
jiě fàng zhàn zhēng
  • war of liberation;China's War of Liberation
解放战争 [jiě fàng zhàn zhēng]
  • (1) [war of liberation]∶被压迫的民族或阶级为了争取解放而进行的战争

  • (2) [China's War of Liberation]∶从1945-1949中国的第三次国内革命战争

解放战争[jiě fàng zhàn zhēng]
  1. 这支曲子是在解放战争初期谱写的。

    The tune was composed at the beginning of the War of Liberation .

  2. 解放战争时期云南民族工作的特点

    Characteristics of the Ethnic Work in Yunnan during the War of Liberation

  3. 在穆斯塔法・凯末尔(MustafaKemalPasha)领导下解放战争爆发,这战争始于Mondros休战和塞夫勒条约的抗议中。

    The war of liberation began in protest to the Mondros Armistice and the Treaty of Sevres , under the command of Mustafa Kemal Pasha .

  4. 而且我祖父也参加过印度解放战争。

    And my grandfather fought in the freedom struggle in in a.

  5. 也论解放战争的起讫时间

    On the Starting Time and Finishing Time of the Liberation War

  6. 因此,爱国主义就是国际主义在民族解放战争中的实施。

    Thus in wars of national liberation patriotism is applied internationalism .

  7. 还有他写的“解放战争前后”

    Including ," before and after the war for liberation "

  8. 整个解放战争最困难的是挑这个担子,是挑的重担啊。

    It was the most difficult in the entire War of Liberation .

  9. 然后,阐述了红歌在解放战争中的作用。

    Thirdly , the article elaborates the functions in the Liberation War .

  10. 解放战争与东北老工业基地的初创

    The Liberation Battle and the foundation of the northeast old industrial base

  11. 人民解放战争先锋队(闪电突击队)

    Vanguard of the People 's War of Liberation ( As Saiga )

  12. 苏联在中国解放战争期间的对华政策

    Soviet Union 's Policy to China during China 's War of Liberation

  13. 试论解放战争迅速取得胜利的经济基础

    On economic basis for swift victory in Liberation War

  14. 他们大多数人是解放战争期间出世的。

    Most of them came into the world during the War of Liberation .

  15. 论解放战争时期河南人民支前的特点

    Characteristics of Henan Front Supporting at the Liberation War

  16. 解放战争时期南方游击队

    Guerrillas in South China during the War of Liberation

  17. 解放战争爆发原因新论

    The New Theory on the Reason of War of Liberation 's Breaking Out

  18. 解放战争时期国统区的农民问题

    Peasant Problem of the Ruling Area of Kuomintang during the Period of Liberation War

  19. 解放战争末期,中国社会即将发生重大转折。

    At the end of Liberation War , China was experiencing a great change .

  20. 淮海战役对解放战争的胜利至关重要。

    The Huai-Hai Campaign was essential to the victory of the war of liberation .

  21. 祖国解放战争也结束了。

    Your country 's liberate war was over .

  22. 解放战争时期我军俘虏改造的历史经验

    The Historical Experience of the Political Police on Captives during the Chinese Civil War

  23. 我们的解放战争,主要就是靠这一亿六千万人民打胜的。

    We won the War of Liberation by relying mainly on these 160 million people .

  24. 在解放战争中,很多战士为革命献出了生命。

    In the liberation war , many fighters laid down their lives for the revolution .

  25. 军队素质、战略计划与解放战争的进程

    Qualities of the Army , Strategic Planning and the Process of the War of Liberation

  26. 试论解放战争时期中间路线的历史演变

    On the Historical Evolution of the Middle Road during the Period of the Liberation Wartime

  27. 解放战争时期河南人民踊跃支前,为解放战争的胜利作出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    People in Henan Province made great contributions to the victory of the Liberation War .

  28. 论解放战争时期统一战线的历史演变

    Studies of the Historical Evolution of the United Front in the Period of the Liberation Wartime

  29. 解放战争首先由法国抵抗力量对德军发动的起义开始。

    The liberation started with an uprising by the French Resistance against the German Paris garrison .

  30. 庆贺人民解放战争和人民革命的胜利!

    Hail the victory of the People 's War of Liberation and the people 's revolution !