
xuè ɡuǎn kuò zhānɡ
  • vasodilatation;angiectasis;hemangiectasia
  1. 也可见严重的血管扩张和出血。

    Severe vasodilatation and hemorrhage were distinct .

  2. 在三个月组中,视网膜各层开始较明显的变薄,排列紊乱,部分血管扩张。

    In 3 month group , the thickness of retinal layers began to reduce obviously , in a disorder arrangement , with vasodilatation .

  3. 运动会使大脑表层的血管扩张。

    Exercise dilates blood vessels on the surface of the brain .

  4. 橙汁中含有大量维生素C,有助于血管扩张降低血压。

    Orange juice contains large amounts of vitamin C , which helps dilate blood vessels and reduce hypertension .

  5. 神经元N型和P型电压敏感性通道与cGRP的血管扩张作用有关。

    N - type and P - type voltage sensitive channel of neurons may be involved in cGRP .

  6. P物质具有强大的血管扩张活性,其参与皮肤伤害性刺激的感受与局部血管功能的调节。

    P-substance has strong vasodilative activity and is involved in the sensation of the skin to traumatic stimulation and the modulation of local vascular function .

  7. 结果两组间胎盘小出血灶,脐带血管扩张充血,脐带异常差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    Results The placenta bleeding , vascular dilation and hyperemia of umbilical cord and abnormal umbilical cord of two groups was significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 验证ATP作为肺血管扩张剂的血流动力学效应及其高度选择性;

    To validate the hemodynamic effects and high selectivity of ATP as a pulmonary vasodilator .

  9. 当增强CT显示血管扩张、迂曲而血管增多的肠系膜和广泛分布的直小血管,产生梳征。

    When contrast-enhanced CT depicts hypervascularity of the mesentery with vascular dilatation , tortuosity , and wide spacing of the vasa recta , the comb sign is produced .

  10. 血管扩张剂治疗急性心力衰竭的临床疗效以及对患者BNP水平的影响

    Clinical Efficacy of Vasodilator in Acute Heart Failure and Its Effect on BNP Level

  11. 目的:观察缺氧和谷氨酸对星形胶质细胞诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)mRNA表达的影响,探讨大脑星形胶质细胞在缺氧性脑血管扩张反应中的作用。

    Aim : To explore the effects of hypoxia on expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase ( iNOS ) mRNA in cultured rat astrocytes .

  12. 目的运用TCD对高血压及脑梗塞患者的脑血管扩张储备功能进行研究;

    Objective To study the cerebral vascular dilating reserve function ( CVDRF ) of patients with hypertension and cerebral infarction .

  13. 针刺对胃扩张模型大鼠孤束核c-fos表达及胃内压的影响微血管扩张性运动失调淋巴管扩张性象皮病

    The Effect of Acupuncture on Gastric Pressure and c-fos Expression in Nucleus of the Solitary Tract of Rats Gastric Distention Model

  14. 结论复合微量营养素硒、维生素E、维生素C和镁具有明显的降血脂作用,且降脂模式非常有利于预防AS,同时能降低TXA2PGI2值,提示具有抗血小板聚集和促血管扩张作用。

    Conclusion Micronutrient complex ( Se , VE , VC , and Mg ) has the lipid lowering effect and can decrease TXA 2 / PGI 2 ratio , which is beneficial to the prevention of atherosclerosis .

  15. 方法48例(59眼)视神经视网膜挫伤患者,应用NGF和血管扩张剂治疗,此为治疗组。

    Methods 48 case 59 eyes of optic nerve and retinal contusion were treated by using NGF and vasodilators , it was the treating group .

  16. 缺氧缺血组病理显示缺氧缺血后0h,脑内细胞肿胀,血管扩张充血。

    However the cerebral cellular swelling , hemangiectasia and hyperemia after HI Oh .

  17. 结论ADM为强烈的血管扩张剂,单次注射作用持续约40min。

    Conclusion ADM is a potent vasodilator . Its vasodilation effect lasts 40 min after discontinuation of infusion .

  18. 实验室观察发现PSS有显著的抗凝血、降低血粘度,降低血脂及血管扩张作用。

    The laboratory observation found that PSS is evidently effective in combating blood coagulation , reducing blood viscosity and blood lipids , and has an effect on vasodilatation .

  19. AHF不伴低血压患者的一线治疗药物为血管扩张剂。

    In the absence of hypotension , vasodilators are recommended for most patients with AHF as first line therapy .

  20. 结论体外循环期间硝普钠的血管扩张效应尽管在一定程度上降低MAP,但由于脑血管阻力降低、脑血流加速而增加全脑血流量,对脑代谢无不良影响。

    Conclusion Administration of SNP during CPB showed no adverse effects on cerebral oxygen metabolism due to the acceleration of cerebral blood flow and reduction of cerebral vessel resistance , in spite of the vasodilatation and the certain reduction of blood pressure .

  21. ICGA检查发现11只眼(407%)有脉络膜血管扩张,通透性增强。

    ICGA revealed choroidal abnormalities including dilatation and hyperpermeability of choroidal vessels in 11 eyes ( 40 7 % ) .

  22. 结论压宁定具有较好肺血管扩张选择性,而对全身血流动力学影响较小,治疗肺动脉高压优于PGE1。

    Conclusion Urapidil has selective vascular dilatation effect on pulmonary circulation and much effective than PGE1 in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension .

  23. 99mTc-MAA核素首次通过肺灌注显像有助于确定肺血管扩张,明确HPS的诊断。

    99mTc-MAA lung perfusion scanning is able to determine the presence of intrapulmonary shunting and the diagnosis of HPS .

  24. 原发性皮肤黏液纤维肉瘤类似多形性透明变性血管扩张性肿瘤(PHAT):潜在的诊断缺陷

    Primary cutaneous myxofibrosarcoma mimicking Pleomorphic Hyalinizing Angiectatic Tumor ( PHAT ): A potential diagnostic pitfall

  25. 重度冻伤(Ⅲ~Ⅳ度)后12~24h时,表皮和肌肉水肿明显,血管扩张出血,毛囊皱缩,有较多白细胞浸润;

    For severe frostbite (ⅲ~ⅳ degree ), there were obvious edema of epithelium and muscle , vascular dilatation and hemorrhage , atrophy of hair follicles and infiltration of leukocytes as 12 ~ 24 h.

  26. 一氧化氮(NitricOXide,NO)是一种具有自由基性质的生物活性分子,作为一种信号分子,NO在机体防御、神经信号传导、血管扩张等生理过程中发挥着重要的作用。

    Nitric oxide ( NO ) is a free radical molecule which has biological activity . As a signaling molecule , it plays an important role in many physiological processes , such as host defence mechanisms , neuronal signal transmission and vasodilation .

  27. 涉及到的药物有生物碱、中草药有效成分、四环素类、喹喏酮类、维生素B2、抗癌药物、萘唑啉、萘普生和血管扩张剂潘生丁双嘧哌胺醇等。

    The drugs involved here included the varieties of alkaloid , Chinese traditional medicine , tetracyclines , quinolone , riboflavin , anticancer medicine , naphazoline , naproxen , nafronyl dipyridamole and so on .

  28. 结果经肱动脉注射ADM,可使前臂血流量较用药前增加3倍,血管扩张作用在停药后40min逐渐消失。

    Results Intraarterial infusion of ADM resulted a three_fold increase of forearm blood flow . The vasodilation effect of ADM disappeared 40 minutes after drug discontinuation .

  29. 结果表明该PLA2降压机制与前列环素(PGI2)的释放和外周血管扩张有关。

    These results suggest that the PLA , - induced hypotension may be related to the release of PGI2 in vivo and the relaxation of peripheral blood vessels .

  30. 二维超声分别测定肱动脉横断面顺应性(CSC),容积扩张性(VD)和内皮依赖性血管扩张功能用于评价动脉缓冲功能和内皮功能。

    B mode ultrasonography was used to detect brachial artery cross sectional compliance ( CSC ) . Volumic distensibility ( VD ) . Csc and VD were parameter to reflect artery buffering function .