
  • 网络Marketing budget
  1. 联合利华(Unilever)承诺将该公司63亿英镑的年度营销预算用于打破女性刻板印象的广告。

    Unilever has pledged to spend its £ 6.3bn annual marketing budget on ads that smash female stereotypes .

  2. PrintingHouse的穆勒说,他每年花费一万美元租用飘香机(他说,这不过是广告和营销预算的九牛一毛。)

    Mr. Muller , of the Printing House , says he spends about $ 10,000 a year leasing the scent-dispensing machines ( 'a drop in the bucket ' of their advertising and marketing budget , he says ) .

  3. 一些广告商开始转向互联网广告,其更便宜且能提供更具体的如点击率这样的衡量标准,这在市场营销预算紧张的时期尤为重要。

    Some are turning to the Internet , which is cheaper and offers concrete measurements like click-through rates — especially important at a time when marketing budgets are tight .

  4. 最新的危险信号是,有报道称,可口可乐(coca-cola)和通用汽车(generalmotors)计划将营销预算列为削减成本的目标。

    The latest red flags were reports that Coca-Cola and General Motors planned to target marketing budgets as part of cost-cutting efforts .

  5. 而像Peacock和迪士尼的Hulu这样靠广告支持的流媒体仍然缺乏足够的广告空间来承接大笔营销预算。

    And ad-supported streamers like Peacock and Disney 's Hulu still lack enough ad space to move big marketing budgets .

  6. TCL的手机销量没有达到预期目标,这部分是由于具有大额营销预算的全球制造商正在推出令人眼花缭乱的新机型。

    It is behind target on handset sales , partly because global manufacturers with big marketing budgets are rushing out flash new models .

  7. 澳大利亚大型零售企业HarveyNormanHoldingsLtd.称,正考虑将营销预算减少20%。该公司还在马来西亚、新加坡和其它国家开展业务。

    Big Australian retailer Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd. , which also has a presence in Malaysia , Singapore and other countries , says it is considering cutting its marketing budget by20 % .

  8. 企业营销预算中资源优化模型与作业预算法

    The Resources Optimization Model and the Task-budget Technique in Marketing Budget

  9. 我们的营销预算是按销售额的比例订定。

    Our marketing budget is based on a percentage of sales value .

  10. 这家公司将超过35%的市场营销预算用到了数字和社交媒体。

    Its shifted over 35 % of its marketing budget to digital and social .

  11. 运用作业成本法改进营销预算管理

    Activity-Based Costing Helps to Improve Marketing Budget Management

  12. 这项运动从两个层面进入全球公司的营销预算。

    The movement taps into the marketing budgets of international companies at two levels .

  13. 麦卡弗里指出,营销预算在收入中只占极小一部分。

    The marketing budget , McCaffrey indicates , is a tiny fraction of revenues .

  14. 基于客户分布的积分营销预算方法

    Method of marketing budget based on customers distribution

  15. 金宝的资金紧张也影响到了他的广告和营销预算。

    Mr James 's capital constraint ex ­ tends to his advertising and marketing budget .

  16. 社交媒体有助于这些企业让往往微薄的营销预算发挥最大作用。

    Social media has helped the companies make the most of often slender marketing budgets .

  17. 当时我们没有营销预算,155000是个大数目。

    And we had no marketing budget . Now , 155000 is a big number .

  18. 到目前为止,对于急于提高自身市场营销预算效果的品牌而言,与Birchbox合作一直是一个颇有吸引力的选择。

    So far Birchbox has been an attractive proposition for brands eager to stretch their marketing budgets .

  19. 马克:嗯,他建议我们增加15%的营销预算。

    Mark : Well , he 's suggested that we increase our marketing budget by 15 % .

  20. 组织需要知道他们是否在优化其营销预算,并有效地管理市场营销业绩。

    Organizations need to know if they are optimizing their marketing budget and effectively managing marketing performance .

  21. 坏电影经常有一个大开头,由于他们的营销预算;那告诉顾客没什么。

    Bad movies often have a big opening , thanks to their marketing budget ; that tells customers nothing .

  22. 在整个行业,各制片公司今年已急剧削减成本,裁减职位并大幅缩减营销预算。

    Across the industry , studios have reduced costs drastically this year , cutting jobs and slashing marketing budgets .

  23. 整个亚太地区,由于许多航线停飞以及大幅度消减成本,营销预算曾被大量冻结。

    Across Asia-Pacific , as routes were being axed and savage cost-cuts implemented , marketing budgets were largely frozen .

  24. 2009年3月,钟彬娴开始公司成立以来最大的招聘活动并且将营销预算将近翻了一番。

    In March 2009 Ms Jung launched the biggest hiring drive in the company 's history and nearly doubled the marketing budget .

  25. 运输营销预算管理的实施,整合了生产力资源,提高了企业经营管理水平,超额完成了运输利润目标,并保证了运输生产安全。

    The implementation helps integrate productive resources , enhance enterprises ' management level , achieve transport benefits target and ensure transport safety .

  26. 该杂志将动用“数万英镑”的营销预算来提高这一数字,以实现其目标。

    A marketing budget of " tens of thousands of pounds " will be allocated to help boost those figures to meet its targets .

  27. 尽管在新媒体上观众出现分化,但电视广告支出依然是很多公司市场营销预算中的大头。

    In spite of the fragmentation of audiences across new media , TV ad spending remains the bulk of many companies ' marketing budgets .

  28. 为更好地与工业客户联系,大多数的生产商和供货商已经转移了一大部分营销预算到在线营销方案。

    Most manufacturers and suppliers have shifted a good portion of their marketing budget to online programs to better connect with the industrial audience .

  29. 过去几个月,许多企业都增加了研发、资本支出以及销售和营销预算。

    In the past few months , scores of companies have raised budgets for research and development , capital expenditure , and sales and marketing .

  30. 营销预算是企业预算管理中的一个重要组成部分,建立与完善现代企业制度,就必须建立科学化的预算管理体系。

    Marketing budget is one of the important components of budget management . Scientific budget management system is necessary for the establishment of modern cooperation governance .