
  • 网络regulation economics;Regulation Economic;Economics of Regulation;regulatory economics
  1. 本文从规制经济学、法理学和法经济学三个视角,对我国客运专线引入晚点救济机制的必要性进行了初步阐述。

    From three views on economics of regulation , jurisprudence and law , and economics , this paper analyzes the necessities of introducing the delay remedy system into Chinas dedicated passenger lines .

  2. 第二,运用规制经济学理论,分析中国药品价格规制的实施效果及其规制失灵的原因,结合构建的价格规制模型,提出完善中国药品价格规制体系的对策。

    Secondly , the paper applies economics of regulation to analyze the results of pharmaceuticals price regulation in China , and explains the reasons of regulation failure , and finally proposes ideas of perfecting pharmaceuticals price regulation system for China .

  3. 规制经济学是一门新兴的经济学分支。

    Regulation economics is a new branch of the economics .

  4. 我国电力行业改革的规制经济学分析

    Analysis on regulatory economics of electricity power industry reformation in our country

  5. 规制经济学学科定位中的几个问题创业学:学科定位及其架构分析

    On the Discipline of Regulation Economics Pioneering Science : Study Niche and its Structural Analysis

  6. 然后介绍了分析所运用的规制经济学和新制度经济学的相关理论。

    Then introduces the relevant theories of Regulation Economics and New Institutional Economics that used in this paper .

  7. 从规制经济学的内容要求出发去探讨电力产业监管的论文较少;

    Only a few thesis discuss electric power industry supervision from the contents and requirement of structure economics .

  8. 本文尝试运用规制经济学中的收费理论来讨论如何合理地确定高等学校的收费水准。

    This paper discusses the application of pricing theories from regulation economics in university and college tuition pricing .

  9. 本文根据产业经济学和规制经济学的基本原理,分析了对高新技术产业进行规制的必要性;

    According to the principles of industrial economics and regulatory economics , the paper analyzes the necessity of Regulating High-tech Industry .

  10. 规制经济学理论认为,政府规制是利益集团博弈和规则冲突的产物。

    According to the theory of economic regulation , government regulation is the result of game among special interest-groups and the conflict of rules .

  11. 本文在国内首次借助新规制经济学的范式对我国医疗服务产业的规制问题进行了研究,寻求引入机制设计来分析问题。

    The paper takes the lead in China to analyze the regulation problems on medical service industry in China by means of mechanism design .

  12. 在资产评估基本准则评价的经济学分析部分,文章对于评估人员对具体条款的评价和基本准则存在的问题,运用规制经济学的公共利益理论和新制度经济学的有关理论进行了分析。

    In the part of analysis on appraisal , this paper uses relevant theories of Regulation Economics and New Institutional Economics to analyze the appraisal and these problems .

  13. 本文尝试首先从厘清食品安全相关概念入手,借助管理学和规制经济学等不同源流的监管理论作为解决食品安全监管问题的理论依据。

    This article attempts to define clearly the related concepts of food safety firstly and solve food safety supervision problems with regulation economics and management theory of different origins .

  14. 具体地说,先是从规制经济学角度分析了垄断带来的社会福利的损失,然后结合跨国并购的三种形式:横向、纵向和混合,具体地分析并购带来的反竞争效应。

    In details the article analyzes the welfare loss caused by monopoly from the point of regulation economics , and then respectively elaborates anti-competition according to the three types of cross-border M & A.

  15. 本文运用规制经济学的理论和方法,在对证券业规制基本内涵进行一般分析的基础上,考察了证券业规制的内容,并比较了各国证券业规制的体制。

    After analyzing the general content of securities regulation by the theories and methods of Economics Regulation , this article investigates the material content of securities regulation and compares the different systems of securities regulation .

  16. 规制经济学是近三十年来西方经济学中一个比较活跃的研究领域,其研究成果已经在西方国家的产业规制和产业融资实践中得到了广泛的应用。

    Economics Regulation has been the active research field in the western economics in the recent 30 years , and the achievements have been applied generally to the industry regulation and industry finance practice of western countries .

  17. 基于此,该文尝试着运用行政法学理论、规制经济学理论等学科知识,采用实证和比较的方法,构建我国对风景名胜区特许经营的规制制度。

    Based on this , the article tried to use administrative law theory , regulatory economics and other disciplines of knowledge , using empirical and comparative methods , building on the Scenic Spots of the regulation of the franchise system .

  18. 中外电信产业规制的经济学比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Economics Regulation in Chinese and Foreign Telecommunication Industry

  19. 隐性产业与政府规制的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis on Recessive Industry and Government Regulation

  20. 社会性规制的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on Social Regulation

  21. 规制具有经济学和法学两个方面的含义。

    Regulation , as governmental intervention on the market , is both a legal and an economic concept .

  22. 中国公用企业规制改革的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of China 's Public Enterprise s ' Regulation Reform

  23. 市场规制的法经济学分析

    Analyzing the Market Regulation Law from the Angle of Economics

  24. 旅行社恶性竞争:政府规制动因的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Government Regulation 's causes on Travel Agency 's Malignant Competition

  25. 公用企业反垄断规制的法律经济学分析

    Analysis of the Formulation of Regulations against Monopoly of Public Enterprises from the Perspective of Law and Economics

  26. 广播电视业是一个特殊的产业,如何对其进行有效的规制一直是经济学、新闻学、政治学、社会学研究的重要内容。

    Radio and TV industry is a special industry , how to effectively regulate it has been important contents of economics , Journalism , political , sociology .

  27. 本文运用外部性、信息不对称等经济学理论,采用宏观与微观相结合、博弈分析等方法,对食品安全规制进行了经济学分析,并试图完善中国的食品安全规制体制和体系。

    The article uses the combine method of macroscopic and microcosmic ; game theory to analyses the regulation of food safety and tries to perfect the system of food safety in China .

  28. 在这一部分中,笔者首先运用经济学的方法对转售价格限制的两种表现形式,即限制最高转售价格和限制最低转售价格进行分析,阐述将转售价格限制纳入反垄断法规制体系的经济学基础。

    In this section , the author uses the methods of economics to analyze minimum resale price restrictions and maximum resale price restrictions firstly . Based on economics analysis , the author thinks the resale price restriction should be incorporated into the anti-trust regulation system .

  29. 电信资费规制的新制度经济学解析

    The New Institution Economics Researches on the Telecommunication Price Control

  30. 国外电力工业规制与竞争的经济学理论研究述评

    A Review of the Overseas Research on the Economy of Regulation and Competition of the Electricity Supply Industry