
  • 网络Salary concept;Salary Idea
  1. 合理制定公务员薪酬级差,逐步引入绩效薪酬和宽带薪酬理念;

    Formulates the official salary grading Reasonably , introduce the achievements salary and the wide band salary idea gradually ;

  2. 第二章介绍了人力资源管理学的需要层次理论、期望理论、积极心理学理论和精神薪酬理念等基本理论,这是本文展开研究的理论基础。

    It also introduces basic theories on hierarchy of needs theory , expectancy theory , positive psychology and Spiritual salary theory on human resource management . This is the theoretical foundation of the whole thesis .

  3. 现代薪酬管理理念、方法与技术导入不足。

    Lacking of the concept of modern salary management ; lacking of methods and technology introductions .

  4. 针对企业的内、外部条件,更新薪酬管理理念,建立系统、科学的薪酬管理体系,达到调动员工的积极性,增强企业活力,提高经济效益的目的。

    Updating salary management idea , building systemic , scientific salary management system is to motivate staff and enhance enterprise atmosphere and to improve economic benefits .

  5. 本文从二级设计部门分配方式、设计人员的激励方式和职能管理人员的激励方式三个方面,分析了勘察设计单位树立战略性薪酬管理理念的必要性。

    The article analyzes the necessity of setting up a strategic income distribution system from that 's for secondary sector , for design staff , and for administrative staff .

  6. 当今世界,先进的薪酬管理理念和原则是,以人为本,注重员工参与和潜能开发的开发型薪酬管理。

    Nowadays , the concept and principle of advanced salary management is the people-oriented , developing salary management which emphasizes the participation of the working staff and the development of potential .

  7. 一个企业必须树立全新的薪酬管理理念,运用崭新的薪酬管理方法,使薪酬成为满足员工需求、留住人才、保持竞争力、构建组织与个人生命共同体的有效工具。

    A company must establish a new compensation management concept completely , and carry out a entire new way of compensation management , and let the compensation become the effective tools of meeting the employee 's need .

  8. 运用宽带薪酬的理念和系统设计的全新流程对技术人才岗位薪酬、绩效薪酬和激励性薪酬进行优化设计,从而构建了适合专业技术人员职业发展的宽带薪酬框架模型。

    By a totally new process with broad-band salary conception and systematic design , optimizing the job , performance and initiative salaries of the technical talents , a broad-band salary model suitable for career development of the technical talents is constructed .

  9. 本文拟从全新的薪酬管理理念出发,总结以往内蒙古民航机场集团公司薪酬管理工作的优势与不足,尝试运用现代薪酬管理理论,为机场集团公司构建与企业战略相匹配的薪酬管理模式。

    In my essay , I will sum up our group 's former advantages and disadvantages in Pay Administration system and design a proper Pay Administration pattern for our group 's development strategy by making use of modern Pay Administration theory based on a bran-new Pay Administration thought .

  10. 高校薪酬设计基本理念与方法述评

    The Basic Concept of Salary Design in University and its Survey

  11. 论现代薪酬管理的理念及其特点

    On the Concept and Features of the Modern Salary System

  12. 为了避免这种现象的发生,本文特别强调了企业必须树立薪酬系统的理念。

    To avoid this phenomena , the paper emphasized the enterprise must establish a salary system concept .

  13. 第三部分,以宽带薪酬的设计理念为依据,对我国高新技术企业宽带酬制度的设计流程进行了系统论述。

    In the third part , according to the design prinple of broadbanding salary system , aiming at the problem existing in our salary systems of high-tech enterprises , we establish the broadbanding salary systems for the high-tech enterprises in our country .

  14. 薪酬战略是指在薪酬理念的指导下,用以实现薪酬目标的具体手段,包括制定薪酬计划的相关组织建设和具体的制定原则。

    Salary strategies are concrete means that realize the goal of salary under the guidance of salary theory , including making relevant organizational building and concrete formulation principle of the salary plans .

  15. 通过大量文献资料,比对薪酬管理方面早期的工厂制度、科学管理阶段、人际关系学派等相关理论,引入了宽带薪酬的理念。

    With the large number of documents related theory , such as early stage of scientific management , the human relations theory , the introduction of the concept of broadband pay , it analyzes the differences .