
  • 网络Administrative resources
  1. 机构编制是一种重要的行政资源。

    Organization establishment is an important administrative resources .

  2. 其次,深圳主板市场停滞发展,浪费行政资源。

    Secondly , the stagnation of the development of Shenzhen motherboard market results in waste of administrative resources .

  3. 以行政资源和市场资源重塑三层次农村金融服务体系

    On the Restructuring of Rural Financial Service System

  4. 第二部分,行政资源开发的必要性分析。

    The second part refers to the necessity analysis of the administration resources exploitation .

  5. 有效地利用了行政资源,创造出富有特色的成功做法。

    Administrative resource is used effectively .

  6. 因此,行政资源的开发研究不仅富有理论意义,更富有实践价值。

    Researches on administrative resource exploitation not only have theory sense , but also have practice value .

  7. 本文主要将行政资源分为财力资源、组织资源、人力资源三类。

    This article classifies the administration resources into three classifications : financial resources , organization resources and human resources .

  8. 第三章基于资源网络与组合的分析视角描述整个行政资源运转的主要过程。

    Chapter Three describes main process of the whole administrative resources based on the analysis perspective of resources network and combination .

  9. 但是人们往往忽视听证制度更深层次的价值即:节省行政资源,提高行政效率。

    To some degree , saving administrative sources and raising administrative efficiency is the value of hearing lying deeper and often being ignored .

  10. 地方政府在财政、机构与人力上的正式安排限定了地方政府行为的主体,规范了地方政府的行政资源和运行方式,从而使地方政府规模表现为财政规模、机构规模与人员规模。

    Formal arrangement of local government in finance , organizations and personnel limits the bodies of local government behaviors and regulates its resources and operation .

  11. 第四章在资源网络与组合的视角下,分析行政资源在运转过程中经常出现的问题,并探讨问题产生的主要原因。

    Chapter Four analyzes problems frequently appeared in the process of operation , and discusses the main reason in the resources network and combination perspective .

  12. 地方政府特别是强势地方政府更应该在合理运用行政资源的同时,改变用计划指令的办法来划定创新区域、分配创新资金。

    Local government especially stern local government should make rational use of administrative resources and abolish executive orders to designate innovation zone and allocate innovation funds .

  13. 提出“泛珠三角”经济资源综观整合的形态和行政资源综观整合的类型,以及两种资源综观整合的原则。

    The article provides the integration form of the economic resources , the integration type of administrative resources and the integration principle of all kinds of resources .

  14. 最后,在论文的结语部分提出完善行政资源科学,推动公共行政发展的呼吁,作为全文的总结。

    At last , as the summary of the full text , the author puts forward an appeal : " perfect administrative resources science , promote public administrative development " .

  15. 经过改革开放以来长期的市场培育、行政资源的优化配置和特定的区域文化融合,中国经济的区域化特征日益明显。

    With the extended market cultivation , the optimization of the administration and the fusion of some special regional cultures , the economy in China has obviously regional feature day by day .

  16. 政府治理能力的高低取决于行政资源的规模及其开发利用的程度,因为行政资源是行政系统的生存基础和发展根基。

    The scale of the administrative resource and the degree of the resource exploitation decides the government ability , because the administrative resource is the existence foundation and the development groundwork of the administrative system .

  17. 公共服务型政府对于创新政府管理方式,整合行政资源,降低行政成本,提高行政效率和服务水平等具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    The public service government has important significance in theory and reality to the innovation of government , the conformity of administration resources , reducing the administrative cost , enhancing the administrative efficiency and the service equality .

  18. 文章揭示出发挥纵向行政资源作用的同时,搞好横向行政资源的整合,在增强“泛珠三角”经济圈整体的国际竞争力方面的重要意义。

    The article has announced the important meaning in strengthening the whole international competitiveness of PAN-Pearl River Delta that to in ˉ tegrate the horizontal administrative resources while giving play to the role of vertical administrative resource .

  19. 分析民营企业资本运营所需的行政资源和内部管理的现代化途径,对于提升民营企业资本运营战略决策水平和风险控制意识有一定的实践意义。我国保险业资本运营战略定位与基本路径选择

    Administrative resources and modern means of internal management were analyzed , which will be useful in strategic decision and risk prevention for private enterprise . The Strategic Orientation and Choice of Basic Ways of Insurance Industry Capital Operation in China

  20. 由于电力行业的自然垄断性质和赋有国家安全保障责任,政府较易利用自身的政策资源和行政资源对其进行政策性干预,造成电力系统的行政色彩越来越浓。

    As the power industry , natural monopoly nature and bears responsibility for national security , the Government policy of using its own resources and administrative resources of its policy of intervention , resulting in the executive power system is growing .

  21. 第五章在介绍行政资源运转的公共目标导向原则、公共效益最大化原则、系统性原则、战略性原则等基本原则的基础上,提出优化行政资源网络化过程和组合化过程的具体对策。

    Chapter Five , which on the basis of public administrative goal oriented principle , public benefit maximization principle , systematic principle , strategic principle of the resources operation , proposes specific measures in the process of optimizing administrative resources network and combination .

  22. 在经过长期的市场培育、行政资源的优化配置以及特定区域的文化融合之后,我国区域经济已经从最初的区域联系发展到生成区域经济圈,形成了经济区域化的格局。

    After long-term market growing , most optimum distribution of administration resources and culture hybrid of special area , regional economy of our country develops from primary economic link of some areas to regional economic circle appearing , and regional patterm of economy forms .

  23. 讼师势力的发展在地方行政资源严重不足以及行政兼理司法的体制下,直接影响其司法功能的实现,致使原有的法律秩序受到巨大冲击。

    The powerful influence of litigation masters arose within a system of local government that was seriously short of administrative resources but responsible for handling judicial administration . Under these conditions , litigation masters directly influenced legal affairs and had an enormous impact on the legal order .

  24. “以人为本”是建设现代公共服务型政府总的指导思想和指导原则,它要求对政府的行政资源进行重新优化配置,实现行政的可持续发展,使政府服务更好满足人民的需要。

    The view of person-oriented is the general guiding thought and guiding principle in building the modem public service-form government , which requests us to rationally redistribute the governmental administration resources so as to realize administration sustainable development and make governmental service meet the needs of the pubic .

  25. 自1998年体制改革以来,我国药品监管已基本确立了中央政府统一领导、省级以下垂直管理的药品监督管理体制,在一定程度上优化了行政资源配置,提高了监管效率。

    Since the 1998 reform , Drug Administration of China has basically established the unified leadership of the Central Government , vertical management below the provincial level drug supervision and management system , optimized the administrative allocation of resources to some extent , and improved the efficiency of supervision .

  26. 《吕氏春秋》与现代行政人力资源管理

    On I ü shi Spring and Autumn Annals and the Modern Human Resource Administration

  27. 财务、行政和资源调动股

    Finance , Administration and Resources Mobilization Unit

  28. 基于公共利益人假设的我国科级行政人力资源开发体系探索

    The Exploration of Branch-level Administrative Human Resources Development System Based on Public Interest Person Supposition

  29. 政府形象作为政府行政软资源,也受到公众越来越多的关注。

    As an administrative soft resource , government image is paid more and more attention to .

  30. 浅谈行政人才资源的开发利用

    Necessity of Developing Administrative Professional Resource