
bèi bō xuē jiē jí
  • the exploited class
被剥削阶级[bèi bō xuē jiē jí]
  1. 如果被剥削阶级不懂得这一点,甚至举行叛乱,那就是对行善的人即对剥削者的一种最卑劣的忘恩负义行为。

    And if the exploited class cannot see it and even grows rebellious , that is the basest ingratitude to its benefactors , the exploiters .

  2. 随着在文明时代获得最充分发展的奴隶制的出现,就发生了社会分成剥削阶级和被剥削阶级的第一次大分裂。

    With slavery , which attained its fullest development under civilization , came the first great cleavage of society into an exploiting and an exploited class .

  3. 在旧社会工人农民是被剥削的阶级。

    Workers and peasants are the exploited classes in the old society .

  4. 从来不存在什么超越被剥削者的“阶级利益”之上的“民族利益”。

    There can never be a " national interest " over the " class interest " of the exploited .