
  • 网络wax
  1. 在温压中(110℃)EBS蜡粉比室温下表现出更好的润滑性;

    Lubricant performance of EBS wax becomes better in warm compaction ( 110 ℃) than in cold compaction .

  2. 高密度生坯中EBS蜡粉作为内润滑剂少量存在对烧结样品的密度和形状并没有出现负面的影响。

    EBS wax with a little amount used as internal lubricant in the green compact had no negative effect on changes in densities and shape dimension during sintering .

  3. 激光烧结新型复合蜡粉的z向精度研究

    Accuracy in z-direction of New Type Composite Wax Powder Prepared by Laser Sintering

  4. 结论:用SLS法烧结复合蜡粉所得的鼻蜡模型符合赝复体制作的要求,可以应用于临床。

    Conclusion : Nose model made of the wax powder is precise and can meet the requirements for maxillofacial prosthesis .

  5. 采用粉末冶金静电模壁润滑和冷压/温压技术,通过对316L不锈钢粉进行压制和烧结,从而研究出压制过程中润滑剂EBS蜡粉的静电和润滑特性。

    In the present experiment , technology of powder metallurgy ( PM ) electrostatic die wall lubrication and cold / warm compaction has been experienced . Characteristics of static and lubrication of EBS wax in PM lubrication powder were investigated by compaction and sinter of 316L stainless steel .

  6. 果实圆形,果皮墨绿色,覆蜡粉,皮厚1.2cm左右;果肉红色,中心糖含量11%~12%,边糖含量7%~8%;

    The fruit is black green rind , bright red flesh , round with 11 % - 12 % of center sugar content , the rind is about 1.2 cm thick .

  7. 对蜡粉试样进行了浸蜡后处理配比试验。

    The sample of wax powder is used to make immersion test .

  8. 选择性激光烧结法烧结复合蜡粉制作耳赝复体

    Fabricating a Prosthetic Ear by Means of Selective Laser Sintering and Wax Powder

  9. 蜡粉在高档装饰涂料中的应用

    Application of Wax Powders in High-grade Decorative Coatings

  10. 合成蜡粉改性聚四氟乙烯基粘结涂层摩擦学性能的研究

    The Tribological Behavior of PTFE-based Bonded Solid Lubricating Coatings Modified with Particulate Synthetic Paraffin Wax

  11. 讨论了环氧改性丙烯酸树脂、氨基树脂及蜡粉的选择。

    The selection of the epoxy modified acrylate resin , butylated amino resin and wax powder is discussed .

  12. 在产量配合力中,21个无蜡粉杂交组合平均比对照增产19.3~21.4%。

    In yield combining ability , 21 waxless combination yield averagely increased by 19.3 ~ 21.4 % as to CK .

  13. 最后通过翘曲变形分析,获得得出了复合蜡粉激光选区烧结的优化工艺参数。

    Finally , by analyzing the curl deformation , the optimization parameters of the composite wax powder in SLS were gained .

  14. 科莱恩是全球最多品种的蜡粉的制造专家,生产不同的合成和半合成蜡。

    Clariant is a global player in the production of waxes offering a widely diversified portfolio of synthetic and semi synthetic waxes .

  15. 通过表面助剂、硅粉、蜡粉对交联型氟树脂进行改性,制备清漆涂膜。

    Modified with additives , silica powder and micro wax , a clear coatings film based on cross linkable , fluorocarbon resin is prepared .

  16. 科莱恩所生产的高效能的蜡粉被广泛应用于塑料、涂料和油墨,还有胶粘剂与抛光用途。

    Clariant produces high performance waxes which are used mainly in plastics , coatings and inks , as well as in adhesives and polishes .

  17. 株高31cm左右,开展度66cm,外叶绿色,叶面蜡粉少;

    The plant is 31 cm in height , and 66 cm in expansion diameter . The leaf is green in color with little wax powder .

  18. 目前对芸薹属作物无蜡粉亮绿性状的遗传规律已有广泛研究,其在不同材料间具有多样性。

    The inheritance of the character of glossy wax-less in brassica crops has been widely studied by many researchers , and their research show that the inheritance is different among different materials .

  19. 本文围绕提高涂料的高装饰性,采用新型添加剂&蜡粉,在不同品种中对添加剂的选择及使用方法等进行了探讨。

    Using wax powders as a novel kind of the additive to improve the decorative performance of coatings , the selection and application methods for the different kinds of wax powders were described .

  20. 聚乙烯蜡超细粉的生产工艺和应用

    Production Process and Application of Ultra - fine Powder of Polyethylene Wax

  21. 利用现有的氧化聚乙烯装置,建成300t/a聚乙烯蜡超细粉生产装置。

    Based on this process and using existing oxidation polyethylene plant , the 300 t / a ultra fine powder polyethylene wax plant has been established .

  22. 蜡制画粉适用于羊毛织物,其他面料可用石制画粉或画粉笔。

    Wax calk is advisable for woolens for all other fabrics use stone chalk or chalk marking pencils .

  23. 一种小形的、腐生的林地植物,植物体蜡白色或粉白色,有鳞状叶,花下垂;植物体干时变黑。

    Small waxy white or pinkish-white saprophytic woodland plant having scalelike leaves and a nodding flower ; turns black with age .

  24. 用常规的硬脂酸锌或EBS蜡之类润滑剂混粉,生坯的废品率高达50%。

    The scrap rate of green compacts was as high as 50 % with the powder mix using the regular lubricant such zinc stearate or EBS wax .

  25. 化学合成蜡、无机矿物粉体、有机溶剂等。

    Chemical synthetic wax , inorganic mineral powder , organic dissolvant and so on .

  26. 50%EBS蜡+50%石墨混合粉润滑效果极好,能获得相当高的压坯密度,而50%EBS蜡+50%BN混合粉的效果却要差得多;

    The combination of 50 % EBS wax and 50 % graphite exhibits excellent lubricant performance , resulting in a fairly high green density , but the mixture of 50 % EBS wax and 50 % BN has less beneficial effect .

  27. 模具温度为150℃(超过EBS蜡熔点)时,50%EBS蜡+50%E墨混合粉润滑效果变差,而50%EBS蜡+50%BN混合粉则影响不大。

    When the mold temperature is 150 ℃, which is above the melting point of EBS wax , the lubricant performance of the 50 % EBS wax + 50 % graphite becomes worse , while the 50 % EBS wax + 50 % BN is little influenced .