
zhě qū
  • fold;bend;winkle
褶曲[zhě qū]
  1. 褶曲构造是一种特殊的地质构造,地质作用活跃。

    Fold area is a special geological structure , geological activity .

  2. 龙永煤田构造复杂,褶曲发育。

    There are complex structure and fold developed in Longyong coal-field .

  3. 勘探目的要求查清煤层中落差为3~5m的断层与褶曲。

    The goal of the exploration is to clarify the relief of faults and folds in relief of 3 ~ 5m in coalfield .

  4. 研究认为影响250102工作面发生冲击矿压的主要因素为褶曲构造、煤层冲击倾向性、坚硬顶板、20m煤柱等。

    The main factors of influencing the rock burst hazard of 25102 working face are folding structure , burst tendency of coal seam , hard main roof and 20m width pillar and so on .

  5. 本文编制了FSIP系统的所有计算和管理方面的应用软件,采用中文菜单技术人机对话,实现了在褶曲构造煤层及任意形状工作面开采条件下;

    In this paper , all software of the FSIP system are programmed , and the technique of menu is adopted through the medium of the prompt of Chinese .

  6. 关于方法构造学的设想断块间褶曲的初步研究

    Tentative Ideas on Constructure Theory of Method Research on fault fold

  7. 背斜轴[线,褶曲,层,谷]

    The anticlinal axis [ line , fold , strata , valley ]

  8. 褶曲分形特征及其与瓦斯突出关系研究

    The research on folds fractal features and its relationship to gas outbursts

  9. 纵弯褶曲变形的模拟方法探讨

    A discussion on the analogous method of the deformation of a buckling fold

  10. 从褶曲到断层&构造形态认识的转变

    From Fold to Fault-the Concept Change on Structural Forms

  11. 用地面小褶曲辅助地震资料构造解释

    Using the Little Fords on Surface to Assist Seismic Data to Interpret Structures

  12. 伴有牵引褶曲的断层断距研究

    Study on Separations of Faults Followed Drag Folds

  13. 在综采工作面的准备和回采过程中,小褶曲是可能存在隐伏断层的征兆。

    The paper presents some application examples of detecting buried faults with near-surface seismic methods i.

  14. 超基性岩的进一步叠瓦作用,褶曲和交代作用发生于这个时期。

    Further imbrication , folding and metasomatism of the ultrabasic rocks occurred at this time .

  15. 断块间褶曲的初步研究

    Research on fault fold

  16. 隧道穿越褶曲构造时,褶曲区域隧道围岩稳定性势必成为要考虑的问题。

    When tunnel through the fold structure , stability of surrounding rock will become the issues to consider .

  17. 前者有分枝断层及微破裂转换;后者有传播褶曲及微弯曲转换。

    The former contains branch fault and miCro-break conversion and the latter has propagation fold and micro-winding conversion .

  18. 这一个褶曲是背斜而那一个则是向斜,一个褶曲具有两个翼。

    This fold is an anticline and that one is a syncline . a fold has two limbs .

  19. 综采工作面过上山原位留巷技术研究阳泉矿区综放工作面过褶曲构造技术

    Technology for fully mechanized longwall top coal caving mining face crossing over folded structure in Yangquan Mining Area

  20. 单个褶曲为平面应变,复合地区向拉长和压扁区迁移;

    Regional architecture the single fold is plane strain , complex area migrates to the area of lengthening and extruding ;

  21. 叠加褶曲轴都是脉动构造发育的良好地段。

    In the axis of superposed fold , the pulsation structure ( micro-fissures ) developed better than in the limb .

  22. 滑坡构造包括褶曲及柔皱构造、砂脉、砾石脉和泥膜等。

    The tectonics of landslide include wrinkle and folding tectonic , sand vein , stone vein and mud film , etc.

  23. 见角砾化前积层、牵引褶曲、倒转褶曲等常见的风成沙丘同沉积变形构造。

    The synsedimentary deformation structures are common in eolian dunes , such as brecciated foresets , drag folds and overturned folds .

  24. 根据野外露头调查,裂缝的发育程度受褶曲作用和断裂作用的双重控制。

    According to the outcrop survey , the development of fracture was controlled by dual role of the fold and fault .

  25. 此外,还运用不同材料的褶曲实验对此改进理论加以验证。

    In addition , the modified " Dominant Wavelength Theory " is proved by the experimental folding in both elastic and viscous materials .

  26. 以鸡西煤田艳胜井田为例,对断块间褶曲特征、构造应力场及形成机理作初步分析。

    For example , Yansheng shaft in Jixi Coal Mine , the character of fault fold , structure stress and forming system are analyzed .

  27. 在外营力的剥蚀与破坏影响下,薄皮构造受到程度不同的剥蚀破坏而呈现出不同的褶曲形态。

    By the action of exogenetic force , the thin-skinned structure was subjected to denudation to varying degree , appearing as different folded forms .

  28. 井田构造煤分布受褶曲构造、断裂构造与地应力综合因素的影响。

    The structure coal distribution in the minefield was influenced by the comprehensive factors of the fold structure , broken structure and ground stress .

  29. 采区地震勘探是以查明煤系地层小断层、小褶曲细微地质构造为目标。

    The aim of seismic exploration in a panel is to ascertain the minor faults and folds , the subtle geological structures in coal measures .

  30. 地幔流体交代作用的岩相学和岩石化学特征超基性岩的进一步叠瓦作用,褶曲和交代作用发生于这个时期。

    The Petrographic and Petrochemical Characteristics of the Mantle Fluid Metasomatism ; Further imbrication , folding and metasomatism of the ultrabasic rocks occurred at this time .