
  • 网络manner of writing
  1. 这种不停变换的行文方式最终导致了令人迷惑的阅读体验。

    This shifting register contributes to what is , in the end , a rather puzzling read .

  2. 规范的行文方式,对作者、编者、读者都大有好处。

    Standardized language , to the author , editor , readers , there are a lot of good .

  3. 本文以对话的行文方式探索了音乐的审美、音乐的美、音乐的形式美等相关问题。

    The article takes the form of a dialogue , treating with some musically related issues like aesthetics , beauty , and formal beauty .

  4. 商务英语题材的阅读文章有其独特的行文方式,专业的商务思维和严密的逻辑结构。

    It is known that the article in Business context has its own unique language style , the professional mode of thinking and the well-knit structure .

  5. 本文以记述一组临床病例治疗过程中不同阶段的不同疗法为行文方式,展现出低阻抗意念导入疗法在失眠治疗中的应用方法。

    This paper describes a set of clinical cases during the treatment at different stages of different therapies for the language , showing the application of low-impedance ideas into therapy in the treatment of insomnia .

  6. 其小说常常打破小说写作中传统的既定叙述模式,一贯以叙事上的主动性和专断性著称,从而形成打破读者阅读期待的行文方式。

    His novels often break the traditional narration of the established model , and are well known for the arbitrary nature and initiatives , which forms the writing style of breaking the ways readers want the story to go .

  7. 此外,古典艺术散文与英语随笔在题材、行文方式和语言风格上的共性使译文读者对古典艺术散文不至于全然陌生,具备可沟通的基础。

    Besides , the points in common between classical Chinese artistic essays and English essays in terms of the themes , the writing manners and the language styles make readers not very strange about the targets texts , which provide the basis for their communication .

  8. 这个实验所做的,就是追求利润的公司多年以来一直在做的事情:它检测了7种行文(或呈现方式)对信件回复率的影响。

    The experiment did the sort of thing that profit-seeking companies have been doing for many years : it tested seven different tweaks to the way the letter was written or presented .