
  • 网络Thyssenkrupp;ThyssenKrupp Elevator;Thyssen;Thyssen Krupp;ThyssenKrupp AG
  1. 但东京方面最初提议在日本建造这批潜艇,这让一些人担心澳大利亚的工作岗位会因此流失。这一提议使得德国蒂森克虏伯海事系统公司(ThyssenKruppMarineSystems)以及法国DCNS等竞争对手在这场竞赛中取得了一定优势。

    But Tokyo 's initial proposal that the fleet be built in Japan sparked concerns that jobs in Australia would be lost , allowing competitors ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems of Germany and France 's DCNS to gain ground in the contest .

  2. 于此同时,这50台产品也是蒂森克虏伯电梯公司在保加利亚最大的订单。

    At the same time the50 units represent ThyssenKrupp Elevator 's biggest ever contract in the country .

  3. 测试和评估均在蒂森克虏伯电梯的天安工厂测试塔内成功完成。

    Tests and evaluations had been successfully completed in the test tower of ThyssenKrupp Elevator 's Cheonan Plant in Korea .

  4. 因此,蒂森克虏伯电梯在实现两座大厦的建筑师和拥有者所追求的高环保标准方面,作出了重大贡献。

    ThyssenKrupp Elevator is thus making an important contribution to meeting the high environmental standards pursued by the architects and owners of the two buildings .

  5. 这将是双子电梯在法国的首次亮相,标志着该蒂森克虏伯电梯独家提供电梯系统在全球范围内推广的又一里程碑。

    These will be the first TWINs in France and a further milestone in the global growth of the system supplied exclusively by ThyssenKrupp Elevator .

  6. 第二十六届世界大学生夏季运动会将于中国南部城市深圳举行。蒂森克虏伯电梯制造并安装了116台电梯和2台扶梯,为此盛会提供服务。

    ThyssenKrupp Elevator has manufactured and installed a total of116 elevators and two escalators for the26th World University Summer Games in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen .

  7. 拥有与许多其他全球闻名的国际品牌合作的丰富经验,蒂森克虏伯电梯品牌在行业内也是独一无二的。

    With sound experience in representing and cooperating with many other world renowned international brands , ThyssenKrupp Elevator is the exclusive elevator brand in its business portfolio .

  8. 维斯比级是德国蒂森克虏伯集团下属的瑞典考姆公司为瑞典海军建造的轻型隐身护卫舰。

    The Visby Class of stealth corvettes were built for the Swedish Navy by the Swedish company Kockums ( a subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems of Germany ) .

  9. 只有对蒂森克虏伯公司的罚款减少了50%,那是因为总法院发现该电梯公司不是惯犯。

    The only fine to be reduced was that for ThyssenKrupp , by50 % , because the General Court found that the elevator division could not be considered a repeat offender .