
luò huā
  • falling flowers;shatter
落花[luò huā]
  1. 对木棉花落花进行干燥工艺试验,并以木棉花干花为原料进一步探讨花汁饮料的加工工艺。

    The dry technique of falling flowers of Bombax malabaricum DC was experimented , and more forth explored the process technique of beverage of flower juice with the dry flower of Bombax malabaricum DC for the material .

  2. 一时陶醉在这落花飞舞的情节中。

    I was fascinated in the scene of the dance of the falling flowers .

  3. 察访这些珍贵艺术品的下落花费了多年的时间。

    The investigation and inuquiry into the whereabouts of the art treasures took years of work .

  4. 落花有意,流水无情。

    The waterside flower sheds petals for love , while the heartless brook babbles on .

  5. PCPA,NAA防治甜椒落花的生理效应初探

    Physiological Effects of PCPA or NAA on Sweet Pepper in Preventing Flower Falling

  6. 套袋时间以落花后50d(即以6月20日左右)为宜。

    The best time of bagging was at 50 days after withering ( about 20th June ) .

  7. 梅有2次落花落果高峰,分别在花后20d和35~40d,4月上旬后一般再脱落。

    Fruit-drop peaks are existed within 20 days and 35-40 days after flowering , and there is no more after the first 10 days of April .

  8. 从整个发育过程中看,黄金梨的角质膜是一个由薄变厚然后又变薄的过程,角质膜最厚是在落花后28~38d。

    The thickness of the cuticle became thick at first and became thin later during entire development . The cuticle was the thickest 28 ~ 38d after flowering .

  9. 落花无意,春风有意,吹来时间悲凉。

    Petals not , spring intentional , blowing time of desolation .

  10. 从落花生到花生绿奶茶的研制

    Developing Process of the word peanut Research on green tea milk

  11. 昨夜闲潭梦落花,可怜春半不还家。

    Tan idle dream last night falling , poor spring-return home .

  12. 院子里的落花此时被风吹远了。

    Petals At this time the yard has been blown away .

  13. 你也珍惜落花,为何走的那么彻底?

    You can also cherish Petals , why go so thoroughly ?

  14. 花生亲和种远缘杂交育种研究从落花生到花生

    Distant Hybridization between Cultivated Peanut and Cross-compatible Wild Species in Arachis

  15. 昨夜闲潭梦落花。

    Last night he dreamed that falling flowers would not stay .

  16. 露地、温室大樱桃落花落果规律对比研究

    Comparative study of flower and fruit dropping of outdoor and greenhouse cherries

  17. 地面佛上了一落花成的粉色毯子。

    The ground is covered by a pink blanket of fallen flowers .

  18. 热带优良牧草落花生营养需求的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the nutritive requirements of Pinto peanut

  19. 落花生枝叶正丁醇部位的化学成分研究

    Chemical constituents in butanol extraction from stems and leaves of Arachis hypogaea

  20. 祥子要了四两白干,三个大子儿的落花生。

    Xiangzi bought four ounces of liquor and three coppers worth of peanuts .

  21. 落花生去后,我总是不住的这样想。

    After peanuts left , I could not help thinking about this irony .

  22. 你的落花时节,能否看到我的眼泪?

    Your Petals season , can see my tears ?

  23. 因此他家里不时有落花生囤积着。

    On account of this , his house was always full of peanuts .

  24. 落花随人幽情这个季节。

    In this season , fallen flowers are as sentimental as people may .

  25. 油茶胚胎发育及落花落果的研究

    Premature drop , shedding and embryonic development of petals of the oil-tea camellia

  26. 天地清晰而澄澈,绿荫盛密,落花满地。

    World of clear and clarity , dense shade Sheng , Flower and Montreal .

  27. 飞絮落花时候、一登楼。

    When willow catkins flower , a climbing .

  28. 落花生枝叶制剂治疗失眠症的临床全盲验证观察

    Clinical Confirmation of Preparation from the Branch and Leaf of Peanut in Treating Insomnia

  29. 从他们渡头街上流来的落花,飘到我们洗澡的池塘里。

    Flowers launched from their landing-stairs come floating by the stream where we bathe .

  30. 我不看落花和流水,但凡美丽的东西,都要经过萌芽、繁盛直到衰败。

    Every beauty in the things that are through bud , prosperous until defeat .