- algal reef

Utilization of steel slag made artificial algal reef to construct artificial algal field will be international central issue to rebuild damaged marine ecology system and solve the seawater eutrophication .
The phylloid algal reef in Ziyun has high organic matter content , this research on diagenesis of reef offers data for exploring on the reservoir characteristics of reef oil and gas .
Metallic substances , Mn , Co , Ni and V , were introduced in by the submarine volcanic activities before and during the metallizing phase , and the geochemical anomalies and ore bodies are produced by the metallogenic elements captured by algae reefs .
Miocene Stromatolites Associated with Lacustrine Algal Reefs : Qaidam Basin , China
Diagenesis of Late Carboniferous phylloid algal reefs in southern Guizhou
Upper Devonian algal reefs in the Guilin area
Carboniferous Phylloid Algal Reefs in Ziyun County , Guizhou ( South China ): Evidence of Algal Blooms
Dolomitization , consortium cementation , atmosphere seepage corrosion and deep embedding effect have great influence on the property of reef reservoir .
The worm may be taked part in the construction of buildup substrate , and they are the pioneer of phylloid algal buildup .
A unique depositional sequence consists of phylloid algal buildups , bioclastic banks and mud facies affected by frequent changes of depositional environments .
In this paper we first study the microfacies characteristics and diagenesis of phylloid alga reef rocks , making up the researching blank .
The occurrence of the Yutang lead and zinc-sulfide deposit in the Cambrian carbonate rocks is controlled mainly by tectonic , lithologic and algae reef factors .
The Late-Cenozoic reef in Xisha sea area is mainly plant algae one , and secondly coral one , and the latter are mostly found in Quaternary .
According to the reef classification criteria at home and abroad , the reef in Qaidam Basin can be classified into three main types including algal , stromatolite and thrombolite reefs by means of the field survey , core and logging analyses .
Algal - sponge reefs in Lower Ordovician Fengxiang formation , yichang , hubei
The depositional sequence of the algal & sponge reefs suggests a evolution series starting from shallow to deep .