
zhuānɡ pèi ɡōnɡ
  • assembler;fitter
  1. 请另一个装配工来协助定位!

    Get a second fitter to help with positioning !

  2. 他得到了一份在造船厂当电气装配工助手的工作。

    He got a job as mate to an electrical fitter in the dockyard .

  3. W:的确是这样,我想知道你是否可以派遣装配工来保证机器的良好运行。

    M : That 's true . I 'm eager to know if you could send some fitters to ensure good operation .

  4. W:如果你们随机器派装配工保证机器正常运转,而且保证售后服务的话,我们就同意全额付款。

    M : If you send fitters along with the machines to ensure that all the machines run properly , and if you provide after-sales service , we agree to make the payment in full .

  5. 父亲是一位煤气装配工,母亲是理发师。两人都属于劳动阶层,是满怀抱负的东区伦敦佬(Cockney)。后来他们离开伦敦东区,来到了艾塞克斯郡的郊区。

    His father was a gas-fitter , his mother a hairdresser , both members of the aspirational " cockney " working classes who left the east end of London for suburbia in Essex .

  6. 活塞环装配工装设计

    The Design of Technological Equipment for Piston Ring Assembling

  7. 准备并更换试验和装配工装卡具,如需要,进行调节.调节量具。

    Prepare and change testing and assembly fixtures , if necessary , adjusting .

  8. 电工或电气打磨装配工进修课程证书

    Certificate of the Electrician or Electrical Fitter Upgrading Course

  9. 基于飞机产品结构更改的装配工装变型设计方法

    Variant Design Method for Assembly Tooling Design Based on Aircraft Product Structure Change

  10. 根据过程流程图给装配工提供必要的现场和正式的培训。

    Provide necessary on-job and in-class training to fitters according to process flow chart .

  11. 面向装配工装设计编码方法的研究

    Study on Coding Method for Assembly Fixture Design

  12. 他们既不是修理工也不是装配工。

    They are neither repairmen nor assemblers .

  13. 如果一个由你操控的装配工将要装配一个机械,则改为装配两个机械。

    If a Rigger you control would assemble a Contraption , it assembles two Contraptions instead .

  14. 需要另一名装配工。

    A second fitter is required .

  15. 他们是修理工还是装配工?

    Be they repairmen or assembler ?

  16. 这对教育程度较低的人来说尤其困难现在许多装配工都要求2年学历。

    It is especially difficult for the less educated even many assembly jobs now require two-year degrees .

  17. 由鞋装配工测量脚的长度和宽度的机械装置。

    A mechanical device used by shoe fitters to measure the length and width of your foot .

  18. 管理人员应该验证装配工是在按照程序工作,并相应地监控产品质量。

    Supervisors should verify that the assemblers are following their procedures , and monitor product quality accordingly .

  19. 每一个装配工都必须确保在将零件传给下个人前正确地完成了他们的任务。

    Each assembler must ensure that their tasks are completed properly before sending parts to the next assembler .

  20. 没有一点文化的他只能到车间去做一名装配工。

    He who has little command of knowledge can only qualify for work as an assembler at a workshop .

  21. 每六个美国人中间,就有一个是汽车装配工、卡车司机、筑路工或加油工

    Six of the America 's ten biggest banks at assembling cars , driving trucks , building roads or pumping gas

  22. 有时需要测试和验证装配件,在可能的情况下,这个应该由装配工来完成。

    Sometimes testing and verification of assemblies is needed , and when possible , that should be done by the assemblers .

  23. 所有的车工、机器操作工、钣金工、装配工和钳工属于一个工会。

    All the tool makers , skilled machiners ( machinists ), sheetmetal workers , assembly-shop workers and fitters belong to one union .

  24. 飞机研制过程中的频繁设计更改活动是造成装配工装设计修改工作量大、设计质量难以保证等问题的主要原因。

    In the course of aircraft development , frequent aircraft design changes are the main factor which results in amendment of assembly tooling .

  25. 装配工离开,你打开洗碗机,接着厨房被淹了。

    The fitters have gone , you switch on the dishwasher , and the next thing you know , the kitchen 's flooded .

  26. 近年来,人们流行幻想微小机器人(时称为装配工)它能以操纵原子的方式建造事物。

    In recent years , it has become popular to imagine tiny robots ( sometimes called assemblers ) that can manipulate and build things atom by atom .

  27. 如果一个装配工不足够聪明来遵循指示,那么他们就不够聪明来做出很好的工作,所以就不应该被指派做这样的工作。

    If an assembler is not smart enough to follow instructions , then they are not smart enough to do a good job , and should not be assigned to these tasks .

  28. 为此,运用公理设计原理描述了装配工装设计问题,提出了一种基于飞机产品结构更改的装配工装变型设计模型。

    In this article , assembly tooling design is described by the axiomatic design theory , and a variant method for assembly tooling design based on aircraft product structure change is presented .

  29. 叶片不用销子、夹具和螺栓固定,更容易维修和更换。准备并更换试验和装配工装卡具,如需要,进行调节.调节量具。

    The Vanes are hold in place without pin , clamp or bolt , so it is able to be replaced and maintained quickly . Prepare and change testing and assembly fixtures , if necessary , adjusting .

  30. 通过对燃气轮机燃烧室兼压气机缸体的材料、结构进行分析研究,制订了装焊工艺要点,并设计了专用的装配工装。

    By analyzing the material and structure of the gas turbine combustion chamber with gas compressor cylinder proper , the key point of the assemble welding process has been worked out , and the special assembling tool set up has been designed as well .