
  • 网络surface model;Surface Modeling
  1. 基于可变形表面模型的MR图像脑表面形态提取

    Based on Deformable Surface Model Morphology Extraction of Cortical Surface in MR Images

  2. 新一代GPS系统表面模型的数字化描述与操作技术

    Digitized Description & Operation Technique of Surface Model in the New Generation GPS System

  3. SiC表面模型与实验结果吻合较好。

    The hydrogenation model of SiC surface is good agreement with experiments .

  4. AutoCAD三维表面模型的编辑

    The editing of three-dimension surface - model in AutoCAD

  5. 基于多层DEM表面模型的地层结构的三维可视化

    D visualization of geological structure based on multi-layer DEM surface modeling

  6. 最后,引入RBF隐式曲面重建算法,生成目标的三维表面模型。

    Implicit surface reconstruction was introduced to generate the surface model of the object .

  7. 系统使医生能从特定患者的CT图像重构出三维表面模型,并使用了面向术式的手术模拟交互,改善了三维交互。

    The syst em allows surgeons to reconstruct 3D isosurface model from specific patients CT image . To improve 3D interactive performance operation-oriented is presented .

  8. 基于图象的建模定义为如何从关于某物体的图象序列恢复该物体的3D表面模型。

    Modeling based on images is defined how a 3D surface model can be obtained from a sequence of images taken with off-the-shelf consumer cameras .

  9. 三维服装表面模型的离散MarchingCubes算法

    Discrete Marching Cubes algorithm for surface model of three-dimensional costume

  10. 该方法已在PIII800的PC机上进行了验证,成功的重建了一人头石膏像的3D表面模型。

    As an experiment example , a 3D surface model of a plaster model have been successfully reconstructed on a platform of PIII 800 personal computer .

  11. 近年来,已经有些学者提出了一些针对匹配问题的DNA算法,如基于质粒模型、表面模型求解最大匹配问题;基于粘贴模型求解完美匹配等。

    In recent years , some researchers have proposed some DNA algorithm to solve MMP , such as plasmid-model and surface-model to solve MMP and sticker-model to solve perfect matching problem .

  12. 基于粗糙表面模型的MIM结构的三阶无源互调研究

    Study of Third Order PIM of MIM Structure Based on Rough Surface Model

  13. 建立了基于图论中最小独立控制集问题的DNA表面模型,并进行了实例仿真,验证了算法的可行性和有效性。

    DNA surface model are established and used to solve minimum independent dominating set successfully . Then a simulation and DNA coding are given to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of DNA Algorithm .

  14. 数值模拟采用ANSYSCFX商用软件,选择非均相自由表面模型。

    Numerical simulation was conducted by commercial software ANSYS CFX , and inhomogeneous free surface flow model was chose .

  15. 再用反应腰椎曲度的最佳切割平面从初始表面模型获得非平行的切割轮廓线并建立分段线性子空间;Iso的相序。

    Best cross-section planes accounting for the preferential direction dictated by lumbar spine were placed on the initial iso-surface model , forming a non-regular piecewise subspace .

  16. 三维CAD设计的关键是三维建模,三维模型主要包括线框模型、表面模型、实体模型以及现在最流行的基于特征的造型和参数化造型。基于特征的参数化实体造型就是这些造型技术的综合。

    The key of three-dimension CAD design is the modeling of three-dimensional solid , three-dimensional modeling includes line modeling , surface modeling , solid modeling , currently most popular feature-based modeling and parameterized modeling .

  17. 借鉴快速成形技术中的分层切片思想,针对立体光刻(STL)表面模型,提出一种高效、稳定的三维网格自动生成算法。

    An efficient and steady algorithm was proposed to generate automatically three-dimensional meshes for stereo lithography ( STL ) surface models .

  18. 使用ANSYSICEMCFD软件将三维表面模型划分为四面体单元网格,并转换为六面体单元。

    The 3D model was meshed with tetrahedral elements which will be replaced by hexahedral elements later in ANSYS ICEM CFD software .

  19. 揭示现代产品几何技术规范(GeometricalProductSpecificationandVerification,GPS)中规范过程和检验/认证过程的物象对应关系,以及其表面模型存在着对偶性、操作技术存在着共性的内在规律性;

    Indicate object-mirror corresponding relation between the specification stage and verification stage of geometrical product specification and verification ( GPS ), and the inherent regularity between the duality of their surface models and commonness of their operation technology .

  20. 本文介绍了新一代GPS标准体系表面模型的概念及其数字化描述方法,探讨了基于新一代GPS的表面模型的操作技术。

    The con - cept of surface model and its digitized description in the new generation GPS are presented in this paper . Based on the new generation GPS , the operation technique of surface model is discussed .

  21. 揭示了一般流动表面模型的点和线的特征与景观生态学和保护生物学中的景观结构之间的关系,证实了生态过程动态与趋势中某些门槛值的存在以及应用这些门槛值定义SP的可能性。

    It demonstrates the relationship between the spatial properties of a general surface model discussed in theoretical geography and the landscape representation model used in landscape ecology and conservation biology .

  22. 通过引入表面模型取代传统的“中性层”模型,使CAE与CAD的集成成为可能,并突破了原有CAE软件的建模瓶颈。

    By using the surfaces model to replace conventional mid plane model , the integration of CAE and CAD becomes possible , and the bottleneck of the application of traditional CAE software is broken .

  23. 用Allan的晶体表面模型,导出了紧束缚固体fcc(100)表面格林函数的解析表达式。

    The model of the crystal surface developed by Allan was used to derive the Green 's function of the fcc ( 100 ) surface for tight binding solids .

  24. 本文针对3D建筑物表面模型的自动简化处理,首先对现有模型简化算法及各自的优缺点进行了归纳总结,分析了现有3D建筑物模型简化算法存在的问题,并探讨了3D建筑物表面模型的简化思路。

    Aiming at the automatic simplification of 3D building surface models , this paper reviews the current simplification algorithms , and stresses the disadvantages while applying to the simplification of 3D building surface models . Finally , some new simplification strategies for 3D building models are proposed .

  25. 进一步明确基于对偶性的表面模型、操作及操作算子技术,对于实现GPS设计与计量的统一性、与CAx的集成性和数字化功能是至关重要的。

    Moreover , illuminate that the surface model , operation and operator technology based on duality are critical in realizing the unity between GPS designs and GPS verification , integrating with CAx and the digitized function .

  26. 推广了高斯分布的粗糙表面模型,建立了Alpha-stable非高斯分布的粗糙表面模型。

    As an extension of Gaussian distributed surface model , the electromagnetic scattering model on Alpha-stable non-Gaussian distributed surfaces is developed .

  27. 由亚甲基双草酰产生的H2CO表面模型可能与由甲醛吸附或CO氢化生成的H2CO表面模型不同。

    The surface mode of H2CO resulted from methylenebisoxy decomposition may be different from that resulted from formaldehyde adsorption or CO hydrogenation .

  28. 在表面模型的三维重建中,详细分析了MarchingCube算法的基本原理以及该算法存在的二义性问题并提出了一种解决方案。

    As a standard algorithm of surface rendering in 3D reconstruction , the basic principle of Marching Cube ( MC ) algorithm is analyzed in detail . The ambiguity problem in Marching Cube and its solution are also presented .

  29. 本文重点分析了足底矫形器CAD系统的组成,并针对各组成部分的功能分别进行了阐述,包括足底矫形器模型的数字化测量、数学模型的建立、计算机三维表面模型建模、人机交互等等。

    Then , the composition of foot orthosis CAD system have been analysed , and the funtion of every parts has been elaborated separately , including the digital measurement of model , the digital modeling of foot orthosis , computer three-dimensional surface modeling , man-machine interaction and so on .

  30. 采用曲面造型中常用的NURBS方法实现了转子锻件自由曲面和解析曲面的几何造型,生成了带径向扭曲叶片的转子锻件及其模具模块的表面模型。

    By use of popular NURBS method , the geometric modeling of the free and analytic surfaces of the rotor ′ s forging is implemented . And surface models of the rotor ′ s forging and its die section are created .