
  • 网络Zaragoza;Real Zaragoza;Saragossa
  1. 在对萨拉戈萨进了一球之后你觉得怎么样?

    How do you feel after scoring a goal against Zaragoza ?

  2. 于是我花了四个小时从萨拉戈萨赶往马德里。

    So I made the four-hour trip from Zaragoza to Madrid .

  3. 萨拉戈萨的命运,反映目前正在全西班牙和欧洲其他地方开展的一种模式。

    Zaragoza 's fate reflects the pattern now unfolding across Spain and the rest of Europe .

  4. 我们把他租借到萨拉戈萨,是因为在那里他能够证明自己的价值。

    We loaned him to Zaragoza because he will be able to show what he 's worth there .

  5. 萨拉戈萨俱乐部的球探在萨拉戈萨大学发现了他,拯救了他的职业生涯。

    However , the club 's scouts saw him playing for the University of Zaragoza and resurrected his career .

  6. 中学毕业后我就搬到了萨拉戈萨(西班牙一个城市),在那儿我发现他是对的。

    When I finished school , I moved to Zaragaza , and there I found that he had been right .

  7. 老妇人在失去萨拉戈萨的阿根廷后卫米利托后展开了对安德拉德的谈判。

    The old lady turned its attention to Andrade after negotiations for Real Zaragoza and Argentina stopper Gabriel Milito stalled last week .

  8. 与此同时,在此地任职甚久,并坚称自己没有正式授权西门尼斯修缮壁画的教区牧师如今已被逐出萨拉戈萨。

    Meanwhile , the longtime parish priest , who insisted that he did not formally authorize the touch-up , has been exiled to Zaragoza .

  9. 志愿者中还有来自日本和西班牙的外籍志愿者,曾为2005爱知世博会和2008萨拉戈萨世博会提供志愿服务。

    Some foreign volunteers have also been recruited , mostly from Japan and Spain , who served visitors at the2005 Aichi Expo and2008 Zaragoza Expo .

  10. 卡卡在修养了6个星期后本周末在与皇家萨拉戈萨的比赛中重新登场并打进一球,要知道他上一次出场是早在3月份输给里昂的欧冠联赛中。

    Kaka has just returned from six weeks out , with his appearance-and goal-against Real Zaragoza at the weekend his first since theChampions League defeat to Lyon in March .

  11. “再接下来的一周或10天内事情必须定下来,我相信加比在萨拉戈萨做了他能做的一切,他希望去尤文图斯。”

    " In a week or ten days it must be resolved . I insist on which Gabriel has fulfilled a cycle and wants to leave for juventus . "

  12. 今日,西班牙工会和地方政府官员将围绕萨拉戈萨附近的欧宝工厂的未来,同麦格纳举行第三天谈判。

    In Spain today , unionists and regional government officials are scheduled to talk with Magna for a third day on the future of Opel 's plant near Zaragoza .

  13. 受小镇高质量的生活条件吸引,卡纳雷斯于1999年将家人从萨拉戈萨搬到了拉穆埃拉,那时,小镇拥有2500名居民。

    Canales brought his family from Zaragoza to LA muela in 1999 , attracted by the quality of life of the small town , which then had about 2,500 residents .

  14. 皮奎经历了一整个赛季的租借期后,终于从萨拉戈萨回归,他帮助此队获得了西甲的第六名。

    Pique has returned from a season-long loan at Real Zaragoza , where he helped the Spaniards finish sixth behind Real Madrid , Barcelona , Seville , Valencia and Villarreal .

  15. 曼联老板将去到西班牙观看萨拉戈萨和桑坦德的比赛。之后他将会晤皮克讨论下赛季的计划。

    The Reds boss will travel to Spain to see Zaragoza take on Racing Santander at La Romareda stadium before meeting with pique to discuss his plans for next season .

  16. 他已经从曾经的初露锋芒成长成为现在拥有的引人注目表现,特别是在萨拉戈萨在西班牙国王杯的决赛中。

    He has really begun to fulfil his potential this term , turning in a number of eye-catching displays , especially during Zaragoza 's run to the Copa del Rey final .

  17. 一八○八年,拿破仑军队席卷西班牙大小城市,最后来到萨拉戈萨。这个城市只有一些残旧大炮应战,守军也远比法军少。

    In1808 , the armies of Napoleon marched through Spanish city after Spanish city until they reached Saragossa , a city defended by some old cannons and a heavily outnumbered force .

  18. 拉法过去在瓦伦西亚也执教过,但当时我在萨拉戈萨,等他离开的时候,我才加盟。

    When Rafa was coach at Valencia and I was at Zaragoza there was contact about me joining Valencia but I couldn 't arrive until the year after he left there .

  19. 在马德里以北200公里,省会城市萨拉戈萨坐落在一片半干旱平原上,拉穆埃拉是这里的一座郊区小镇,被大片大型风电设备包围着。

    On the outskirts of Zaragoza , a provincial capital on the semi-arid plains 200 miles north of Madrid , fields of huge electricity generating windmills surround the tiny town of La muela .

  20. 这位24岁的西班牙球员在今夏从皇家萨拉戈萨转投而来,并已经用六场比赛中的两粒精彩任意球得分向球迷证明了自己的能力。

    The24-year-old Spaniard , who arrived from Real Zaragoza this summer , has proved a real hit with the fans , scoring two wonderful free-kicks in his opening six games for the club .

  21. 这家美国汽车制造商7月8日宣布,其西班牙萨拉戈萨工厂将被18.3万平方米的太阳能电池板所覆盖。该厂年产汽车约50万辆。

    The US carmaker will announce on the 8 July that its Zaragoza factory in Spain , which produces about 500,000 cars a year , will be covered by 183,000 square metres of solar panels .

  22. 我想除了我们之外还会有其他几支球队具备夺冠实力,他们是:巴塞罗那、塞维利亚、巴伦西亚、马德里竞技、萨拉戈萨。他们将会在本国联赛和欧洲赛场上努力拼搏的。

    I think there are several teams who could win besides us . there 's barcelona , sevilla , valencia , Atletico madrid , and zaragoza , who are going to fight hard in Europe and in spain .