
  • 网络Role expectation;role expection
  1. 教师角色期待及其对教师成长的影响

    Teacher 's Role Expectation and Its Effect on Teachers ' Growing

  2. 领导方法、心理品质、角色期待与激励

    Style of Leadership , Psychological Quality , Role Expectation and Encouragement

  3. 图书馆活动中的角色期待与角色互动

    The Expectation and Mutual Help between Librarians and Readers Activity

  4. 本科护士对工作角色期待与教育需求的研究

    Role Expectation and Education Needs of Graduated Bachelor Nurses

  5. 论研究性学习的教师角色期待

    On the role 's hope of a teacher in " reseaching study "

  6. 造成女性就业困难的因素主要有:社会对于不同的性别有着固有角色期待和定位;

    The society has fixed expectation towards different sex .

  7. 高校院(系)级党总支书记的角色期待

    On the Role Required to Play by the Secretary of the CPC Committee in Universities

  8. 社会性别是被构建的,男人和女人在其生理性别之外,还各自担负着社会角色期待。

    Gender is constructed . Men and women bear different social roles ' expectation beyond biological sex .

  9. 角色期待法。

    Role expectation method ;

  10. 本文是一项基于外语自主学习活动的、探讨学生对教师角色期待的实证研究报告。

    This empirical study aims to find out students expectations of teachers roles in autonomous language learning project .

  11. 这一切都冲破了以往对企业人力资源管理者的角色期待,而代之以更大的压力和挑战。

    All of them break the previous role expectations of human resource managers , and replaced them with great pressure and challenges .

  12. 来自女性自身的女性自我意识的缺失;社会竞争中的弱势、社会多重角色期待形成了女性追求高学历教育的困境。

    Female 's own deficiency of self-consciousness , inferiority in social competition and multi-role expectation from the society make female obtain high-degree education difficultly .

  13. 大学生往往倾向于以兴趣、能力来定位、以社会角色期待来定位,从而明确自己前进的方向和目标。

    College students tend to position themselves based on their interests , abilities and expectations in society and thus make clear their direction and objectives .

  14. 导致教育沟通发生的异条件或动力主要有身份差异、角色期待差异和视界差异等。

    The " differenee " condiu'ons or driving forces which cause educational communication are chiefly identity difference , role expectation difference , visual perspective difference , etc.

  15. 现代教师文化理念的树立,要从教师文化生态、角色期待、多元文化共生和多话语文化共展的视域来解读。

    The erection of modern teacher culture philosophy should be understood from teacher culture zoology , role expection , symbiosis of various cultures and common development of multi-language cultures .

  16. 教师角色期待,是指社会公众和学生对教师行为模式的期待,或教师对自己应具备的行为模式的期待。

    The expectation for teachers , is the expectation from society and students to the teacher 's action pattern , or the expectation from teachers themselves to their action pattern .

  17. 在理论分析和问卷调查的基础上,提出了要促进教师成长的建议:结合教师角色期待,全面反思提高自己;

    On the basis of the theoretical analysis and questionnaire , I give some suggestions above how to stimulate the growing of teacher : with the help of teacher 's role expectation , rethink teachers themselves ;

  18. 我国一向有师道尊严、尊师重道的传统,对于教师的作用与角色期待更是高,有万世之师之称的孔子以其诲人不倦、因材施教等高尚气节为教师作出了一个近乎圣人的定位。

    China has always had the tradition of showing great respect to the teachers and , accordingly , expects much more out of the role and action of the teachers , to the extent of a sage .

  19. 教育者有针对性地向受教育者提出恰当角色期待并引起受教育者对角色期待的强烈认同感,同时创造条件,促使其社会角色内化,是促进儿童社会化的捷径。

    It is one short cut that the educators put forward the suitable role expectation for the children and cause them to have the same feeling to agree to it , and create some conditions to encourage their social roles internalized .

  20. 而在向独立于场的发展上存在着个别差异,其中家庭环境、社会团体结构、文化教育、性别角色期待等因素对认知方式的发展有明显影响。

    And it has the obvious individual differences in the development toward the field-independence , and the factors , such as family environment , social group construction , culture educating and gender role expecting , etc. clearly influence the development of cognitive style .

  21. 从政策制定者、专家学者等变革主体的角色期待转向教师自我的身份认同,能够为我们重新提供一种看待教师参与课程改革的视角或思路。

    To fulfill teacher self identity , from the role expectations of main body in the change , such as policy makers , experts and scholars , etc , which could provide a new perspective that how to consider teachers involved in curriculum reform .

  22. 网络图书馆的发展,使得社会对图书馆馆员角色期待发生了转变,但是,图书馆馆员的实际角色与理想角色还有一定差距,图书馆界和社会应采取措施缩小差距。

    The development of network library has brought changes in the role of librarian , but there are some gaps between practical role librarians and an optimal role . It is essential for libraries and society to take measures to narrow down the gaps .

  23. 男女两性在休闲时间、休闲内容、休闲质量上存在着差异,产生这种差异的原因主要有:传统社会角色期待的限制,收入的影响,受教育程度的影响,休闲设施的制约。

    There are differences between male and female in terms of time , contents and quality of leisure . And several main reasons that paper analyses are as follows : restrictions of traditional role expectations , influences of income and education and limit of leisure facilities .

  24. 伴随着政府财政危机的呈现、新自由经济的兴盛以及善治治理模式的应用,公共行政民营化理念以其对行政法治人文精神以及福利国家角色期待的有效回应得到全球范围的认可和推广。

    With the presentation of government financial crisis , and the development of neoliberalism economy and good governance mode , the administrative philosophy of privatization has been approved and applied globally for its excellently corresponding to the humanities spirits of administrative laws and role definition of welfare state .

  25. 浅谈医务人员对护士长角色的期待

    Talking about expectation of medical staffs for head nurses ' role

  26. 论大学英语自主学习者对教师角色的期待与认同

    College English Autonomous Learners ′ Expectation and Acceptance of Teachers ′ Role

  27. 突发事件报道:在不同角色的期待中把握平衡点

    Reporting Emergency Event : Good Mastery of Balance between the Different Role Expectations

  28. 社会对教师角色的期待与要求随着时代发展、社会变迁而变化。

    The essential expectancy and central requirements towards teachers from society change with the development of society .

  29. 调查的初步结果显示:不同的被试对教师角色的期待存在显著差异;

    The result show that : there are differences about teacher 's role expectation among one 's kind of people ;

  30. 另一方面,研究生对教师角色的期待与教师对自身角色的认知之间确实存在着明显的差异。

    On the other hand , there are indeed obvious gaps between postgraduates ' expectations and teachers ' expectations of teachers ' roles .