
  • 网络Moca;Mocha;Mokka
  1. RP-HPLC法测定复方盐酸普莫卡因乳膏中盐酸普莫卡因的含量

    Determination of Pramoxine Hydrochloride in Compound Pramoxine Hydrochloride Cream by RP-HPLC

  2. 采用X-5树脂固相萃取技术纯化与富集血中普莫卡因和布他卡因,并用毛细管气相色谱内标法定量测定。

    An analytical method for quantitation of pramocaine and butacaine in blood was established . Pramocaine and butacaine were purified and concentrated by solid phase extraction using X 5 resin and then determined quantitatively by gas chromatography with internal standard .

  3. 固相萃取和毛细管气相色谱法定量测定血中普莫卡因和布他卡因

    Quantitative analysis of pramocaine and butacaine in blood by capillary gas chromatography with solid phase extraction

  4. 结论该法简便、快速、可靠,可用于复方盐酸普莫卡因乳膏的质量控制。

    Conclusion The method is simple , sensitive , accurate and suitable for the quantitative control of compound pramoxine hydrochloride cream .