
xū jiǎ lì rùn
  • fictitious profit
  1. 人类在长期发展过程中,以牺牲环境和浪费资源为代价,获取了虚假利润;

    The humanity has plundered the " false profit " by sacrificing environment and natural resources in the history of economic development .

  2. 进一步的担忧是,大银行都在竭力将股权投资收益率提高至2008年之前的水平&它们兜售的那些复杂问题产品锁带来的虚假利润,推高了收益率。

    A further concern is that the big banks are all desperately trying to raise the return on equity back to pre-2008 levels – levels grossly inflated by phoney profits on all those complex , toxic products they peddled .

  3. A:确实很生气。但是也需要真正理解拿着如此巨大的一笔资金,也就是纳税人的钱去救市,就那些“似乎”可以有得到红利渠道的那些人,而这些红利是从虚假利润中得来的。

    A : There is genuine anger , but the need to actually undertake such a huge bailout of taxpayers ' money to people who apparently , and I say " apparently , " are still being able to access or have access to bonuses which they have been paid on fictitious profits .

  4. 奥巴马警告共和党国会议员说,他将阻止任何试图回到某种经济模式的努力,这种经济模式由于就业机会外流、不良债务和虚假金融利润而受到削弱。

    He warned Republican lawmakers that he will fight any effort to return to an economy that he says was weakened by outsourcing , bad debt and phony financial profits .