
yì zhù
  • a translation;translation of works
译著 [yì zhù]
  • [translation of works] 将用某种语言写成的著作译成另外一种语言的著作

译著[yì zhù]
  1. 自己的劳动成果是甜蜜的。译著是脑力劳动成果,受有关规定的法律保护。

    What you get By your own laBor is sweet to the taste . A translation , being a creation of the intellect , shall enjoy the legal protection accorded to such works .

  2. 从一次论争、一篇文章、一部译著谈起&谈冯雪峰文艺思想的起步期

    From a Debate , an Article , and a Translation & the Start-up Stage of FENG Xue-feng 's Literary Thought

  3. 现代中国女性译者译著文体分析

    A Stylistic Analysis of the Translations by Modern Chinese Women Translators

  4. 中文译著中外国个人责任者标目的选取

    The Heading 's Selection of Foreign Individual Authors in Chinese Translation Book

  5. 中文译著图书外国责任者规范标目的确立

    Establishment of Authority Foreign Author Headings in Cataloging Chinese Works

  6. 论译者的素质及其译著的检验

    On Qualifications of Translators and Testing of Their Work Qualities of Bankers

  7. 但一些零星的译著和评介文章的发表在表明无奈的同时也预示着希望。

    But some sporadic translation and review articles expressed helpless also indicated hope .

  8. 《大学丛书》译著研究初探

    A Tentative Study on the Translation of College-Textbook Series

  9. 清代出版的地质学译著及特点

    Characteristics and a list of books on geology translated in late Qing Dynasty

  10. 译著有《莎士比亚悲剧四种》,《英国诗选》等。

    His translations include Four Tragedies of Shakespeare and Selections of English Verse .

  11. 机读目录中影印本和译著本的并列题名及版本项的著录

    Description of parataxis title and edition item of photocopy books and translations on MARC

  12. 译著《民族音乐学研究:31个论题和概念》及书评

    The Study of Ethnomusicology : Thirty-one Issues and Concepts Translation with a Book Review

  13. 在国会图书馆,德效骞用了三年的时间初步完成了译著。

    In the Library of Congress , he spent three years initially completing the translations .

  14. 现代影印版图书及中文译著在著录时的几个重要问题

    Research on some important problems in the description of modern photocopies and their Chinese translations

  15. 读者评论研究是译著质量评价的一个重要参考依据。

    The study on reader reviews is an important parameter in the evaluation of translation quality .

  16. 复古与开新的变奏&严复译著文体论略

    From Back-to-the-ancient to Break-new-ground & A discussion on the literary style of Yan Fu 's translation works

  17. 译著《十九世纪日本对西方音乐的接受》及书评

    Japanese Reception of Western Music in 19 ~ ( th ) Century Translation with a Book Review

  18. 无论译著如何创造性地背叛了原著,但就其内容而言,始终只是传达,不是创造。

    However innovatively the translated text deviates from the original , it is not creation but interpretation .

  19. 有目共睹的是,二十世纪出现的这些三言二拍译著的质量大大超过了以往的任何时期。

    Obviously , these translations appearing in the 20th century are much better in quality than before .

  20. 在美国与英国,书市中只有3%的译著。

    In the United States and Britain , translations represent just 3 percent of the book market .

  21. 有关研究多散见于各论文集与期刊杂志,著作、译著等都很少。

    The study and more scattered in various proceedings and journals , books , translations and so little .

  22. 而在2013年的俄罗斯,译著占市场的10.5%。

    In Russia , in contrast , translated titles accounted for 10.5 percent of the market in 2013 ;

  23. 依据机读目录使用手册,对译著图书的书名原文提出正确的著录方式。

    Presents a correct describing method for original titles of translated books based on the China MARC Format Manual .

  24. 在译著中常有一些话语未获得应有的身份,从而破坏了小说翻译的艺术完整性。

    Doing so will leave some of the discourse unidentified and thus impair the artistic integrity of the translation .

  25. 这些译著在张文定先生的指导下已经由北京大学出版社未名译库出版。

    Their translations were published by the Weiming Translation Library of Peking University Press under the guidance of Zhang Wending .

  26. 二是最新法律史料、教材、论著、译著的出版与简介;

    Second , publication and introduction to the latest materials of law , course books , treatises , and translations ;

  27. 当译者和译著使用者之间出现任何纠纷时,此类组织应有能力作为仲裁者和专家采取行动。

    They shall be competent to act as arbiters and experts in all disputes arising between translators and users of translations .

  28. 义净译著中的注文及其作者之研究表明传统文化思想对作者的影响是形成不同篇章结构的重要原因。

    The study shows that writers are deeply influenced by their cultural environment to use different rhetorical structures in their articles .

  29. 因此要了解近代中国地理学发展,很大程度上需对晚清地理译著进行研究。

    Therefore , it is largely depends on the research of geographic translation to understand the development of Modern Chinese geography .

  30. 本文将按照章回体小说的具体特征束逐一分析他的这本译著。

    His translation is to be analyzed in accordance with definite features of the " Zhang Hui " novel in this paper .