embryonic period , to explore the three stages of development and maturity .

  11. 在中国现代新诗的草创期,初期白话三诗人的新诗理论和新诗创作都是很有探索意义的,对现代白话新诗的发展作出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    In the initial stage of the Chinese modern new poems , the new theories and the creation of the " Early three vernacular poets " are of great exploring significance . They had made an everlasting contribution to the development of the new poems .

  12. 在草创期,新诗因过分迎合激情崇尚和口语诗化的历史要求,最终导致尚感情而轻智慧,放纵人性并放任诗歌形式自流。

    In the starting period , because of excessively catering to the enthusiasm first and vernacular oral poem , the new poem finally lead to respecting affection and despising intelligence , indulged the human nature and made the form of vers as what it be .