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yì hé
  • negotiate peace;make peace;conduct peace negotiations
议和 [yì hé]
  • [negotiate peace] 通过谈判达成终止敌对行为或停止战争

议和[yì hé]
  1. 两国的领袖决定议和。

    The leaders of the two nations decided to make peace .

  2. 谈判者正努力使交战各派议和。

    The negotiators are trying to make peace between the Warring factions .

  3. 新建议和我们总的原则是一致的。

    The new proposal is in line with our general line .

  4. 我们同敌军签订了一项协议,不久就议和了。

    We concluded an agreement with the enemy and soon made peace .

  5. 国际代议和议会制度史委员会

    International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Ins

  6. 联合国秘书长鼓励黎巴嫩总理与国会发言人议和并举行新总统的选举。

    UN Secretary-General encourages Lebanon to reconcile and hold new presidential elections .

  7. 他说答案是谈判议和。

    He said the answer was a negotiated peace .

  8. 这是一个集经济交流、议和文化活动等为一体的一个节日。

    It 's a festival with economic exchanges , conferences and cultural activities .

  9. 嘉定议和后的宋金关系

    On the Relationship between the Song and Jin Dynasties after the Jiading Peace Negotiation

  10. 敌人主动表示议和。

    The enemy is making overtures for peace .

  11. 在议和中,谭延闿虽是居中联络,实则是南方阵营的代表。

    Although Tan Yankai was intermediary , but he was representative of the South camp .

  12. 议和成功之前伦敦还想让军队撑多�

    How long does London expect the army to hold out before we make terms ?

  13. 而南北议和则直接促成了封建专制的终结。

    The Peace Talk between South and North directly led to the end of the feudal autocracy .

  14. 妇女世界银行为五十个小额贷款组织提供提供支持、议和训练。

    Women 's World Banking offers support , advice and training to more than fifty microfinance organizations .

  15. 办公室的忠诚,新建议和复杂的团队关系可能在接下来的几天内排水。

    Office loyalties , new proposals and complex team relationships may be draining over the next few days .

  16. 试析作为民国议和代表与司法总长伍廷芳的贡献

    WU Ting-fang as the Representative of the Peace Negotiations and the Minister of Judicature of the Republic of China

  17. 南北议和是革命党人有原则的妥协。

    The negotiation between the South and the North was the revolutionary party 's compromise with a sense of principle .

  18. 西湖博览会是一个集展览、议和文化活动等为一体的综合性博览会。现在每年十月举行。

    B : It 's a comprehensive exposition with exhibitions , conferences and cultural activities . It 's held in October every year .

  19. 回国后,张荫桓继续协助李鸿章对日议和,发挥了重要作用。

    After returning to homeland , Zhang Yinhuan continued to assist Li Hongzhang 's peace negotiation to Japanese , and played an influential role .

  20. 在需要的时候,为公司方展项目包括收购、资和其他主要新业务提供财务目标分析报告、议和支持。

    Provide objective financial analyses , recommendations and support for corporate development projects including acquisitions , divestments , joint ventures and major new business initiatives when required .

  21. 宋金嘉定议和后,金方逐渐丧失了以往那种控制宋金关系发展方向的主动权,这个过程大致经历了三个阶段。

    After the Jiading Peace Negotiation , the Jin Dynasty gradually lost the former initiative power of controlling the developing direction of the Song - Jin relationship .

  22. 与此同时,嘉定议和后的宋金关系的变化,客观上加速了两国灭亡的历史进程。

    Meanwhile , the change in the Song - Jin relationship after the Jiading Peace Negotiation objectively quickened the historical process of the destruction of the two dynasties .

  23. 我们承诺确保关于多哈回合谈判的新建议和新方式能够加强多哈回合的核心原则和发展授权。

    We are committed to ensure that new proposals and approaches to the Doha Round negotiations will reinforce the core principles and the developmental mandate of the Doha Round .

  24. 我们的业务涉及为客户提供市场细分、告与沟通效果、产品开发、牌管理、意度调查等各种项目类型的研究、议和见解。

    We provide research , advice and insights to our clients on market segmentation , advertising and communications , new product development , brand performance , stakeholder management , etc.

  25. 我们不同意寄售此货。生产关系必须适合生产力。新建议和我们总的原则是一致的。

    We cannot agree to consign the goods . Relations of production must conform to the level of productive forces . The new proposal is in line with our general line .