
  • 网络exercise program;Program;Training Solutions
  1. 目的:探讨一种简单的家庭肺康复运动训练方案是否能提高慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者的运动能力,改善患者的生存质量。

    Objective : To explore the effect of a simple home pulmonary rehabilitation exercise training program on the exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) .

  2. 家庭肺康复运动训练方案在慢性阻塞性肺病发展中作用的研究

    Study of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation program in development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  3. 高性能战斗机飞行员离心机高G训练方案

    Centrifuge high G training scheme for high performance fighter pilots

  4. 迫切需要制定高G抗荷训练方案,以提高歼击机飞行员+Gz耐力。

    Fighter pilots should actively carry out anti G training in order to enhance their + Gz tolerance .

  5. 对30例ADHD儿童采用认知行为训练方案,3个月为一疗程。

    30 children with ADHD had received systemic cognitive behavior training for three months .

  6. 讨论了应用RBF神经网络进行多输入/多输出非线性系统建模的主要问题,并详细给出了其辨识结构、算法和模型训练方案;

    A summary of RBF neural networks for the multi-input and multi-output ( MIMO ) nonlinear system identification is discussed , and the identification structure , algorithm and model training process are given in detail .

  7. 训练方案:5d为一个周期,每个周期前3d进行大强度训练,后2d为小强度训练。

    Training scheme : 5 days as one cycle , the high intensity training was carried on during the first 3 days in a cycle and the left 2 days took the low intensity training .

  8. 从而得出SNPs有助于基因选材、运动损伤治疗、训练方案及营养方案的改进,从而提高运动成绩及大众健身水平的提高。

    Conclusion : SNPs can help gene selection of athletes , treating athletic injuries , training plans and nutrition programs so as to promote the public health level and athletic performance .

  9. 设计开环和闭环网络权值训练方案,使用Alopex随机学习算法在线训练对象逆动态模型。

    We use open loop and closed loop schemes for feedforward multilayer network learning . Alopex algorithm is used to train inverse dynamic model of the plant .

  10. 本文针对的机器人足球比赛,提出了一个总体训练方案,并应用于FIRA比赛中,结果证明该算法是可行的、有效的。

    In this paper , the author has put forward to training project on whole for robot-soccer game , and the project succeed in applying to robot-soccer game of FIRA . The result performs viable and efficiently .

  11. 南部非洲教育及训练方案咨询委员会

    Advisory Committee on the Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa

  12. 区域发展研究及训练方案咨询委员会

    Advisory Committee for the Research and Training Programme in Regional Development

  13. 所以我希望你的训练方案能快一点

    So I hope your training regimen is a bit faster .

  14. 结构力学综合训练方案的教学实践

    Teaching practice of the comprehensive exercise plan for structural mechanics

  15. 士兵体能训练方案的设计与实验

    The Project and the Appliance of the Physical Training Scheme to the Soldiers

  16. 海洋资源的管理和养护训练方案

    Training Programme on Management and Conservation of Marine Resources

  17. 新的裁军训练方案的执行方式

    Modalities for implementation of the new disarmament training programme

  18. 农村发展和农田管理区域训练方案

    Regional Training Programme in Rural Development and Farm Management

  19. 三项训练方案在孤独症儿童早期训练中的应用

    Application of Three Training Alternatives to Train a Group of Young Autistic Children

  20. 一种提高实验教学效果的单片机控制技术综合训练方案

    A Synthetical Training Scheme of One-hip Computer 's Control Technology for Improving Experimental Teaching

  21. 由于我方客户急需此货,紧急情况管理训练方案

    As our users are in urgent need of it , Emergency Management Training Programme

  22. 不同训练方案对武警战士有氧代谢能力的影响

    Study on the aerobic capacity in armed - police soldiers with different training methods

  23. 基于总体的机器人足球训练方案的思考

    Thinking for training project of robot-soccer on whole

  24. 为法医和毒理学分析训练方案确定准则的咨询小

    Consultative Group on Establishment of Guidelines for Training Programmes in Forensic and Toxicology Analysis

  25. 全球人口与发展训练方案

    Global Programme of Training in Population and Development

  26. 诺维托改变了他的训练方案和跳高风格。

    Rovelto overhauled his training and jumping style .

  27. 运用程序化参赛模式和自我暗示提高帆船运动员十运会比赛成绩&对十运会帆船冠军的心理训练方案设计与心理干预

    Design and Intervention of Mental Training Program towards Champion Sailing of the 10th National Games

  28. 目前美国各地正在实施集体安乐死与处置训练方案。

    Mass euthanasia and disposal training programs are being carried out around the United States .

  29. 妇女参与管理区域训练方案

    Regional Training Programme for Women in Management

  30. 热带疾病研究训练方案

    Programme for Research Training in Tropical Diseases