
bèi pò
  • be forced;be compelled;be coerced;be constrained
被迫 [bèi pò]
  • [be compelled;be forced;be constrained] 受外界迫使

  • 敌人被迫放下武器

被迫[bèi pò]
  1. 分析人士称,FDA最终将被迫对电子烟工厂和制造标准进行资质认证。

    Eventually , analysts say , the F.D.A. could be compelled to certify e-cigarette factories and the manufacturing standards .

  2. 如果是这样,那么更多国家(包括美国)将被迫效仿fsa的标准,使之成为一个全球标准。

    Should that happen , further countries , including the US , will be compelled to emulate the FSA standard , making it global .

  3. 总统被迫把权力让给军队。

    The President was obliged to concede power to the army .

  4. 他们被迫与叛乱分子达成调解协议。

    They were forced to reach an accommodation with the rebels .

  5. 我被迫苦苦哀求给我的孩子一条生路。

    I was forced to plead for my child 's life .

  6. 她曾被迫与她熟悉的一切切断关系。

    She had been cut adrift from everything she had known .

  7. 巴黎被围困了四个月后被迫投降。

    Paris was besieged for four months and forced to surrender .

  8. 部队因伤亡惨重被迫撤退。

    The army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses .

  9. 政治家常常被迫在互不相容的利益之间开辟航道。

    Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between incompatible interests .

  10. 这家公司被迫进一步转向高端市场。

    The company has been forced to move more upmarket .

  11. 他们最后被迫屈从恐怖分子的要求。

    They were finally forced to capitulate to the terrorists ' demands .

  12. 很多难民被迫逃离了祖国。

    Many refugees have been forced to flee their homeland .

  13. 我们被迫在户外天寒地冻的环境下工作。

    We were forced to work outside in freezing conditions .

  14. 副总统被迫走马上任。

    The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office .

  15. 她被迫让出西班牙的王位。

    She was forced to abdicate the throne of Spain .

  16. 他们被迫寻求庇护,以躲避战争。

    They were forced to seek refuge from the fighting .

  17. 他的地位已难以维持,因此他被迫辞职。

    His position had become untenable and he was forced to resign .

  18. 经过长时间的包围,这座孤城被迫投降。

    After a long siege , the town was forced to yield .

  19. 他被迫放弃对公司的控制权。

    He was forced to relinquish control of the company .

  20. 经济衰退期间成千上万家小企业被迫关门了。

    During the recession thousands of small businesses went broke .

  21. 财政大臣被迫狼狈地承认他的经济政策存在失误。

    The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating climbdown on his economic policies .

  22. 他被迫退休,工作交给了一个年轻一些的人。

    He was pensioned off and his job given to a younger man .

  23. 她被迫违心地嫁了人。

    She was forced to marry against her will .

  24. 公司被迫对这一领域的经营进行了调整。

    The company has been forced to realign its operations in the area .

  25. 她被迫把婴儿给人收养。

    She was forced to have her baby adopted .

  26. 他们已被迫撤销了建筑新校舍的计划。

    They had been forced to scrap plans for a new school building .

  27. 她在被迫闲散了一段时间之后,找到了份新工作。

    After a period of enforced idleness , she found a new job .

  28. 那位饱受指责的政党领导人被迫辞职。

    The beleaguered party leader was forced to resign .

  29. 她由于身体不好而被迫早早地从教学岗位上退休。

    She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health .

  30. 他受不住酷刑被迫向他们供出了情报。

    He was tortured into giving them the information .