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xíng dū
  • provisional capital;temporary capital
行都 [xíng dū]
  • [temporary capital] 在首都之外另设的一个都城,以备必要时政府暂驻

  1. 那首十四行诗中有11行都是废话,毫无意义。

    Of the sonnet eleven of the lines are mere padding and say nothing .

  2. web服务器控件对网格中的每行都具有一个默认的外观。

    Web server control has a default look for rows in the grid .

  3. 列的所有选项对每行都是相同的(normal、note和important)。

    Column are the same for each row ( normal , note and important ) .

  4. 使用参数标记,以避免对于每一行都有Prepare成本。

    Use parameter markers to avoid Prepare costs for each row .

  5. 查询结果发生了改变,每个结果行都是一个格式良好的XML文档

    This changes the query result such that each result row is a well-formed XML document

  6. 之后的Q行都包含一个查询。

    The next Q lines will each contain a query .

  7. PHP中的每一行都以分号为结尾,类似于C语言。

    Each line in PHP ends with a semicolon , similar to the C language .

  8. 为了确保所有已有的行都得到适当的处理,运行UPDATE语句。

    To ensure that all existing rows are handled properly , the UPDATE statement is run .

  9. 对每个输入行都执行php文件。

    PHP file to execute for every input line .

  10. 每一行都以ingredient开始,即方法名称。

    Each line starts with ingredient , which is the method name .

  11. 首先,更新学生列表以便在每一行都包括一个Edit选项。

    Start by updating the student list to include an Edit option on each row .

  12. 要使access传播参照更新和删除,以便所有相关行都进行相应更改,请参阅设置级联选项一节。

    To have access propagate referential updates and deletions so that all related rows are changed accordingly , see the section set the cascade options .

  13. 每个BOM行都有一个它自己的物料编号。

    Each has its own item number in the BOM lines .

  14. 使用过Ajax的人对前面几行都应该很熟悉。

    The first couple of lines should be familiar to anyone who has used Ajax .

  15. 当节点的DistributionMode属性设置为First时,表格中的每个行都是按照给定的顺序同步处理的,直到满足路由决策。

    When the node â™ s Distribution Mode property is set to First , each row in the table is processed synchronously , in the order given , until a routing decision is met .

  16. 由于EMPLOYEE表中的所有行都被第一个事务独占锁定,第二个应用程序进入了锁等待模式。

    As all rows in the EMPLOYEE table are X-locked by the first transaction , the second application goes into lock wait mode .

  17. 正如您猜到的,此定义文件的每一行都是一个基于Ruby的DSL。

    As you can probably guess , each line of this definition file is a Ruby-based DSL .

  18. 第一个%之前的一行传递给shell,这个%之后的所有行都作为标准输入传递。

    The line up to the first % is passed to the shell , while any line ( s ) after the % are passed as standard input .

  19. CSV文件的每一行都被看作为一个新条目。

    Each line of the CSV file is considered a new entry .

  20. Mappings选项卡使用表格格式布局,表中的每一行都是一个扩展映射。

    The Mappings tab is arranged in a table format in which each row in the table is an extension mapping .

  21. 如果每个Excel电子表格中的第一行都包含列名,那么该混合将足够灵活,可以处理多个Excel工作簿。

    If the first row in each Excel spreadsheet contains column names , this blend could be flexible enough to work with several Excel workbooks .

  22. 文件中的所有行都是使用唯一ID标记的,并且所有的行都标有错误消息的标识符和类。

    All the lines in the file are tagged with a unique ID and all lines are tagged with the identifier and class of the error message .

  23. knownhosts文件的格式已经超出了本文的范围,但是对每一行都使用一个以逗号分隔开的主机名会非常有用。

    The format of the known_hosts file is beyond the scope of this article , but it is useful to take advantage of the comma-separated host names for each line .

  24. dept表的每一个行都描述了一家虚构企业的一个部门。

    Each row of the dept table describes one department of a fictitious company .

  25. projectDoc表中的每一个行都包含一个描述特定项目的XML文档。

    Each row of the projectDoc table contains an XML document describing a particular project .

  26. 如果有错误出现,Console窗口中将显示堆栈跟踪信息,其中的每一行都可以通过超链接找到Python源代码。

    If any errors occurred , a stack trace is displayed in the Console window and the lines within the stack trace are hyperlinks to the Python source code .

  27. 在任何普通的Ruby实现中,这一行都会执行并构造出一个哈希值,执行会继续下去,这个哈希值可能很快就会被垃圾回收。

    In any normal Ruby implementation , this line would be executed , a hash constructed , and execution would proceed with the hash likely getting quickly garbage collected .

  28. 在对数据库执行选择操作后返回的所有行都是按照这种方法处理的,这样每次按下ShowAll按钮或装载页面时即可动态创建HTML选择列表。

    All rows returned from a select of the database are processed this way , which allows for the dynamic creation of the HTML select list every time the Show All button is clicked or the page is loaded .

  29. 每个表行都需要选择正确的数据,这可以通过选择amt属性实现,该属性代表的是总的数量。

    Each table row needs to select the correct data , which is achieved by selecting the amt attribute , which represents the total amount .

  30. 在所有行都处理完毕之后,awk执行END代码块,并打印最终的汇总信息,以显示它找到的空白行数。

    After all the lines have been processed , the END block will execute , and awk will print out a final summary , specifying the number of blank lines it found .